So I have started investigating some of these random profiles that nubnub has friended, and its coming up with some wierd connections...
First of all...these are probably real people...or at least the connections online hint at them being so...
Second, some of these profiles have connections through connections that hint that nubnub may be more than a simple forum user...
Let's begin
I started off going to nubnub's profile. Note his last status update was about what faction had the most user loyalty to this point. Not sure why this is important, but its worth noting given his mystery. He also mentions Callison LZ in an guess is he is based in Callison LA.
Moving on, I clicked on the first profile of an unknown person on his friends list. They had only one visitor, nubnub, and one friend...nubnub. The profile was pokiehl clemens and a google search turned up they are active in the steam community, team fortress 2, and a member of hells probably just an actual person who reserved a pilot name. However they curiously gained a friend on November 1st last year...
I went further.
Found a profile that had 1 friend (nubnub) yet 0 member visitors.
Let me present exhibit A: Vicarus
Now what is interesting about Vicarus (besides the fact he actively sought out nubnub) is that a person who goes by the same alias has a profile over at (, where our current friend Alex Iglesias, or 'flyingdebris' is also a member and hosts a lot of mechwarrior artwork. Whether there is a connection or not I am unsure, but any evidence is evidence.
FURTHER down the rabbit hole
Exhibit B: Exteel
Exhibit B also has no profile views by members yet is a friend of nubnub. Interesting because Exteel was the name of a 3rd person shooter developed by Korean game company NCsoft, where players controlled GIANT VEHICLES CALLED MECHANAUGHTS ( Strange...
EXHIBIT C Profile: LoKei13
LoKei13 also has zero profile views yet nubnub is a friend (common theme here)
His connection? Mind you I am simply googling user profiles, however he is apparently an active member over on MLG forums and started the clan RPG on Mechassault 2...
It is also worth mentioning at this point that there are people whose profiles nubnub has visited, but he is not friends with...
For instance Mighty Shi**y, a user who joined on November 1st, and only's visitors are Kyle Polulak and nubnub
Some of these users have odd and unlikely connections...very possible its a coincidence...but it just seems too good to be true.
EDIT: Did the Comstar thread disappear?? I can't find it at the moment. Very suspicious!!!
Edited by Hawkeye 72, 04 April 2012 - 06:11 PM.