Posted 27 October 2012 - 02:22 AM
Posted 27 October 2012 - 02:38 AM

Posted 27 October 2012 - 02:50 AM
Posted 27 October 2012 - 03:13 AM
Posted 27 October 2012 - 03:17 AM
More maps
More map variations
More modes available
In game information on weapons and what thing do. I should never have to read forums to find out how to play.
This of coarse goes with a form of tutorial.
And of coarse lag/memory improvements but thats a never ending proses
I think were close but not there yet 1 or 2 more patches with descent content updates. Secondly im satisfied with the mechs we have atm. I know we all love mechs but we have a Farly balanced set out atm. Im feeling postpone any development on existing mechs (assuming there not at like 90%) and shift to refinement. And fast refinement is its clutch atm everything still feels slapped together with bubblegum and hope.
I don't think your going to stall the OB so let me give some advice don't Release with bugs or anything when its time. Buy the time its ready for release this thing should be a Polished masterpiece. That means everything you want in should be done and your adding the extra cool stuff/preparing for clans. Then when the next wave joins in the release phase there wowed. If that means postponing 5 months then buy golly postpone. DO NOT SCREW UP COMMUNITY WARFARE! No seriously Its going to make or brake this game in the end. If its good will drive players onward but if it underdeveloped or simplified its going to feel tacked on to what will essentially be a mech version of counter strike. :/ so ill Repeat DO NOT SCREW UP COMMUNITY WARFARE!
Ok i think im done for now back to lurking.

Edited by Meth Borm, 27 October 2012 - 03:20 AM.
Posted 27 October 2012 - 03:36 AM
You want to start OB (in my eyes it is a release, using real money without Reset after OB is Release. thats reality) on monday...
1. You want to start a MMO without a Ingame Chat? Really? No Communications in mechlab for lone wolfs? Fire ur PR-department!
2. Can u kill all bugs and glitches till monday? I think no. Its ridiculous to start with them.
3. Fix the Mech Customization. saving changes on changing a tab is totally stupid. changing upgrades without seeing the changes is not really user friendly and wastes the hard c-bills.
4. WHERE are the Weapon Stats? Heat, Damage, Rof? Ever new lone wolf will quit this game in OB after a hour...
I have no problem with OB, because me teammates are on Teamspeak and i can life with a really good bugfixing in the next two weeks and i know the mechanics in the game, but ever newcomer will be pissed when he waste his first money in the "clever desinged" mach lab *hust*, needs to read the forum for stats and view youtube videos as manual...
I never saw a release like this, sorry. And its a release.
Posted 27 October 2012 - 03:41 AM
Posted 27 October 2012 - 04:15 AM
I can live with minor bugs, missing infos on weaponry etcpp, because im a so called "die-hard-battletech-nerd"^^. Others will definitely not be so easy about that.
So, beeing happy that the reset will finally come, the major problem - getting MWO running stable on all PC-Setups- should be fixed first.
(*) talked about that at other threads...
I like this game very much, and i wish all of us the best (fun for us, success for PGI)
cya on the battlefield
Posted 27 October 2012 - 04:28 AM
Posted 27 October 2012 - 04:42 AM
Posted 27 October 2012 - 04:45 AM
the new patch brought a few things that the community asked for quite a while now, and is great
but it also brought some ugly things to the surface, like the premium mech, the "new" economy system
I'll skip the DHS issue, since it is admittedly a unforeseen bug
but the rest, the rest reminds me a bad taste in my mouth, a feeling of déjà vu
it reminds me of WarGaming and their way to do business and treatment of their customers
why the need to copy all the wrong things WG did in WoT, is it because WoT has such a big market, is it because they won their golden ***** award yesterday?
you ignore the fact the WoT's player base is 80% (or maybe more) composed of children yelling at their mom/pops for money
but MechWorrior OnLine isn't aimed at the same player base, or is it!?
MWO is aimed at a more mature audience, you tell a kid now about BattleTech and he'll make funny faces at you because he'll not understand what that is
your president just said the CBT are tired of the BETA, but we, the closed BETA testers say it's not the case:
yes, we actually think MWO is not ready at this stage to enter open BETA
Edited by zmeul, 27 October 2012 - 04:46 AM.
Posted 27 October 2012 - 04:45 AM
AvatarofWhat, on 26 October 2012 - 08:09 PM, said:
-No item descriptions/stats
-no in-game tutorial,only 1 out of game tutorial thats only 10 min long
-only 4 maps, buggy maps
-horrible mech lab implementation(tab system made it worse), buggy mech lab
-netcode fails to properly register fast moving objects(now with no collisions)
-few weapons/systems(narc?beagle?)
-DHS not working as originally intended
-Horrible match-up system(the single most asked for improvement)
-Only one game mode
-crashes to desktop
-random fps drops
-no chat room, no ability to communicate post-match
-no fix to prevent players from quickly grinding for c-bills using a method that I am not even allowed to discuss on the forums(lets just say that its very detrimental to others enjoyment of gameplay)
If the Game goes OB in this state, i think it will become a little crashlanding.
Posted 27 October 2012 - 04:45 AM

and can perfectly understand why some people don't wanta play if they just keep getting wiped.
but like you said, there's only soo much ya can do in closed and need more players involvement.
Although - there's are lot of things needed to be added to the game before launch and hope to see them soon - like some of the things already mentioned - like descriptions for one.
Edited by HardRider, 27 October 2012 - 04:47 AM.
Posted 27 October 2012 - 04:47 AM
With only one exception.
By the time the game goes open, knockdowns must be put in again, buggy or not.
This feature was an important gameplay feature. If tons of newcomers start without it, what do you think all those will think when they have to reconsider their way of fighting so much when it comes back into play.
The resulting shitstorm could be enourmous!
Posted 27 October 2012 - 04:49 AM
Russ Bullock, on 26 October 2012 - 03:57 PM, said:
- We just can’t ask more of our closed beta testers
With all due respect - and I still hold a lot of respect for everyone on the dev team despite some ... less than optimal decisions - this is completely besides the point.
The point is that there is still something we, as beta testers, can ask of you as developers:
Listen to our feedback.
I know that quite a bit of this feedback seems nothing more than the mindless rambling of teenage boys (let's face it everyone, this is what it looks like to someone coming here for the first time), but there is more often than not some truth to be found, some hint at issues with the status quo or issues that may or may not become more visible at a later time.
Don't dismiss our feedback just because it doesn't fit your plans for content, balancing and gameplay mechanics in general.
A good tester is someone who not only tries to break things on purpose, but also someone who is a mindful observer and able to convey his observations AND thoughts in an understandable way.
A good developer (especially as game designer) is not only someone who knows the ins-and-outs of everything on the code side and (almost) always manages stay on top of things, but is also able AND willing to reconsider his design plans at almost any stage in development. Clinging to existing plans out of principle is nothing more than stubborness; dismissing someone else's opinion because he is judged unable or unfit to assess or analyze your work is nothing more than arrogance.
Both can and will bring about your (project's) downfall in the long run.
Just something to think about at the off chance a developer actually bothers to read this.
Posted 27 October 2012 - 04:49 AM
Another week or two to test the latest patch?
Up above, there was a good check list for items that SHOULD be addressed asap, and BEFORE Open Beta launches.... IMO the most important are:
Mechlab: make it ONE final purchase/save confirmation. We should be able to totally dress out a Mech, with toys, bells and whistles included, without having to save or discard when flipping to another tab. Who ever said 'yeah, let's roll with this' should be flogged and rubbed down with salt.
FPS: As the current 'optimization' stands, performance needs to be beefed up. Many of your 'burned out' beta testers are having issues STILL.
0-Armor Bug: Really? Why is this still an issue?
Social Area: still needs a lot of work. One pixel between Launch Group and Leave Group? This area is where one looks for a definition of Clunky.
Maps: 4 maps. 5 if we include the Night version of one of what we already have. Try a few more DIFFERENT maps. Even having an even half dozen DIFFERENT maps would be ideal. I cannot stress this enough. Making night versions of the 4 we have is nice and dandy, but be real, these 4 NV versions took essentially NO time to 'make', and is a cheap way to say 'we have MAPS'. You don't presently have MAPS, you have four maps. Having made maps that probably a good amount of people here have played on, whether original, or ports, I know how long it takes to take a standard lighting map, and turn the lights out.
You want to make a good splash with Open Beta. We are SO close to be able to do this. Again, I do not see why the dev's can't tackle/optimize the items listed, nail them down, crap out at least one more ORIGINAL map, and launch away.
Posted 27 October 2012 - 04:54 AM
Windsaw, on 27 October 2012 - 04:47 AM, said:
The resulting shitstorm could be enourmous!
the knockdown is in some ways similar with the arty tracer hack back in the days of WoT
WG disabled tracers altogether until they fixed it, and took quite a lot of time, at the time of it being introduced back into the game, it was pass the release date and many players did not knew of this mechanic
they all adapted and learned, a few cried hax like always but it's 2nd nature now
Posted 27 October 2012 - 04:56 AM
You want proof? log onto the Hawken beta. I did. After 15 minutes I am done.
If you are not a fan of the universe and you login and are not given are experience that you can understand -- why invest the time?
That will cause the masses to look elsewhere...
Posted 27 October 2012 - 04:56 AM

Posted 27 October 2012 - 05:37 AM
I'm glad of all the work that has been done so far, i'm sure that you will be addressing our concerns in the future.
However, i don't understand why a better matchmaking system isn't implemented. I'm not a programmer or anything similar, but at the current level of knowledge and tecnology i don't believe that implementing a system that allows 16 players (8 players of different teams each) to group and battle between themselves in an organized fashion is difficult.
I wish you would consider this carefully because a good matchmaking system is an important part of making this game really interesting and competitive. And surely that you can't take this game to eSports high-end gaming without such a system, which, i believe, is an objective for many players and teams at this point and for the future.
Hopefully you already have this in mind and will be bringing it to the game in a near future.
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