Hawkeye 72, on 17 March 2012 - 03:02 PM, said:
As with any free system, things like this comes with responsibility. However the moment you delegate this task to anybody with actual power, as opposed to community dynamics of encouraging people to play well with one another, you will have started down a path that is *potentially* (to my mind) very detrimental to the game's reputation and development.
Hawkeye 72, on 17 March 2012 - 03:02 PM, said:
Its his loss as much as yours. If he is in anything thats big and bad enough to ruin your day, he will lose it which will cost him. If he isn't in anything worth mentioning but can still be of enough of a nuisance to turn the tide of battle against you - You do the best you can with it and maybe do a post-match report (think League of Legends) or just get an in-game option to avoid playing with this person. Sooner or later he'll be out of people to play with.
Hawkeye 72, on 17 March 2012 - 03:02 PM, said:
Reporting system: This goes beyond just filing an online report. Instead games should display players ratings so others can see if someone has a reputation for foul play. It's on the developer just as much as the community to ensure unwanted play stays away. I am also in favor of bans for players causing problems or c-bill reductions.
Moderators: Just like the forum, it wouldn't hurt having a small number of trusted individuals who play the game to spot foul play and step in. In-game police? However this runs the risk of power abuse. In that case maybe the removal of players from the House or Merc unit?
Kill switch: In the event of a rogue unit, maybe give a commander the ability to shut down a rogue team member? Not so much boot him from the game, but keep his mech shutdown so he suffers for his transgressions lol. Once again I recognize the window for such a feature to be abused. Just throwing out ideas for now.
The rating system only works as well as the people who uses it. In other words if you have a great bunch of people who are determined (which I promise you some of them will be) and just want to see the system suffer for its ability to exclude people from the game on no basis at all other than your reports - They will mass report people from here to the stone-age and that poor person will never see the inside of a match ever again.
There is a system that might work in here somewhere but it still needs to be worked out.
The "in-game police" - Yeah, bad idea, never do it.
The "Killswitch" - See above.
Hawkeye 72, on 17 March 2012 - 03:02 PM, said:
Thoughts? Ideas? Should we start forging our own lovely ban-hammers? Nothing says street justice like a well placed PPC
Also remember that too much moderating, too many rules, too much etiquette and too many regulations will have the exact same, or worse, effect - As soon as you question the status quo ..perhaps even for valid reasons..you are stuck in being unable to do anything about it because of the trap you set for yourself in your beloved rules, switches, policing and so on.
I sincerely mean this, because I'm not saying there shouldn't be any boundaries at all or no systems in place..however I sincerely mean it and can not begin to stress how important it is when I say, be VERY careful about the rules you make for yourself, please.