Posted 27 October 2012 - 12:18 PM
And yeah I am glad that you are trying to solve problems and still try not to damage your convenience.
I have one question though.
Why closing the BETA forums ? isn't it still BETA even though its open now ?
Posted 27 October 2012 - 01:18 PM
And to all the naysayers out there...take a moment and think before you make your whine posts.
Posted 27 October 2012 - 01:26 PM
Posted 27 October 2012 - 02:08 PM
Thanks for all the hard work, a great game, and what will most certainly become even better.
Posted 27 October 2012 - 02:27 PM
Posted 27 October 2012 - 02:46 PM
Sephlock, on 27 October 2012 - 12:03 PM, said:
So wait, that means we should frantically spend all our MC because we'll both get what we paid for and get all our MC back?
And what if we've done the old buy-with-mc-sell-for-cbills thing? Are we SOL?
Or am I just misinterpreting the wording somehow? "Added" back"?
Posted 27 October 2012 - 03:17 PM
HRRxStormBringer, on 27 October 2012 - 08:56 AM, said:
FWIW, the staff/mods are monitoring the threads. I know this because I was informed by a mod that my initial post was forwarded to Russ and the Devs.
Thats good to hear. Your post was well put together. I hope some of the other well thought out posts on this page were also shared with the devs,
Posted 27 October 2012 - 03:21 PM
I wanted to take the moment (or more) to address Russ Bullocks post about why they are moving on open beta, and maybe start a discussion not about whether or not it's a good idea but if we think they honestly understand our reasoning and if we think we understand theirs.
I would just like to say my piece and then the floor is yours fellow mechwarriors:
I was struck in the letter by Russ's statement,
It got me thinking immediately two things: 1. If this is an honest sentiment (and I have no reason to believe it's not) then it's possible that there is a woeful lack of understanding going both ways between Developer and community and 2. I wonder if they got it right (which would confirm or deny my first thought).
First I want to address what Russ said were PGI's concerns:
This I can understand, and it is a valid point. it is going to be a sticking point no matter what. PGI is facing a choice between a (relatively) captive audience who is already shown an interest in their game vs. a large potential audience. In this point, it seems to me it comes down to not wanting to alienate known fans is taking priority over risking losing potential audience. To me though when it comes to beta testers we knew what beta testing was about and resets are part and parcel, we volunteered to accept developer actions and provide feedback in order to help you build a better game, that is the implied social construct of a Beta test.
But I think it may be not Open beta and resets that many people are waiting for so much as new game modes or (the big selling point of this game beyond the IP) Community warfare.
This is a truth, it has to be the case in an MMO that you hit a certain limit with a closed audience in the scale to which you can test things. I cannot find fault with either the need or desire for this to happen, but as with most things it's a balancing act... you need to test these things but you also need the influx of people to show up and stay to test them.
This I see as being much the same as the second point, so my response is the same.
I can speculate to what other considerations are being taken into account but I will leave that to addressing the communities concerns and I don't want to try and put words in the developers mouths.
So now I want to go ahead and address what Russ posted as to what he believes our issues are and his solutions:
This is both completely accurate and incomplete. I know many people are bothered by the wipes and I know many people aren't, though I think the addition of content is primarily the delay of spending money. If the economy is fair and there are things we desire we will spend money. Many of the things we anticipate wanting to spend money on are not implemented, going to open beta will not change that. When you put in things we want the money will be spent regardless of the release status of the game, providing that the game is playable to enjoy those items.
This is dead on, and the solution is IMO perfect and fair, that's all I have to say on that.
This is a tricky one, while the point is well taken that you have to draw the line somewhere there are certain benchmarks you will see a plurality of agreement on. You cannot put of open indefinitely especially in light of the Developer concerns addressed above, however there needs to be substance for the public to chew on. For my part it's simple and two part: 1. you should have no elements in the game that do nothing (ECM, Beagle, DHS) this will only server to confuse and frustrate new users. 2. there should be more than the self admitted 'place-holder' mission, preferably two mission types but if not that, then a finalized version of assault that isn't 'box standing in the future'
This is a partially accurately captured sentiment I feel. WE do love mech warrior and we want to (do) love this game, and many of those of us who hold objections over OB are terrified that it will potentially fail for being rushed out too early to the public. It's not that we are sure it will fail (though some are) it's that we want to see it launch and thrive. For my part it's the difference between incomplete working racings complete and mostly complete working towards more than complete. This ties in with the sentiment that (and this has been uttered in various forms by PGI staff) that as far as the public is concerned with F2P games Open Beta (as defined by PGI) is Release.
It may not be accurate but there will be no distinction by the public and THAT is the point we find worrisome, because that is the point at which PGI places the game in direct competition with other F2P games and many feel that if you aren't already tied to the IP the comparison isn't favorable.
But that isn't all, there is also the deep concern (completeness aside) that because of the current issues in the game (some nearly game breaking) and the fact that people won't make the beta not beta distinction it will suffer for that. So that wish there is that we see at least some short period of true stability prior to OB in order to show the world MWO's good side for a first impression
-- Now I get to the speculation part. The fifth concern not listed in the release notes.
5. We as a community are worried the decision to move to Open Beta now is more of a financial decision made by the games backers than on the current merits of the game or the wishes of the developer. In other words, we feel it may be being thrown out as a cash grab (whether because money is short or because profits are demanded) with little regard from the powers that be as to whether or not it gives it the best chance to survive in the long run.
It's not pretty but that is the feeling among many of the community, if it is in fact the case well there really isn't much we can do about it. we can say our piece and hope we are heard but money makes the world go round, so we hope this isn't the case. But if it is we also hope that the game does succeed because we have invested too much time and effort so far not to care.
So that's my piece, I know it's a book. These are my opinions and views and if I've missed anything or miscategorized anything let's have a discussion so at the very least it will be clear to PGI what we feel and maybe by being clear about our positions we can understand their positions a little better.
Edited by Agent of Change, 27 October 2012 - 05:51 PM.
Posted 27 October 2012 - 03:41 PM
Posted 27 October 2012 - 04:02 PM
Posted 27 October 2012 - 04:30 PM
God luck PGI!
Posted 27 October 2012 - 04:40 PM
Nugar, on 26 October 2012 - 07:09 PM, said:
Take a little time to get this snarled mess of a patch actually working, then go open beta. I ain't asking for all the features to be in it yet. But I do want an actual working game before it suddenly 'launches'.
Posted 27 October 2012 - 05:09 PM

Posted 27 October 2012 - 06:15 PM

Posted 27 October 2012 - 06:19 PM
I am looking forward to that, that my mechs and cbills etc, will not be reseting again..BUT..i do not think that the game is ready to open beta - why? most of it was said before my post..and i agree
Of course many new people will stay..but i am afraid that (with the current status of the game) more people will leave after they will try. Most of us here..are HC fans (game, universe, etc) so we can forgive you many things..but the "mainstream" people will not
I am not affraid that this pre-mature open beta will cause that the game will not be a succes in overal - remember..you still have a lot of founders and other people from HC fans.. but i think that if you will just a little more wait and fix and optimize some things..you can attract and (what is more important) hold more players who will come with open beta..
I wish you..and us..good luck..and because you already made you mind about the date.. we have left only prays..
PS: omg..fix at least that performance drop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! or change min. specs..
Posted 27 October 2012 - 06:25 PM
Posted 27 October 2012 - 06:54 PM
One major problem with the game. and only one, why do I have to pay for my upgrades every time I switch them? This is a very bad feature if I bought the "Endo Steel", "Double Heat Sink" and the "Ferro-Fibrous" armor why can't I just pick back up the old armor or is this is a case of underpants gnomes all over again...
Edited by Fentus, 27 October 2012 - 06:57 PM.
Posted 27 October 2012 - 10:49 PM
Fentus, on 27 October 2012 - 06:54 PM, said:
One major problem with the game. and only one, why do I have to pay for my upgrades every time I switch them? This is a very bad feature if I bought the "Endo Steel", "Double Heat Sink" and the "Ferro-Fibrous" armor why can't I just pick back up the old armor or is this is a case of underpants gnomes all over again...
Charging for the switch is fair imo, its a money sink that is definitely needed.
Not letting you try it out to see if it fits or is even useful to your build etc before you pay is not. (unless of course they wanted that harsh of a sink to be in game....)
However they have already stated they are going to fix that so don't worry about that one.
Edited by Fooooo, 27 October 2012 - 10:51 PM.
Posted 27 October 2012 - 11:56 PM
delay OB!!!!talk to the money-holders!!!!
you will certainly not loose any core player by going OB

but you may loose a lot of "new founders" discovering a game not finished,with equipments that do not work (DHS...FF armor...) .
And as we all know the financial balance of a game comes from the great number of casual players who readily accept to dump a bit of cash in a game for "just a peek around",so if we loose them so soon due to a premature release ,we probably loose the game!!!
Posted 28 October 2012 - 12:46 AM
Well, good luck then !
On my opinion MW:O is not ready for OB. Reason's were told in former post's.
When OB start's, you have a great chance of good word-of-mouth advertising, if people like what they see.
But if the product is buggy and low on content, you can ruin your reputation to a future community.
Please think of that it's easier to scare off customer with an unready product, then to get back disapointed customers !
Edited by Herr Schmidt, 28 October 2012 - 12:47 AM.
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