Aaron DeChavilier, on 22 October 2012 - 12:49 PM, said:
Because once one Clan takes Terra, the rest magically fall into line…like the Wolverines…and the Warden clans back home…like they did in Wars of Reaving…
A society that places high value on honor is unlikely to back off out of the deal - the "rules of the game" were that Clan that takes Terra becomes ilClan and the rest fall into line. Everybody was fine with that, so there's no good reason why one of the Clans would suddenly change its mind.
You are deliberately misinterpreting that. It doesn’t matter the number. It could have been 2 great Houses. If 1 Great House at its military apex couldn’t take the 200 Light Years of Inner Sphere, then the Crusader Clans couldn’t either.
There was never a situation where a single House had an opportunity to take 200 light years of IS without multiple equally strong Houses opposing the move, so the point is moot.
You still believe that the clans are just going to magically unite and be friends again. Sounds like the same people who attmempted to recreate the Star League. Even then during the first Star League no one was really united. House fought House in ‘shadow wars’ and the Houses fought the Periphery. The clans have actually spent more time fighting amongst themselves longer than they have the Inner Sphere, how’s that for unity?
Being rivals doesn't imply being mortal enemies. Competing/fighting for the title of ilClan doesn't mean that they won't accept the winner.
Actually we do know because it’s stated in the canon. They use a warship to bombard Tharkad, they virus-bomb the Marik Captial, and they turn Outreach into a fallout-devastated wasteland. According to your line of thinking, none of these tools were needed to cow the related power, rather the Wobbies should have just gone in with their almighty and infallible seraphim omnimechs.
Once again, WoB are described in the lore as a bunch of religios fanatics. This kind of folks tend to choose course of action that has nothing to do with what's prudent or even makes sense.
SLDF was beholden to the SL. The SL was a governing body with member states. The member states donated their forces to participate in the SLDF. Therefore the SLDF controlled most of the Inner Sphere. Otherwise the Great houses never would have passed that Armament act to increase their personal armies, and the SLDF on the Pentagon worlds would have never devolved into house-based factions.
Again, SLDF is an army - it can only control something during a war or if martial law is in effect. In all other cases military doesn't have the control function.
Only really that Dracs hate Feds, and Feds hate Dracs and the feud has gone on for centuries. What sources say you that the clans would magically Unite just because one took earth?
Read the lore - the whole point of taking Terra is to unite the Clans. It's not a "magical" byproduct of the invasion, it's the stated purpose.
Let’s see, Toffen was part of the Rasalhague Republic and didn’t we establish somewhere further up the discussion that Rasalhague hated the Dracs more than the clans; which makes them a special case, no?
Why would it make them a special case? You either want to participate in armed resistance or not, who else you hate besides the invaders is irrelevant. Besides, FRR is already independent at the time of invasion, so the goal would be to kick Clans out and go back to FRR, not go back to DC.
In the end, all I really can do is point to canon as the basis for my arguments. What was the response of the Draconis Combine when Wolcott and Luthien were threatened? They responded with everything they had, pulling valuable troops from the Fedcom boarder to adjust.
They used military assets only, no "freedom fighters" were involved.
Kerensky had to face the same damn guns on his final attack on the Sol System and it was violent, costly, and bloody. Only reason he won through was because by that time only Amaris fanatics were manning the guns. With clans, it would be comstar fanatics and a lot of Great House Troops.
At this point in the timeline none of the Houses really likes ComStar, so presence of House troops is not very likely. Besides, the original premise is that Clans have taken Terra already, which implies that they won on Tukayyid, which in turn implies that ComStar has joined the Clans (remember what was their bid?), and that means that Clans get truckload of intel on the Houses, get access to vast intelligence network (ROM), and most importantly that IS lose their interstellar comms for the most part. Organizing a unified resistance under such circumstances would be tricky at best.
Final note: from a plot perspective the Clans are the great evil, the tragic villain, they weren't slated to win.
This is where you are very, very wrong - both sides are equally good/evil. In BT there are no good guys / bad guys, each faction has their own reasons/justifications to do what they do.