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Clan (Jade Falcon) Occupation, (Role Playing Story) (Reboot)

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#21 guardian wolf


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Posted 06 April 2012 - 08:42 PM

Draco pulled up to the curb of the Comm station in town, he was to talk to Yukinov today. He walked through the door, he saw the comstar sign near the top of the ceiling. Looking around he found a Comstar Tech to direct him to the nearest comm terminal. He touched the screen, and punched in the code for the Wolf's Dragoons secure channel.Not as secure as Wolfnet, but I guess it will work for now. He pulled up the screen, and saw Kelly Yukinov's face.
"Sir, you wished to contact me,"
"Yes commander, how goes the refit of CASTLE?"
"It's going well so far, considering the condition that the base was in. Steiner really underrated the state that it was in, to say that it was in disrepair was an understatement, I -"
"I've read the reports commander, but the reason I wanted to contact you, is that the invasion is imminent,"
"Invasion, sir?"
"The Clans will be arriving soon Commander, there is no denying it, we have severed lines of communication between Wolf, and us,"
OH ****.
"We want Castle online so you can hold the line as long as possible, Draco, this is a suicide assignment, that's why I've sent your team with the shipment of parts,"
"My team sir? I thought they were currently deployed,"
"They were, but we have had them redirected to back under your command. Draco, these men have fought beside you on Bonnette, they know you, they have respect for you in the field that no one else can command from them, these soldiers we believe will be instrumental to the defense of this planet, and to getting a resistance running. Draco, we sent you because you have a lot of experience with not only you team, but also some of the others on planet, you have proven yourself capable in the field, and that we can trust you. This is why you were selected, now then, I have some matters to tend to, Yukinov out,"
The screen faded to black, and then Draco heard a familiar voice behind him.
"So where is the nearest good bar?"
"Johnson, good to see you,"
"Yeah, nice to see you too, so, you gonna answer my question?"
"Yeah I know a place,"
(Rogue can post his meeting with Will first, or Sloth can, either one of you's can.)

Edited by guardian wolf, 07 April 2012 - 08:46 AM.

#22 Sparks Murphey


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Posted 07 April 2012 - 04:14 PM

Okay, gonna dive in. Be gentle, its my first time.

[Name: Heather Walker
Callsign: Blacksmith
Affiliation: Gemini Stables, Solaris VII
Gender: Female
Age: 25
Height: 5'10”
Hair: Brown, shaved
Eyes: Hazel
Outfit: Sleeveless leather jerkin over a cooling vest, cotton shorts. Her costume used to include a small hammer to threaten opponents with, but since she has no idea how to actually use it in combat, that's packed in her suitcase.
Mech: Custom Enforcer ENF-4R “Furnace”. Replaces the AC/10 with an ER PPC and six heat sinks. Singles, mind you, so it overheats something chronic. Decorated with swirling patterns of flame across the arms and legs.

Background: “If you rely on ammo, you rely on the other guy not getting a good or lucky shot and exploding you inside your own 'Mech.”

That was the catch phrase Albert “Firestorm” Walker lived by during his days as a Solaris VII pilot. It was ironic, then, when the sensor wiring insulation on his custom Warhammer WHM-6D “Forge” caught fire during a dramatic overheat in the third week scrums of '45, roasting him alive.

His remaining 'Mech, a customised Enforcer he called “Furnace” that shared his love for energy weapons, was left to his daughter, Heather. With little other opportunities for income, she naturally followed in his footsteps, joining the Solaris circuits with backing from the Gemini Stables who had supported her father. Her (formerly his) agent played up the association, spinning Heather as a “vengeful daughter out to seek payback for the cruelty of her father's death”. He even organised a few grudge matches against Lars Olafsen, who Albert had been fighting at the time of his death, even though Heather personally knew the Olafsen was far less responsible than the Gemini stable tech crew and had long since come to terms with the fact that her father would die in a 'Mech. The press and public loved it, though, so it brought in the c-bills.

What began as acting out hell-bent vengeance slowly became distorted into generally villainy. After two victories against Olafsen, Heather's agent began looking for new targets for one-on-one matches. Deals were made with other stables; they would provide duels, if Heather would be an antagonist to bolster support for their own MechWarriors. Nothing like throwing matches or anything, just play the bad guy. It came to a head at the close of the '48 season, when the Gemini tech crew, at her agent's direction, dialled back the intensity on her large laser to allow it to maintain a beam for a full five seconds, supposedly to add tension to the fights. Heather reluctantly used it for one match, then called it quits; it was too hard to keep the blasted thing in the one spot to do any serious damage.

Officially, Heather's now on a hiatus for “live-fire training”. Unofficially, she's only planning to return to Solaris once this fiction of her as a psychotic pyromaniac is forgotten. In the meantime, some light mercenary work seems ideal. There's some independent contracts going to support mercenary units on Barcelona; fighting periphery bandits can't be that bad, right? Should be a cakewalk.]

Heather hated the rain. Other people seemed to like it; the freshness in the air, the steady drumming of its beats on steel. To Heather, it was wet. And choking. How could you breathe with that much water in the air? Give her a dry heat any day.

A car honked at her as she navigated the Barcelona backstreets in her cheap rental, and she subconsciously flipped them the bird. That was the other thing about the stupid rain. Can't see for bollocks. She almost wished that she was travelling in the cargo hauler with her Enforcer, the Furnace, but the thought of putting her life in the hands of a gap-toothed yokel in this weather was worse. She'd make her own way.

Heather pulled the rental to the side of the road and peered through the rain streaked glass. Did that street sign say...Foxton Street? ****. She swore it had been FoxLEY Street when she'd turned onto it. She did a quick u-turn, earning herself another honk from passing traffic, and began backtracking her route to find where she'd gone wrong.

She'd better find that merc unit soon. Or she was going to indulge in some road rage.

#23 Sloth901


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Posted 10 April 2012 - 04:40 AM

The trebuchet whirred to a halt in the mech bay, the locust did the same, Will flicked the switch and the elevators began to rise up to the Warehouse. As they were going up he reflected on the exercise and judged the Rookies skill, it had taken him 4 goes but he got me. Which was surprisingly quick, this rookie had the skills needed to be a Vulkaneer. The elevator stopped and Will jumped to the Catwalk, 4 mech bays down the rookie did the same " Hey Rook, im going to a bar, after that performance your welcome to come along" Will handed his Neurohelmet to a passing techs and headed to the door "Its called Kerensky's return about 7 blocks east, see you their", Will threw back a cover to reveal a Motorcycle, he put on the Helmet and started the engine, the loud roar drowning out even the mechs. A tech opened the door and Will rode out into the rain.

[[Lost my last write up of the post :huh:, oh well, thought id pick an ironic name for the pub XD]]

#24 Durgan Carlyle


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Posted 10 April 2012 - 06:18 AM

Durgan was disappointed in his performance he wanted to take time and reflect but WIll had offered him the opportunity to go to a bar something he had never done before being to busy with his studies and all. Durgan set his neurohelmet down and headed out the same door that Will had just speed off on riding his bike, Durgan was going to use the time to walk to the pub to reflect. Surprisingly Durgan found it difficult to think about the training exercise he found himself more concerned with how and what was going to happen at the bar, social gathering had never really interested him in the past why was he so concerned he thought to himself.

Before Durgan knew it he had arrived at the bar the neon sign glowing the name bright enough to be seen for miles "Kerensky's Return" Durgan thought to himself what a interesting name. Upon further investigation the bar seem to be in a condition of decay and poor upkeep there was rust forming on any exposed metal siding and the smell of beer, cigarettes, and vomit filled the air this was not Durgans natural habitat. Durgan walked in in hopes of spotting Will but the bar was filled to capacity he had no choice but to wade through the the crowd in a attempt to find him.

#25 Sparks Murphey


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Posted 10 April 2012 - 06:11 PM

The rain had eased to a steady drizzle by the time Heather reached her destination. The large warehouse offered no obvious signs of entry, but a couple techs were passing a battered cigarette between them in the shelter of a small alley.

“Hello? Is this the Vulkaneers base?” she asked, stepping out of the car.

“Who are you, then?” came the suspicious reply.

“I’m Heather Walker, I’ve been contracted on as an auxillary. I’ve got fifty tons of ‘Mech on its way to this address, so it d*mn well better be here.”

“Oh right. You just missed Commander Andor, I’m afraid. He should be at the Kerensky’s Return, ‘bout seven blocks that way,” the other tech said, waving a hand in a vague direction.

More driving in the rain? Great. Heather got back in the car and started it. At least there was a chance of a pint at the end of this.


She parked the rental in front of pub (technically a loading zone. Bollocks to that) and made a quick dart through the rain to the door. She scraped a few drops from her shaved head with a hand as she crossed the threshold and surveyed the pub. It was a rundown mess of a place, packed with thick-necked workers. The Donny Graves Show was playing on a screen above the bar, a weird reminder of civilised Solaris.

Heather pushed through the crowd to the bar and slid onto a stool. "What ales have you got?" she asked the barkeep, who rattled off a list of unfamiliar names. "I'll have that last one, the Harmony Gold." Her Avalon-by-way-of-Black Hills accent sounded odd against the local dialect. She raised her voice a little, just so it carried. "And I'm looking for a bloke named Andor. Commands a unit round here, I'm told."

Edited by Sparks Murphey, 10 April 2012 - 06:12 PM.

#26 Sloth901


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Posted 10 April 2012 - 07:39 PM

View PostSparks Murphey, on 10 April 2012 - 06:11 PM, said:

"And I'm looking for a bloke named Andor. Commands a unit round here, I'm told."

The safety clipped off Wills auto pistol as it left the holster. Only a few people knew of the Vulkaneers being based here, and even less knew the commanders family name, if she was asking for him their was going to be trouble, if she was asking for his uncle well... lets not hope shes asking for Paul. His uncle had made a few 'enemies' and as Will loved his uncle more than he loved his own father, he'd taken the liberty of wiping a few of those 'enemies' out. He needed to know why shes here and how she knows of the unit, he saw the rookie who had arrived moments ago, Will sent a message through the data pad and got up from the corner booth he was occupying, the barkeep shot Will a worried look as he got a glass for the lady. He was one of the few who knew of the Vulkaneers, after all, they needed a place to drink in between training missions.

Will moved into the next room where Solaris matches and sports events where often aired, the room was relatively empty compared to the cramped bar but more importantly, the woman couldn't see into this room. Will slipped out a fire escape and circled around the outside of the building. He arrived at the front door as another group of patrons was entering the bar, he joined the group as they entered.

Their was a gap in the bar to the right of the woman, Will forced himself to it and beckoned the bartender, He ordered a lone defender, It was a drink the Vulkaneers had created to celebrate Will's defence of Bonette, though he was far from alone. The drink itself was vile but it took the bartender a while to mix and it gave Will the excuse to stay at the bar and eaves drop. Will had placed the pistol back in its holster but not engaged the safety or clipped the holster shut. He was ready to fire at a seconds notice.

“So your looking for Mr. Andor mind telling me why your looking for him?” the rookie had asked the question

She had better have a good answer.

#27 Durgan Carlyle


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Posted 10 April 2012 - 07:45 PM

As Durgan moved threw the bar headed up to the front in hopes that Will was there, Durgan over heard a woman saying Wills name which caught him off guard. suddenly Durgans data pad vibrated notifying him he had a message waiting, Durgan pulled out the data pad, the message was from Will it read "Rook, keep her distracted, we NEED to know why shes here and how she knows about us". Clearly he meant the woman dropping his name Will must have seen him and knew he was in a good position to investigate. Durgan looked at the woman she was dressed in a cooling vest covered in leather and short brown hair. A very peculiar look but she had to be a pilot and Durgan knew the only pilots he knew were him and Will so Durgan decided to investigate her. Durgan took a sit next to the woman and waved the bartender over.

“name your poison.” said the bartender.

Durgan replied “Water please.”

The bartender laughed at Durgan grabbing a glass from under the table and asked again.

“What do you want to drink kid we don’t serve water here.”

“I'm good but get the lady there another of whatever shes having” pointing over at the strange woman.

It looked as if the woman had taken some notice in the fact he was getting her a drink but not enough to strike up a conversation. Durgan was very inexperienced in socializing and his lack of experience was about to rear its ugly head. Durgan looked over at the woman, he tried to make it look discrete but the woman noticed him staring. She gave him a menacing stare, Durgan knew he was caught so he decided to give up and just asked the woman out right.

“So your looking for Mr. Andor mind telling me why your looking for him?”

#28 Sparks Murphey


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Posted 10 April 2012 - 08:39 PM

Heather eyed the blond haired, blue eyed kid buying her drinks. Sure, he fit in well enough as a generic Lyran, but he didn’t have the roughness of the rest of the bar’s labourer crowd.

“I’ve been contracted as an auxiliary to his unit,” she said, as the bartender poured her another glass. “Just arrived and wanted to say hello.”

She looked the kid up and down again. Was he even old enough to be in here? “Please tell me you’re not him,” she said, taking a sip of the drink.

#29 guardian wolf


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Posted 11 April 2012 - 05:53 AM

Draco watched the scene unfold in front of him smiling, the lady had come in right after Johnson and his drinks arrived. The lady who had arrived, might have been a pilot, but Draco understood protocol, and Will had his to deal with unexpected guests. Draco started to talk with Johnson as the scene unfolded in front of them.
"Well, that rookie obviously doesn't know how to converse,"
"Sounds like he's a shiny,"
"Probably, looks like he's fresh out of school, but who knows? Maybe this shiny will surprise us,"
Johnson started to laugh, and he sipped at his Black Larger.
"Kind of reminds me of us after we got out eh?"
"Out of the sibko? Yeah, when we finally got into the Kommando,"
"Yeah, hell made reality..."
Draco and Johnson continued, sipping at their Largers every now and then, as they watched the scene continue. The rookie, who obviously didn't have a clue as to what he was doing, was making a fool of himself. Draco looked at Johnson, and Johnson nodded. Draco was going in to see what she wanted with Will, and Johnson had nodded saying if things went bad, he was armed and ready. Draco picked up his water that the barkeep kept for him. He was good enough friends with the bartender that he kept a stash of bottled water for him, that and Draco was a regular enough that he knew he would be always seeing business. Draco looked at the mech pilot.
"Hey kid, better have this before you try taking that on," he tossed the bottle of water over to him. He caught it, and Draco placed his now half empty mug on the bar. He looked at the female mech pilot, and then took a sip of his Larger.
"So, you're looking for Will eh? Tell me your story, and I might tell you who knows how to find him,"

#30 RogueSpear


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Posted 11 April 2012 - 06:34 AM

Spear wandered into the bar, not exactly his usual taste, hanging around the dockworkers - too many of them were too quick to fight a trespassing Mechwarrior he'd found in his travels round the 'Sphere, but it was Will's call, his turf and so on. He saw Will sitting in a clump of workers at the bar and Draco hitting on some woman. Well that's cha-


"So, you're looking for Will eh? Tell me your story, and I might tell you who knows how to find him,"

Dammit Draco, what are you playing at?
Will caught his eye and shook his head very slighly and tilted his head at the far side of the bar. Spear stopped and made a show of looking around the bar as the woman replied, then shrugging headed to the other side of her and leaned on the bar. The weight of his dirk tightly strapped to his calf was reassuring, but making him very aware that he may be about to find himself rather underdressed,

Edited by RogueSpear, 11 April 2012 - 06:34 AM.

#31 Durgan Carlyle


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Posted 11 April 2012 - 09:54 AM

As Durgan placed the bottle of water on the bar he pulled out his data pad and sent a message to Will. Will the woman says she has a contract as auxiliary, likely story. Now this other guy is getting involved no cool who he is but his claiming to know how to get her to you. What are you orders? As Durgan sent off the message he placed the data pad down and then turned back to the intruder.

"Sir I don't think this involves you so if you don't mind can you please move along." Durgan said in his most forceful voice.

#32 guardian wolf


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Posted 11 April 2012 - 12:32 PM

(Sorry Durgan, wrong move, bahahaha, nahh, I'll just let you in on a small secret.)
Draco looked at the kid, and then back at the woman. He walked over to the whelp, and stood up straight. Draco put on a look that was fit kill, and he could almost see Johnson laughing. He leaned in close and whispered.
"Kid, do yourself a favor, back down now. I know Will, he's not stupid, play it cool okay? Now, I'm going to buy you a drink to calm you down, as for her, I'm double checking your work. Just ask Will about me 'kay?"
He patted the kid on the shoulders, and looked over at the barkeep.
"Say, I'll buy this man another round of whatever he wants, as I wouldn't want him to misunderstand my intentions. I was just going to have a friendly chat with the nice lady,"
The barkeep walked over to his spot. And Draco looked at the kid, almost telling him without speaking it was his turn to act as if it had been a misunderstanding. The barkeep then asked, "What'll it be this time?"

#33 Durgan Carlyle


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Posted 11 April 2012 - 01:42 PM

Durgan took the hint and backed down but still keep his gaurd up. What this man didn't know is even though Durgan would be the smaller of the two combatants he had more then enough training to put up a good fight and perhaps even topple the giant.

Durgan turned to the bartender "I'll have whatever your weakest drink is."

The bartender laugh and mixed up a quick drink "here you go boy a fairy duster, enough"

Durgan took the a sip of the drink and found it to be surprisingly good and went about his way listening in on the ongoing conversation between the man and woman.

#34 Sparks Murphey


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Posted 11 April 2012 - 05:24 PM

((Just to clarify my understanding of where everyone now is, Durgan and Draco are to Heather's left at the bar. Will is also at the bar to her right with Spear to her left, both seconds away from violence should it come it, though she's blissfully unaware of either of them. Rick is fixing his 'Mech and Edmund is on a scenic street being uncharacteristically happy.))

Heather watched the two men talk with growing alarm. Two people arguing over who got to interrogate her on behalf of “Will” Andor? What kind of mess had she walked into? At least the new arrival had the hard lines and terse movements that suggested he could be the leader of a military unit. Not that you could ever tell for sure with Lyrans.

The older man turned back to her as the bartender mixed the kid a drink.

“Blondie here was just buying me a drink,” Heather said, “But if you wanted to buy him a drink of your own, he’s all yours.” She took another sip of ale.

“As for me, I’m a Solaris jock getting some live-fire training. My name’s Heather Walker. I picked up a contract doing auxiliary work for Will’s unit. Honestly, never heard of him or his unit before, but apparently they needed some hired help to stand in while rebuilding, and I could do with a break from the arenas. So here I am.”

She gave him what she hoped was a casual look. “So, by my count you’ve got eighteen of your twenty questions left. What else did you want to know?”

#35 Sloth901


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Posted 11 April 2012 - 06:41 PM

Will was getting annoyed at this Woman's persistentness. She was sticking by her story and it would make sense, but the only person other than him allowed bring in contractors was Paul and Will hadn't heard anything from him. He needed to know more, Will downed the vile drink and got up, he gave the bartender a look to which he just nodded. Will opened a door to another back room with a poker table. He sat himself in the dealers position and produced his data pad
To: Draco, Durgan, Spear
Subject:Woman in bar

Ok guys there is a back room to the right of the bar, bring her in here. If she refuses force her. She knows to much about the base here. She's either telling the truth or shes a threat to the Vulkaneers. If its the former then I will need word with my uncle, if its the latter she needs dealing with. Spear watch the front door make sure she doesn't make a run for it.

If things do get ugly the Bartenders a friendly so dont shoot him


P.S. Draco I spoke to Nathan, NO GRENADES!!!

Message sent..

Now he just had to wait

#36 RogueSpear


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Posted 11 April 2012 - 07:30 PM

Spear discreetly checked his P-comm, then cracked his back loudly, arching it and throwing out his arms to get the vertebrae between his shoulder blades. Smoothly swiping a pack of cigarellos from the bar unnoticed, he put a hand on Draco's shoulder.
"Aright fang-boy, stop posturing with the overly defensive rookie. My apologies miss, Mr. Wolf here never quite learned how to be funny, but he does try so regularly." Seeing her look, he said, "Yeah, Mr. Wolf. Trust me, don't ask him what time it is. Will's in the back setting up for poker night. Room's just there on the right, he holds a private game every week. Wouldn't be the first time we've had someone try to bluff their way in." He grinned, then gestured with the cigarellos. "I'm heading out for a smoke, the rookie and Draco will introduce you, unless you want one?"

#37 Sparks Murphey


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Posted 11 April 2012 - 08:06 PM

Heather waved a hand dismissively to the long haired chap. “No thanks, I inhale enough smoke from my ‘Mech.”

She slid off the stool and downed the last of her drink.

“Well, I don’t want to disturb your poker night, and I don’t think I’ve got enough cash on me to join, unless you’re playing for chores, so I’ll just keep it quick. A brief hello, then I’ll be out of your hair.” She looked at Mr. Wolf, waiting for him to lead the way to the back room. If they were this paranoid about names, she didn’t want to meet their bouncers by walking in unannounced.

#38 RogueSpear


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Posted 11 April 2012 - 08:43 PM

"As you say Ms. Walker, though, it should be said, we're just friends playing for who buys the next round. Back in a moment!" He winked cheerfully and wandered out as Draco herded the two newcomers inside with his usual...'tact'.
Spear stood out in the cool night air for a moment, and lit one of the cigarellos with the help of another patron. Turning slightly, he bent as if to tie his shoe. Discreetly he unstrapped the dirk from his calf, and tied it round his left wrist, under the sleeve where he could draw it swiftly. Standing again, he turned to the dockworker. The man looked at him calmly, fully aware of the action he had just taken.
"Friend of Will's?" The man asked.
"Aye, we've fought together a few times." To which the man nodded.
"Then I will say nothing, and take the watch with you. Name's Carlyle." They shook hands.
"Gavin Felth."
The two men took up positions on either side of the door, for all the world looking blissfully unconcerned and unaware of each other.
Carlyle looked at him sideways. "By the way, you really smoke?"
Spear made a face. "Cigars, on occasion, but these things? These things are disgusting." This got a rich, booming laugh.

Spear decided he liked the man already.

#39 guardian wolf


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Posted 12 April 2012 - 06:35 AM

Draco looked down at his data pad, and read the message from his pocket. He almost started to laugh hysterically at the irony of it, but concealed it. Draco then looked at the room that Will mentioned and looked at the woman.Here goes nothing...
"Well ma'am, seems that Will, would like to meet you, so, if you'll follow me,"
Draco looked over at Johnson, who was still at the table, and nodded.The unspoken communication was that Johnson keep watch as to what was inside. Johnson took a sip, which was the sign that he understood. Draco then looked back to the room and began to walk towards it. He checked to make sure that the woman was following, and then opened the door to the poker room. Draco saw Will, and then pulled out a chair for the lady. Draco then took a seat to Will's right, and watched them enter. He quickly whispered to Will.
"She seems alright, but, my pistol is unholstered,"
With that he pull his laser pistol out, and set it within arm's reach of only him or Will.

#40 Sparks Murphey


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Posted 12 April 2012 - 03:41 PM

Following Mr. Wolf, Heather made her way to the back room. The effects of downing two ales in as many minutes were starting to kick in.

There was a man in the back room, watching her through narrow eyes. Mr. Wolf sat down next to him. Commander Andor, presumably. She flipped a lazy salute that drew almost entirely on what she’d seen on the holovids.

“Commander. Good to meet you,” she said, taking a seat, “I’m Heather Walker, I pilot an Enforcer that’s been attached to your unit as an auxiliary. Just wanted to drop by and introduce myself.”

In the back of her head, a small voice started to wonder. If this were a poker game, where were the cards?

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