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Open Beta next week (Monday October 29th) - Here's what you can expect.

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#121 Dantioch


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Posted 27 October 2012 - 03:51 AM

View PostOdanan, on 26 October 2012 - 04:26 PM, said:

I see you didn't spend a dime on the game, so why don't you let us Founders to complain?

Clarification: Open Beta is still Beta. The game is not finished!

We can see this game growing in every patch. The game managed to make every mech not only beautiful but also useful - and that is a major success for PGI. New maps and mechs are coming, in every patch the weapons are re-balanced, many bugs are fixed... what more do you expect?

If you are so upset about the bugs and lack of content , why don't you return in a few months, after the Open Beta?

the game is growing with every patch lol, all i cu is a 15 min wanabe esport **** what has nothing to to with Mech Warrior,
if i wanted to Wot i would reinstall it , i am fed up with this cheap quake like first person shooter **** in a 15 min environment, i wamt to sneak on with my scout mech give the position to my team mates and than attack/defend what ever but no 15 min rush on way to small maps that s total grainding for cash/exp work for dimwits :o

#122 James Rhodes


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Posted 27 October 2012 - 03:58 AM

View PostDoomaflatchi, on 26 October 2012 - 04:44 PM, said:

And before you gripe about them "taking your money," please remember a few things: 1) The game is free, and you gave them your money,

^This is the winning argument right here. No-one has the right to complain because they voluntarily spent their money on a free game. There is no in-game advantage from free to premium/founders. Sure it means people access things quicker but doesn't necessarily make them more skilled in battle.

#123 Sir Hunter


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Posted 27 October 2012 - 04:06 AM

View PostLandsharkk, on 26 October 2012 - 04:30 PM, said:

I use to be a founder too.

Also, next week anyone can play, founders time starts (if you choose), and PGI takes your money. In the eyes of the public, that IS launch.

I have mixed feelings about this situation. Firstly I want the game to succeed as I've waited ten years for a revival of the franchise. However, I also feel that the game isn't ready for prime time as per the OP. The cynical side of me says that PGI is in financial trouble as they're well behind their original time plan . "Open beta" seems to be code for "we've lauched an unfinished buggy game which we'll take your money for but if you complain we'll tell you its a beta". Mind you MS has been doing this for years - remember Windows Me and Vista?

#124 Billygoat


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Posted 27 October 2012 - 04:14 AM

View PostSir Hunter, on 27 October 2012 - 04:06 AM, said:

"Open beta" seems to be code for "we've lauched an unfinished buggy game which we'll take your money for but if you complain we'll tell you its a beta".

Welcome to gaming in 2012.

Not that it's been hugely different for the past 15 years. The only thing now is that they let you download the game for free and say "It's Beta!" when you complain about all the bugs and lack of content. It used to be that you had to go the store and spend 90 bucks (AUD) to get your crappy, content-sparse, bug-riddled game off the shelf and when you complained they just pretended not to hear you while they wiped their collective behinds with your crisp, crisp bank notes.

You know, now that I think about it, I actually think the new way is better. It's like discovering lube for the first time.

Edited by Billygoat, 27 October 2012 - 04:15 AM.

#125 Firewuff


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Posted 27 October 2012 - 04:25 AM

firstly this whole founders s free to play players thing is ********. I can't complain because I didnt pay? its more I haven't paid because it is still ot worth my money to... but anyway thats is a side issue.\

I actually want to clarify something in my last post that I just tested regarding new players. and this is slightly worse than I though.

IF you launch in a trial mech and disconnect, 0 credits reward.... good

IF you launch in a trial mech and get killed you get the full reward as there is NEVER any repair costs.. so 60-150k per match depending on win/lose

IF you launch in a purchased mech and get killed and your team looses you can actually GO BACKWARDS in Cbills..... This Seriously sucks. I want to play my custom mech but it is actually not worth my while unles I am REALLY good..... see the issues here? There is a disincentive to invest owning a mech. Or if I want anothe I'll just play the trial mechs for a bit to get a new mech quickly..... A good example of where paying my money will in someways be a detriment to the playabilty of the game and slow my progress unless I want to pay for parts and mechs with real money.

#126 Stripes


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Posted 27 October 2012 - 04:33 AM

In my eye's, 29-th October as a date for launch of Open Beta, is a recipt for disaster...

God Speed and Best Of Luck PGI - i really hope i will be proven wrong.

#127 varzyl


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Posted 27 October 2012 - 04:41 AM

OP is right in every single point he complained about.

He forgot:

* lack of Dx11
* no in-game option menu, for graphics\control on the fly modify.
* no collision, thus unbalance in light mech favor (they are working on it, i know)

Since in a F2P Open Beta=Launch, since press will start analyzing and releasing reviews, i'm pretty worried that it's gonna be an epic fail.


#128 John Norad


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Posted 27 October 2012 - 04:48 AM

View PostLandsharkk, on 26 October 2012 - 08:40 PM, said:

It's posts like this that kind of confuse me. Did something I post in my first post upset you? If so, what was it? Also, if you can prove any of my bullet points in the first post are wrong I will remove them. Until then, they remain truths of the current version of MWO.

I get the feeling some people are so upset that I'm right that they feel the need to take it out on me. I didn't make the game, I'm just a gamer like the rest of you. If you want to be mad about it, go be mad at PGI. I'm just the messenger.

Some people prefer to behave like grown-ups, some people prefer to behave like children.
It's hard to understand why. But that's the internets for you.
I guess low level sarcasm, ad hominem insults and brownnosing makes you a cool kid.
Your points are all valid and only a fanboy would simply dismiss them.
But give the devs another three months and re-evaluate then. Either, and hopefully, they get their act together, or you can ridicule everybody flaming you. Win-win?!

Apparently, there are also a lot of people not knowing the difference between criticizing/reviewing and complaining/whining. Or at least they pretend not to.

Edited by John Norad, 27 October 2012 - 04:55 AM.

#129 Sinitron


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Posted 27 October 2012 - 04:53 AM

View PostLandsharkk, on 26 October 2012 - 04:16 PM, said:

worthless nonsense

Most of these things are pretty much given considering the beta status. The economy, for example, has been worked on a bit and tends to hop up and down. Sometimes we've been getting massive cashouts and other times next to nothing. Out of all my games in beta, only a handful have ended prematurely due to crashes or bugs. The mechlab is clunky and unresponsive, but I don't think it's too bad.

PGI has repeatedly laid emphasis on the fact that "open beta" is NOT launch and it will still very much be in a testing phase with growing pains. There's been a fair amount of progress in the past few months, though some of it may indeed not have been for the better. For example, I personally miss seeing people randomly launch hundreds of feet into the air, then come crashing down and dying in a fire, followed by hilarious rants about how much the game sucks.

Are there problems with MWO? Of course there are, I'm not denying that a beta label is highly accurate. But I'm not disappointed with the current product compared to countless other disasters I've had the misfortune of trying out. Like the other day I played Binary Domain, which was a load of utter dog vomit! Borderlands, taking the grind of an RPG with the linearity of an FPS! Space Marine's P2P multiplayer lag!

I choose not to focus exclusively on what is bad, but also all the cool things they've done so far.

#130 Monkey Bone


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Posted 27 October 2012 - 05:02 AM

Personally i feel that most weapons are overshadowed just because of lagg/netcode or you name it. Streakboats dominate right now because they always hit.

#131 King Hrothgar


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Posted 27 October 2012 - 05:06 AM

Is the game complete? No, of course not. Is it buggy, glitchy and downright frustrating at times? Absolutely. Are there serious balance issues? Clearly. And this ladies and gentlemen is why it's called "beta." The key requirement for an open beta is a reasonably stable program that works and has the core elements of the game. MWO fits that description. It has the basic mech on mech action and the program doesn't CTD every 5 minutes. It's core problem right now is a lack of content, screwy interface and lack of documentation. That is completely acceptable for an open beta.

#132 KelethDragon


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Posted 27 October 2012 - 05:11 AM

View PostLandsharkk, on 26 October 2012 - 04:48 PM, said:

What games have you worked on?

Let me tell you about something here, I have personally worked on hundreds of releases to support industry leading games and game services. Ever heard of Xbox 360? Yeah, I was the one who use to physically release builds and updates to the Xbox Live service. Not just a few, but hundreds (actually closer to about 1,000). That's how many 'release cycles' I've been involved with in the game industry. I've worked hand-in-hand with developers, project managers, and support teams to bring game industry related services and games to the public.

I REALLY DO know a thing or two about product release cycles.

Ah, so you're the jerk who would release patches, but wouldn't fix bugs in games like Fallout 3, Or Oblivion or Assassin's creed.

Stop sucking at your job and fix those bugs properly.

Edit: Nothing like game breaking bugs existing in -retail- games on my 360 that still haven't gotten fixed a few years later. And those games cost me $70-80 at release. Stop ripping me off.

Edited by Drathorin, 27 October 2012 - 05:12 AM.

#133 Trevnor


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Posted 27 October 2012 - 05:14 AM

Okay.... Where to start.

First, going to Open Beta does not equal launch. Yes, it does equal much more public exposure, and sure that could gardner bad reviews... You know what would help alleviate that? You, the player base, being a positive and noob friendly environment. When you see a new player, help them out, ask if they've watch the training video, give them combat pointers. The friendly environment will offset the issues that are still present in game. How many games have you played as a new person, and have been turned off because the currently players make a bunch of snide comments and call you a noob? Almost every one? Because it's a hostile environment. If you guys that are complaining that this Open Beta, which as King Hrothgar said, is in completely acceptable state for Open Beta, then be that positive force that makes this game succeed. If we make a fun environment for noobs to play in, do you really think they'll notice as much the bugs still present? No, they'll see how fun this game truly is.

Sure, there are bugs, but in comparison with the fun we've been having, that's not as big as some here seem to want to make it out to be. If you truly felt that your gaming experience has been ruined by a some bugs, and you don't find this game fun anymore, then why are you here? Most people just move on. But, if you truly are fans of the game, of Battletech, and don't want to see another game die, then be that positive force that makes this game succeed. It's still beta, so if you find a bug, log it.

#134 Kurayami


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Posted 27 October 2012 - 05:14 AM

the only thing i fear is tons of casual lemmings using logic "dont care - i'm here so this is release\i know better what to do " who will run around with torches - but those are bane of any game aside from 100500 incarnation of angry birds. and as devs stated many reviews gave MWO green light so this will be ok.

game is clearly ready for the next BETA stage so why not move?

#135 ackack47


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Posted 27 October 2012 - 05:20 AM

Open beta is same as closed beta, just doesnt take a day or two to get into it. Also, it's still beta. Open beta just invites more people who don't want to hassle/wait for beta approval. Also, beta, it's just going into another beta stage. Beta. Still beta, I don't understand what people don't get about beta, who cares if it's closed or open. THIS GAME RAWKS, just hope it gets fixed (lots to get fixed, that's for sure). Still beta... BETA.

#136 Lagavulin


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Posted 27 October 2012 - 05:22 AM

Haters gonna hate.

I view all you Free to Play people as meat and cheese for my *** that did pay. Don't like it. There's the door. There's still 5.2 million dollars of us Founders who enjoy the game and wanted to see it succeed enough to pay out for it.

No whining till it's complete people. And for those of you who complain about it "being a Beta excuse", remember back in the day when EVE started and no one knew what the fudge to do in THAT sandbox mess? No? weren't around that long ago?? Read the early reviews of that one. Yes? See what happened.

#137 Windies


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Posted 27 October 2012 - 05:26 AM

View PostKing Hrothgar, on 27 October 2012 - 05:06 AM, said:

Is the game complete? No, of course not. Is it buggy, glitchy and downright frustrating at times? Absolutely. Are there serious balance issues? Clearly. And this ladies and gentlemen is why it's called "beta." The key requirement for an open beta is a reasonably stable program that works and has the core elements of the game. MWO fits that description. It has the basic mech on mech action and the program doesn't CTD every 5 minutes. It's core problem right now is a lack of content, screwy interface and lack of documentation. That is completely acceptable for an open beta.

Here's the problem with the way you view it. You're a founder, which means you bought in to support this game. It means that you are willing to see it through for the most part to the bitter end. I'm not saying thats bad. Not everyone is a founder and the majority don't share your views. So PGI sold like something close to 50,000 founder packs, ACROSS THE GLOBE. They made 5.2 million dollars ACROSS THE GLOBE. It's not like they sold 50,000 packs in just one continent or one demographic. Basically everyone who was or is a Mechwarrior or Battletech fan bought a founder pack. Those that are but didn't are probably waiting to see if the game gets better.

PGI has already saturated their target demographic. Open Beta is a push to get it exposure to a whole different demographic. The problem is that the majority of gamers don't want to spend money or play a game that's as buggy as this game. Most of us do because we haven't seen a Mechwarrior game in 10 years. The rest could care less if this games name is Mechwarrior or Hawken or Mech Assault. They want the game to be fun, they want to be able to learn it, and they don't want the headache of bugs interrupting their game.

Right now the game is stale in content. I could care less about Endo or DHS or FF, because only Endo is really useful and DHS doesn't work right now, and judging by their reply it may never work correctly, that has yet to be seen. The core of the game is a deathmatch with 2 dropship beacons at each end of small buggy maps. It gets old very quick, because the games are so fast, and in trial mechs they are even faster because you just leave and join in another one. Mechwarrior is not a game about who gets to the dropship faster or who kills more mechs within 15 minutes. It's about taking planets, assaulting bases, protecting VIP's, protecting bases, tactics and strategy to achieve those goals. This is not Mechwarrior but World of Mechs right now. We've got mechs that look like Battletech Mechs and we've got the name on a product along with some of the tech to go with it, but quite frankly this does not feel like the Mechwarrior that I know and played more than 10 years ago.

Faith in this product would be easier to hold if they didn't ignore the community and simply do things that spite them in order to uphold unrealistic deadlines. For the most part, everyone knows this game is not ready for Open Beta even though it is called Open Beta, it is still a public launch. It is when everyone in the public gets to play it and see it for what it is and make up their minds. If it was a little buggy and more feature complete, I would say it has a fighting chance. The state it is in right now I would say the chances are slim to none at best. This is a F2P game which means that when they launch it, no one has to pay as so many of you have pointed out. No one has to feed PGI's stomach's or pay their running costs. It's not like a retail AAA title than can run on a franchise and be sold for $60 bucks on consoles and PC's where the Developers and the Publisher's recoup their costs in record time. They have to make their money from constant sales and microtransactions. That means there has to be people playing and there has to be something worth buying. Without that, this game is dead.

#138 Adrienne Vorton


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Posted 27 October 2012 - 05:50 AM

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#139 Pierre Picaud


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Posted 27 October 2012 - 05:58 AM

View PostWindies, on 27 October 2012 - 05:26 AM, said:

Here's the problem with the way you view it. You're a founder, which means you bought in to support this game. It means that you are willing to see it through for the most part to the bitter end. I'm not saying thats bad. Not everyone is a founder and the majority don't share your views. So PGI sold like something close to 50,000 founder packs, ACROSS THE GLOBE. They made 5.2 million dollars ACROSS THE GLOBE. It's not like they sold 50,000 packs in just one continent or one demographic. Basically everyone who was or is a Mechwarrior or Battletech fan bought a founder pack. Those that are but didn't are probably waiting to see if the game gets better.

PGI has already saturated their target demographic. Open Beta is a push to get it exposure to a whole different demographic. The problem is that the majority of gamers don't want to spend money or play a game that's as buggy as this game. Most of us do because we haven't seen a Mechwarrior game in 10 years. The rest could care less if this games name is Mechwarrior or Hawken or Mech Assault. They want the game to be fun, they want to be able to learn it, and they don't want the headache of bugs interrupting their game.

Right now the game is stale in content. I could care less about Endo or DHS or FF, because only Endo is really useful and DHS doesn't work right now, and judging by their reply it may never work correctly, that has yet to be seen. The core of the game is a deathmatch with 2 dropship beacons at each end of small buggy maps. It gets old very quick, because the games are so fast, and in trial mechs they are even faster because you just leave and join in another one. Mechwarrior is not a game about who gets to the dropship faster or who kills more mechs within 15 minutes. It's about taking planets, assaulting bases, protecting VIP's, protecting bases, tactics and strategy to achieve those goals. This is not Mechwarrior but World of Mechs right now. We've got mechs that look like Battletech Mechs and we've got the name on a product along with some of the tech to go with it, but quite frankly this does not feel like the Mechwarrior that I know and played more than 10 years ago.

Faith in this product would be easier to hold if they didn't ignore the community and simply do things that spite them in order to uphold unrealistic deadlines. For the most part, everyone knows this game is not ready for Open Beta even though it is called Open Beta, it is still a public launch. It is when everyone in the public gets to play it and see it for what it is and make up their minds. If it was a little buggy and more feature complete, I would say it has a fighting chance. The state it is in right now I would say the chances are slim to none at best. This is a F2P game which means that when they launch it, no one has to pay as so many of you have pointed out. No one has to feed PGI's stomach's or pay their running costs. It's not like a retail AAA title than can run on a franchise and be sold for $60 bucks on consoles and PC's where the Developers and the Publisher's recoup their costs in record time. They have to make their money from constant sales and microtransactions. That means there has to be people playing and there has to be something worth buying. Without that, this game is dead.

Logic! Fascinating! This seems to be something most of the people who've responded so far lack.

Isn't that a nice wake-up call guys? Time to get out of fantasyland!

#140 Khan Warlock Kell


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Posted 27 October 2012 - 06:07 AM

There are lots of issues with this game and with the way Devs handle some things. But even with all those flaws i still think this game has the potential to be a great game. Yes i did say Potential. Right now its alot of fun and i love playing it, even with its bugs and flaws. Personally i may feel that this game isn't ready for release to the general public. But thats not my call to make. The OP does make alot of valid points. But the Devs, PGI. and Infinite feel thay can make enough changes to the game quickly enough to make this game a success. All we can do is hold on for the ride and hope they are correct. Screaming and crying about butt hurt flaws isnt going to change anything. We as a community have to try and be adult and make constructive criticism, PGI hopefully will listen and make and mend features of the game as they learn what makes a viable free to play game model.

When i joined the beta i knew exactly what i was getting. a very early build of a Mech warrior game. I knew it would have limited features, maps, and mechs. But it was still MW. I chose to support the idea of a new MW game. I knew it would be a long haul. I still remember the thrill i got the first time i saw that video the one with the Atlas and the Warhammer. and hearing This isn't your fathers mechwarrior. I was so excited by the idea of new mechwarrior that for months after i would google to see if there was any new news after i'd found out that harmony games had filed for breach of copyright and the game hads been put on hold i was gutted.. For years there seemed to be no news, nothing. Then i i remember finding out about this MWO site. I found out there had been a massive change in direction, but there was going to be a new MW game after all i was thrilled.

I chose to support this project with cash as soon as i could. Not because i new it would be great, but because i hoped it would be. I'm not blind to to the flaws of the game or the community. i also still believe this game has the possibility to be great. Lets just accept there are flaws, do our best to point them out in a constructive way and try and actively contribute to making this a great game.

Rightly or wrongly this game goes into open beta Monday, its highly unlikely the Devs are going to change thier mind. What happens in open beta will decide if this game sinks or swims. We as a community have to try and help this game swim.

Edited by Zakius, 27 October 2012 - 06:09 AM.

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