This is the Thread for everything concerning our RP i´ll start the next days. Here may only those people post, who are in and got a mail from me, that they are in, to avoid confusion

There you go, post here, i will frequently check

I will post any updates related to the rp here, aswell as maintaining the list of members.
The RP is closed ATM, you will be able to join in lateron.
In atm (This will most likely change, as soon as i get feedback from you all):
Aegis Fate - Engineer
Brother Grimm - BA Pilot
dal10 - Le Tankguy
Janitor 101 -
Listless Nomad - BA Pilot
Thom Frankfurt - BA Pilot
phaloxian - BA Pilot.
Oh and me - Omen
And now for something completely different.
This is the Setting :
Planet Name : Skyfall
Equatorial Radius : 60,268 ± 7 km
Polar Radius : 59,364 ± 11 km
Average Surface Temperature : -22,3°C
Surface area : 4.27×1010 km²
Day length : 26.193 hours
Inclination :
- 2.485 240° to Eliptic
- 5.51° to Sun´s equator
- 0.93° to invariable plane
Rules :
Oxygen supply : Due to the hostile atmospheric conditions, it is REQUIRED that you guys have an oxygen mask and tank if you want to go outside. Your vehicles/BAs/Mechs have a build in oxygen supply. One person can carry oxygen for one hour, then you´ll need a new tank. Battlearmors can carry oxygen for 24 hours before depleted. Vehicles and mechs for 30 hours, but you can add another hour of oxygen for 250kgs vehicle weight. If you ran out of breathable air, you can hold your breath for a short time, but if you can´t make it to a mask or a safe room, you will fall unconscious and have to be rescued immediately or you will suffocate. Please be fair with your air supply

i will post a map of the base we´ll have to find lateron

Here be the Bio´s :
Lariot LAR-1A
Driver - Jake Daily
Commander - (Mike Hawk) jk Darius Lee
Radio Man - Larry Baker
Sensor Dude - Steve
The Crew of the Lariot is unusual in that they had never met each other prior to crewing the tank. All 4 were in a poker match with the previous owner of the tank. By some miracle, or cheating as they can never agree on it, all four men pulled a royal flush, one of each suit. Instead of playing another hand of poker to decide who would get the tank, they crewed it together. They never regretted it.
Extra Skills
Jake - Deductive reasoning - the brains of the group
Darius - Underwater welding (seems like a useful skill) - maybe not the brightest guy, but sensible and rock steady
Larry - Big Game Hunter- carries an Elephant gun with him - classic rich guy with a sense of adventure, tells WAY too many stories.
Steve - Dumb Luck- seriously no one knows how he hasn't accidentally killed himself yet.
Aegis Fate :
Name: Tyla Horst
Age: 36
Occupation: Technical Specialist (Base Maintenance)
Gear: Along with her hostile environment suit(a full body suit with 600 kg of O2 stored in back canisters), she carries a personal data pad and numerous tools of her trade in a sort of briefcase/toolbox. Her clothing is a stark black, to conceal most of the grime that any Tech Specialist can expect to encounter during work. She also has a small snub nosed pistol with two spare magazines.
Tyla is an odd person. Her father wanted a son to continue his legacy and he ended up with a daughter. Although he tried his hardest to let her be herself, she ended up as much of a nut into machines as he was, ending up getting work with some backwater mercenary group she dumped after she had saved up enough to get better employment. She continued to work on machines, hiring herself out as a tech specialist tot the highest bidder, often ending up with more work than she could conceivably handle. She is unremarkable, short red hair and an average physique. Her clothing is loose and unflattering, her HE suit completely hiding the fact that she is female except for her voice, a sort of angry squeal. She normally avoids most high stress jobs, a sort of natural temper flaring up every time a situation becomes stressful, and unfortunately she has a long vocabulary to match her anger.
Listless Nomad:
Name: Pavel Kowalski
Age: 19
Occupation: Battle armor pilot
Military Unit: VII Hastati
Pavel was born on Tikonov, and grew up with a love and admiration of the Republic. As soon as he was able, he joined the military and was accepted into the 710th Infantry Brigade. Due to exemplary ability and conditioning, he was transferred to the VII Hastati. He is as green as he can be, having never experienced actual combat. He is however, highly motivated and trained, with an unshakable loyalty to the Republic.
Trained for light infantry operations and infiltrations, he is highly proficient in maneuvers with NightHawk Light battle armor. When the research station on Skyfall went dark, Corporal Kowalski was assigned to the detachment going to investigate as a breaking in mission. He is to act as a liason between the hired mercenaries and any other Republic forces, and make contact with any Republic personnel at the station, and send recurring reports back to VII Hastati command.
Personal Appearance: 6'2", close cropped blonde hair. He is of an athletic build, befitting of an infantryman. Although used to working with power armor, the majority of Pavel's training occurs outside of armor, and he has excellent conditioning. For this mission, he has been issued rusty red and black digital camouflage fatigues, with a matching combat helmet. His Night Hawk power armor has the same camouflage pattern.
Pavel is distrustful of the mercs, and dislikes their company. His blind faith and loyalty to the republic cause him to look down upon and frown on the gun for hire mentality of the mercenaries. However, due to his position as mission Liason and being the only Republic soldier on the mission, he attempts to get along with and be friendly enough with the mercs, especially the other battle armor pilots. Pavel is over eager, and will often rush into situations without thinking or planning. He's headstrong and loathe to take orders from the mercenaries. He is not in command on the mission, however and has to swallow his pride during the mission. Pavel also fancies himself something of a lady killer, and has been known to hit on anything that moves. He believes that "persistence is the key," and is unlikely to give up after a single rejection. Despite his constant pursuit of women, he's never actually "been" with one, and is quite unsure what to do if a woman ever accepts his advances, a prospect that is quite scary for him.
Nighthawk Battle Armor
Serrek 7875D Auto-Pistol (held in a thigh holster strapped to his right leg, with two clips of ammunition in a puch attached to the holster)
AX-22 Imperator Assault Rifle (3 Clips of ammo with him in the field, and a crate more of them on the dropship)
Imperator 2894A1 SMG (3 Clips of ammo with him in the field, and a crate more of them on the dropship)
Bolt Action Hunting Rifle (with telescopic sight) - Very old, family heirloom 30.06 rifle. It has a 5 round magazine, and Pavel carries a single 20rd box of ammunition for it. He very, very rarely takes it into the field, and usually keeps in carefully wrapped in cloth.
8 Fragmentation grenades, carries two with him when on operations.
Tactical light that clips to his rifles (battery life for 5 hours of continuous use)
Small first aid pouch (bandages, antiseptic, splint, tourniquet)
Small hand held motion detector, can be clipped to his rifle if necessary
Note - Only one rifle and the side arm are carried at a time. The rest are stored in a locker or duffel bag aboard the ship.
Name : Triss
Age : 24
Callsign : Pepper
Mech : Custom Omen
Loadout : 4 ER Med Lasers, 1 ER Large Laser atm 12, lb-10x, ams and Jumpjets.
Faction : No current affliction
Appereance : Ginger and short, freckles, curly hair, glasses. She mostly wears Latex clothing or army-style stuff.
Short Bio : Being born to a poor family on Solaris, Triss knew what it meant to live on edge. Stealing soom became her daily business, she soon
was lured to working for gangs, but that was not what she dreamt of. With 14, she ran away, hiding in the depths of Solaris´dark side: The Arenas.
That was her chance, fighting was her business, it was what she liked. As soon as she managed to convince one of the arena hosts, she started
fighting for money. Despire being young, she managed to survive, though she collected scars, she still shows with pride.
Fighting in the arenas, she managed to scratch herself a living, until a man named Jim invited her to join
a merc squad called the Rayonors Raiders. Here she found what she was looking for. Acceptance, friendship, family. She soon adapted to the new surroundings
and unlearned her arena-behavior almost completely, though a good pinch of talkativity and a weird sense of humor are still there.
Owning a decomissioned Locust she won during one of her arena matches, she accepted and soon found
herself amidst trained soldiers and mech pilots with decades of experience. She learned fast and soon was able to join the official part of the team,
those, who accepted missions from companies or rich businessmen. But aside from that, the Raiders also pulled of robberies, stole military equipment
and sold it on the black market. Her luck failed her however, as she lost her mech and almost all her friends durning a raid on a Lyran facility. With incredible
luck she managed to get her squad out alive and in one peace. Left with no vehicle, no money and injured, she fell into depressions and started drinking again.
That changed however, as her squad did something, she still has no words to describe. Jim gave her his own mech, a custom Omen, equipped with expensive gear and
armor. He did, because he retired from fighting actively and he wanted to reshape the raiders, taking more of a leading position.
Since then, she has accepted a lot of missions and worked for a lot of companies and employers. As the Raiders are a loose bond and members are free to
work alone, Triss has ensigned to a well-paid mission to Skyfall, an inhospitable rock somewhere at the edges of the inner sphere.
Name: Kurt Mauser
Callsign: Fury
Role: MechWarrior
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: 35 years old
Planet of Birth: Ludwigshafen
Picture: Image.
Height: 6‘ 3“
Weight: 241 lbs
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Hair Style: Short, Mohawked
Eye Color: Brown
Background: Kurt was a MechWarrior in service to the Lyran Commonwealth for much of his young adult life, at the age of 29 he was dishonorably discharged, he has declined to state why.
However the way he pilots his Cougar suggests that previously he was an Assault Mech jockey.
He pilots an old Clan Cougar omnimech, which he has modified to act as a scout-skirmisher, a role which he excels in, he does however get trigger happy and break off later then he should on occasion.
Weight Class: Light
Vehicle Model: Cougar, Custom Variant
x2 ER Large Lasers
x2 ER Medium Lasers
x1 SSRM-6 (1 ton of ammo)
x1 NARC Beacon (1 ton of ammo)
175 XL Engine (default)
140 Hours of Air
This Post will be updated on a daily basis.
Edited by ChaosGrinder, 12 November 2012 - 01:42 PM.