People are moaning about how DHS are not as efficient as in TT, but I personally feel that they are an upgrade, but in their current iteration are a tradeoff that must be considered carefully, as opposed to their TT counterparts which you were ******** for not using (I feel this is a bad place for balance to be). Similarly, it has recently been shown that vanilla lasers and their pulse variants generate similar heat. What is the dev team's views on these issues? Is heat where they want it at the moment?
Question 2:
I'm ready to start dropping cash on cosmetic items: new camo skins, alternate heads for my Atlas, tinted cockpit glass/neurohelmet lens, voice packs for my onboard AI, whatever you can throw at me! When can we expect this content? You need to take my money.
Question 3:
Does the team acknowledge the plight of the PPC, and what is being done to alleviate it?
Edited by Dr Killinger, 30 October 2012 - 03:33 AM.