Thanks for the guide. I had already purchased a CN9-A with c-bills as I felt it would make a good first mech as it is balanced. I noticed right away that its arms are easy to take off so I had already started experimenting with leaving the right arm weaponless, but your guide gave me the idea of replacing the med lasers with med pulse lasers and adding in more heat sinks.
I have the basic build here (no upgrades):
Head = heat sink
center = 2 x med pulse lasers
= standard engine 260
legs = 2 heat sinks each
My twist is I lower the arm armor to 23 each leaving 320 armor. This leaves just enough room for: Left Torso = 3 ssrm launchers and 2 tons of streak ammo (for 150 free ammo).
I still use both arms for blocking, but then try and use the right torso for blocking first, leaving the left torso for last to get as much use out of the ssrm launchers as I can. I find that, along with our speed and the pulse lasers, the ssrm homing missiles allow you to function as a scout killer which means less lrms hitting your teammates. You can also protect your team's bulkier mechs who would otherwise fall to a circle strafing light mech, allowing them to focus on larger targets.
I don't rearm after a match, and I just repair the center torso and the left torso. Even though it's one more area to repair, I still make c-bills even on a loss while my friends with heavy mechs lose c-bills each loss