OOC: Solaris RPG
Posted 04 April 2012 - 10:40 AM
wait. did I just say that last part out loud?
Posted 04 April 2012 - 10:56 AM
Callsign: Warlock
Date of Birth/Age: 25
Current Mech: Trebuchet TBT-5N
House Affiliation: Free Worlds League
Military History: 7 years
Physical Description: 72in tall stalky build with brown hair and blue eyes standing tall in the vibrant purple of his FWL royal uniform.
Open Background: Alex was born into the ruling family of the planet Thermopolis never knowing poverty or despair. Alex grew up watching holovids streamed directly from the Solaris 7 arenas, his fascination with mechs grew as he did. Against his families will he persuade training attending some of the most prestigious academy available to him in the Free Worlds League. After years of training Alex took command of the Royal guard posted on Thermopolis but never once seeing combat except in the form of duels against other royalty, Alex dreamed of leaving his home world and fighting on the open battlefields throughout the Inner Sphere, after many attempts Alex was unable to convince his family to let him leave. So early in March of 3028 Alex began a covert build up of equipment and personnel determine to leave his home world and find combat where ever he could. By June of 3030 Alex had finally accomplished his goal and amassed a force of engineers and support staff, but was unable to recruit warriors so Alex decided he would travel to Solaris 7 and begin his recruitment there. Alex withdrew his vast inheritance and set out aboard his Intruder class dropship setting course for Solaris 7. Alex trip to Solaris 7 was for the most part uneventful until he was only a single jump from Solaris 7 as he received a message from his father informing him to return home or else, knowing his father Alex knew he would send his personal mercenaries to try and track him down so he knew he would have to work discretely and quickly to go undetected. Once Alex arrived on Solaris 7 he took out a planet wide ad looking for experienced mechwarriors to join him in the arenas.
[[Let me know if i need to change anything otherwise look forward to it. Just found out i changed my character name half way so i need to go and change it when i get home but it be Johnathan ]]
Edited by Durgan Carlyle, 04 April 2012 - 11:46 AM.
Posted 04 April 2012 - 12:18 PM

Name: Kevin Marsden
Callsign: The Darkness
Date of Birth/Age: Jan 13, 2999 (32)
Current Mech: Cronus CRS-3M
House Affiliation: Lyran Commonwealth
Military History:
Physical Description: 6'3" 245lbs well muscled, bit of a gut
Non-descript, easy to forget face, clean shaven. Redish/Brown hair cut short.
Open Background: Born on Donegal to a military man and a scientist. Kevin was drawn to fighting at a young age, and at school he was reprimanded many times for it. Went to school at the Blackjack School of Conflict on Blackjack in the Lyran Commonwealth. More problems on Blackjack pushed up his graduation early. Graduating just as the 3rd Succession War was winding down Kevin saw his first combat against House Kurita Served with distinction in the 4th Succession War on the FRR front and against the DCMS. Served in the pushing back of DCMS when they threatend Skye.
Deep Background: Currently a Loki agent for the Lyran Intelligence Corps (http://www.sarna.net...elligence_Corps) Haunted by the murders other things he had to do in the FRR durring the 4th Succession War and just prior. Drinks to hide it.
Changed the mech to a Cronus CNS-3M the older variant, and he is still a Loki agent, I meant for him to currently be one, sorry that wasnt clear. And I didnt really look at the Sarna other than StarLeauge downgrade and the rest i saw from MasterUnitList. Hope this clears up the questions
Posted 04 April 2012 - 01:08 PM
Kevin Kirov, on 04 April 2012 - 12:18 PM, said:

Name: Kevin Marsden
Callsign: The Darkness
Date of Birth/Age: Jan 13, 2999 (32)
Current Mech: Cronus CRS-3M
Changed the mech to a Cronus CNS-3M the older variant, and he is still a Loki agent, I meant for him to currently be one, sorry that wasnt clear. And I didnt really look at the Sarna other than StarLeauge downgrade and the rest i saw from MasterUnitList. Hope this clears up the questions
MUCH better. When I first looked at the Cronus I was like "Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?!" Then I read the variant you mentioned and was like, "AHHHHH perfect."

Posted 04 April 2012 - 01:28 PM
Durgan Carlyle, on 04 April 2012 - 10:56 AM, said:
Good start, you picked a mech I can approve.

And then you went toward GM'ing...

Seriously Wannabe mechwarrior noble with lots of money and his own drop ship trying to hire people out? That's a PERFECT GM set-up. Unfortunetly we already have two GM's.
Also after going through all of this trouble of preventing people from having Heavies and Assualts you want a dropship? :\
So your background as a "rebellious noble" perfectly fine. Getting away and buildling your own small army and going to recruit pilots? Nah... how about trying to get guys for your own personal guard/lance? Or just running away on your own to earn fame and glory like he saw on the vids? Basically I need you to pull it back and try again okay?
REJECTED, awaiting rewrite.

Posted 04 April 2012 - 01:39 PM
So at this point I think we'll put new players on hold until Thom has caught up and everyone is settled in a bit. Durgan you still have a spot held for you for your rewrite, but other than that I think we're good.
Player: Kevin Kirov
Name: Kevin Marsden
Callsign: The Darkness
Date of Birth/Age: Jan 13, 2999 (32)
Current Mech: Cronus CRS-3M
House Affiliation: Lyran Commonwealth
Player: Sloth901
Name: Alex Miller
Callsign Nickname:Wrecker
Date of Birth/Age: born 3010
Current Mech: none
House Affiliation: none but if pushed Free Worlds League
Player: Franklen Avignon
Name: Colvin Avignon
Callsign: Coyote
Date of Birth/Age: January 16th, 2987 / 44
Current Mech: Phoenix Hawk PXH-1, Warhammer WHM-6R
House Affiliation: House Davion
Player: Karel Spaten
Name: Karel Spaten
Callsign: Jack of Spades
Date of Birth/Age: 01.09.00 / 31 years old
Current Mech: VND-1R Vindicator
House Affiliation: Marik... sort of.
Player: guardian wolf
Name: Dylan Wolf
Callsign: Wolf Lead
Date of Birth/Age: 2980
Current Mech: Has WHM - 6R en route, with current mech being a FLE - 15
House Affiliation: Wolf's Dragoons
Player: Nor Azman
Name: Christina Elizabeth Martinez
Birth: 3004, Galatea (age 27)
Affiliation: Delian Guards
Mech: FS9-H Firestarter
Callsign: Thug Lady
Player: Aedris Nova
Name: Akron Aedris
Callsign: Landshark
Date of Birth/Age: 20, Born 6/14/3011
Current Mech: Jenner
Player: RogueSpear
Name: Mad Jack Churchill. Born Hans James Brackon-Steiner of Caledonia.
Callsign: Vicious
DOB/Age: 25th March 2991, 48 years
Current Mech: Urbanmech
House Affiliation: Nominally House Steiner
Player: Death Blossom
Name: Seamus Frawley
Callsign: TINT
Date of Birth/Age: 38
Current Mech: Centurion called 'The Mac'
House Affiliation: Steiner
Player: Thom Frankfurt
Name: DeMarkus Frankfurt
Rank: Sao-wei
Callsign: Hangman
Battlemech: Dispossessed
Mech of choice: Cataphract
House Affiliation: House Liao
Player: Charles Martel
Name: Charles Iichijiro Martel
Rank: Chu-i
Callsign: None yet
Date of Birth/Age: 11-28-3009, 22
Mech: None with him
House Affiliation: Kurita
Player: Durgan Carlyle
Name: Jonathan Reeves
Callsign: Warlock
Date of Birth/Age: 25
Current Mech: Trebuchet TBT-5N
House Affiliation: Free Worlds League
Posted 04 April 2012 - 01:42 PM

Edited by Vodkavaiator, 04 April 2012 - 01:43 PM.
Posted 04 April 2012 - 01:43 PM
Posted 04 April 2012 - 02:01 PM
Vodkavaiator, on 04 April 2012 - 01:42 PM, said:

Vodka vodka... *Scans his list*
I don't see your name on the list, are you sure you have a reservation?
*Looks at the C-bills that appear like magic in his hand*
Oh here you are! Right this way sir...

Callsign: Errant
Date of Birth/Age: 3002/29
Current Mech: None
House Affiliation: None, but Voss holds a deep animosity towards the Draconis Combine due to the Fourth Succession War.
APPROVED! We now have 13/14 guys! You know I think I might not make a character and just run NPC's and help Thom run the game along.
Posted 04 April 2012 - 02:08 PM
Go for 15, then we have enough for a trinary.

Besides it seems a bit unfair that you have to do so much work and don't get to participate...
Posted 04 April 2012 - 02:35 PM
Callsign: Pup
Date of Birth/Age: 23
Current Mech: none but preference to reverse or ostrich legged mechs
House Affiliation: Draconis Combine
Military History: Trained by the combine.
Physical Description: dark brown hair. Prominant eyebrows. regular nose(for Caucasian male), about 6ft.
Open Background: Combine Training file for Red Wolf: Bright but clumsy and unaware. Exceptional infighting accuracy and skill(short range ACs), noteworthy long-range(guass rifle), vulnerable to being caught off guard though, appears to be a bit of a day dreamer.
Deep Background: Sees it all as a game, gets pre-occupied but if wounded wakes up. Takes down targets at a leasurly pace but is incredibly determined not to go down once at stake.
History: Accelerated in school and military, skipping grades and graduating early. Father is missing after Red told him he needed space for growth. Father used to race small mechs like the Raven at shows. They were close.
Quote: [So what do you think Red?] "huh?"
Posted 04 April 2012 - 03:17 PM
Gozer, on 04 April 2012 - 05:17 AM, said:
A good medium mech and I like that you are planning to beg borrow and steal to get it working again. (Per your later post)
I also look forward to hearing why you're called TINT.

Sounds like Thom approves too so lets make it official (especially since you already posted you naughty boy you) and approve you.
Oops, sorry about that.
Posted 04 April 2012 - 03:23 PM
Kevin Kirov, on 03 April 2012 - 10:59 PM, said:
Callsign: The Darkness
Date of Birth/Age: Jan 13, 2999 (32)
Current Mech: Crab CRB-20 (SL-Downgrade)
House Affiliation: Lyran Commonwealth
Military History:
Physical Description: 6'3" 245lbs well muscled, bit of a gut
Non-descript, easy to forget face, clean shaven. Redish/Brown hair cut short.
Open Background: Born on Donegal to a military man and a scientist. Kevin was drawn to fighting at a young age, and at school he was reprimanded many times for it. Went to school at the Blackjack School of Conflict on Blackjack in the Lyran Commonwealth. More problems on Blackjack pushed up his graduation early. Graduating just as the 3rd Succession War was winding down Kevin saw his first combat against House Kurita Served with distinction in the 4th Succession War on the FRR front and against the DCMS. Served in the pushing back of DCMS when they threatend Skye.
Deep Background: Loki agent for the Lyran Intelligence Corps (http://www.sarna.net...elligence_Corps) Haunted by the murders other things he had to do in the FRR durring the 4th Succession War and just prior. Drinks to hide it.
Sorry Homie, Crab is not available till 3050
RogueSpear, on 03 April 2012 - 11:29 PM, said:
Perfectly fine, I don't mind a little Urbielove.
RogueSpear, on 04 April 2012 - 12:58 AM, said:

/Offtopic, I always hated learning Irish in school, but now that I'm forgetting it I want to learn it again. Same with French. Bah! Playing 'Mad Jack' should give me the excuse to use it again, even though I should really be using Scots Gaelic, but a lot of the two languages are really interchangeable, and I don't know any Gaelic at all.
You mean my guy? He, like his son, Thom (And I'm guessing everybody else from Warlock have OUTRAGOUS Brooklyn accents for some reason.. If it's a prob I got no reason putting everything down in proper english.
Posted 04 April 2012 - 03:38 PM

Although, I can't help but notice Mr. Welch's list is not banned...yet. I shall need to browse it for ideas >

Posted 04 April 2012 - 04:00 PM
Thomas Covenant, on 04 April 2012 - 02:35 PM, said:
House Affiliation: Draconis Combine
Open Background: Combine Training file for Red Wolf: Bright but clumsy and unaware. Exceptional infighting accuracy and skill(short range ACs), noteworthy long-range(guass rifle)
Sorry Thomas but new apps are closed for a bit as we're sorting everyone out. If we DO slip you in (and we might) you would have to chagne your note on gauss rifles as they don't exsist in regular use in 3031. There is a brand new RP looking for players who just opened thier thread today if you don't want to wait. Sorry.

Posted 04 April 2012 - 04:42 PM
Thomas Covenant, on 04 April 2012 - 02:35 PM, said:
Callsign: Pup
Date of Birth/Age: 23
Current Mech: none but preference to reverse or ostrich legged mechs
House Affiliation: Draconis Combine
Military History: Trained by the combine.
Physical Description: dark brown hair. Prominant eyebrows. regular nose(for Caucasian male), about 6ft.
Open Background: Combine Training file for Red Wolf: Bright but clumsy and unaware. Exceptional infighting accuracy and skill(short range ACs), noteworthy long-range(guass rifle), vulnerable to being caught off guard though, appears to be a bit of a day dreamer.
Deep Background: Sees it all as a game, gets pre-occupied but if wounded wakes up. Takes down targets at a leasurly pace but is incredibly determined not to go down once at stake.
History: Accelerated in school and military, skipping grades and graduating early. Father is missing after Red told him he needed space for growth. Father used to race small mechs like the Raven at shows. They were close.
Quote: [So what do you think Red?] "huh?"
*Looks at the calender reading 3031* "What's a gauss rifle?"
That being said, I approve of all 'cept Durgan's (for now) and Red Wolf's.... Red Wolf you playing a Native American?
Posted 04 April 2012 - 04:58 PM
Posted 04 April 2012 - 05:24 PM
Callsign: Warlock
Date of Birth/Age: 25
Current Mech: Trebuchet TBT-5N
House Affiliation: Free Worlds League
Military History: 7 years
Physical Description: 72in tall stalky build with brown hair and blue eyes standing tall in the vibrant purple of his FWL royal uniform.
John was born into the ruling family of the planet Thermopolis never knowing poverty or despair. John grew up watching holovids streamed directly from the Solaris 7 arenas, his fascination with mechs grew as he did. Against his families will he persuade training attending some of the most prestigious academy available to him in the Free Worlds League. After years of training John took command of the Royal guard posted on Thermopolis but never once seeing combat except in the form of duels against other royalty, John dreamed of leaving his home world and fighting on the open battlefields throughout the Inner Sphere, after many attempts John was unable to convince his family to let him leave. So early in March of 3028 John began a covert build up of equipment to leave his home world and find combat where ever he could. By June of 3030 John had finally accomplished his goal , but was unable to recruit a lance so John decided he would travel to Solaris 7 and begin his recruitment there. John withdrew his vast inheritance and set off for Solaris 7. John trip to Solaris 7 was for the most part uneventful until he was only a single jump from Solaris 7 as he received a message from his father informing him to return home or else, knowing his father John knew he would send his personal mercenaries to try and track him down so he knew he would have to work discretely and quickly to go undetected. Once John arrived on Solaris 7 he took out a planet wide ad looking for experienced mechwarriors to join him in the arenas.
[[Take two this should be more your liking]]
Posted 05 April 2012 - 01:10 AM
Callsign: Forseti
Date of Birth/Age: July 28th 2989, 42 years old
Current Mech: Isleifr’s old Cicada that has been heavily modded with additional heat sinks and a Heavy Laser to replace the small laser. Isleifr technically owns a MAD-3D Marauder, though he won’t receive it until it finishes it’s last tour in the GDL which he’s been told could be any time now. **
House Affiliation: N/A (Loosely associated with the Rasalhague Tyr independence movement)
Military History: Worked as a ‘Mech technician for 13 years. Later was put into a mech cockpit and found his calling as a MechWarrior, Isleifr has strode across the fields of battle for 9 years as a MechWarrior. He has walked with the Gray Death Legion since its inception until very recently.
Physical Description: Isleifr is a bear of a man, standing at 6‘ 6“, his shoulder length brown hair began turning grey nearly a decade ago, his beard is already throughly grey. His nose is slightly crooked from a barfight two decades ago. Isleifr’s face is etched with numerous scars, most from one time he jumped through a large pane of glass, incredibly his grey eyes are intact from years of warfare.
Open Background: Isleifr was born on Trondheim to a middle class family, his father and uncles ran a Mech Bay and Repair Garage, in that shop Isleifr learned from his father how to repair a multitude of mechs and other vehicles, but he never actually piloted anything beyond some industrial lifters and the like.
In 3004 Isleifr’s parents and all but one of his uncles were killed in a reprisal strike to avenge the assassination of Hohiro Kurita, they were among many other “collateral casualties". Isleifr moved with his Uncle Bjorn to Svaarsted in the Lyran Commonwealth to avoid the additional reprisal strikes against the various Rasalhague resistance movements, Isleifr was fifteen at the time.
At the age of 20 Isleifr joined a small time Merc Corp as a junior technician, he slowly crawled his way through the tech staff until he was Chief Tech on the Commander’s MLN-1A Merlin. The unit was finally disbanded four years later after the MechWarriors in it fought in a battle where they suffered a 89% casualty rate, Isleifr recruited the surviving technician crew and salvaged as much gear as they could and then hired themselves out to another small time Merc Corp called Maxwell’s Highlanders. Isleifr worked for various groups over the next eight years, always refusing to work for groups with connections to the Draconis Combine, his attitude toward the Combine slowly cooled from the raging inferno after the death of his parents to a frosty disposition of cordially refusing to deal with them.
Isleifr’s first combat in the chair of a BattleMech took place in a skirmish between the reserve and tech staff of the Mercs he was working with against a pirate raiding band, the main merc force had been drawn away while the pirates assaulted the mech hangars. Isleifr personally put down two pirate mechs after his Raptor was crippled while most of the other tech staff that had taken to the field were killed or severely injured. Isleifr began training with the Merc Corp’s MechWarriors, who begrudgingly accepted his presence since he’s managed to both defend their base and kill two enemies in a damaged mech, needless to say he was not instantly accepted, he suffered numerous attempts to make him return to the Tech Staff.
Isleifr walked away from the Corp with his very own mech, a 3G variant of the Stinger, which within four months was damaged badly enough that he sold it for scrap and moved to Trell I, he opened a Mech Bay Garage where he housed, fixed and upgraded mechs of anyone who could pay the fee.
Three years later Isleifr was swept into the Gray Death Legion, using a heavily customized Cicada that the owner had failed to continue paying fees to have stored, thus Isleifr confiscated it and used it during his early years in the GDL.
Over the next six years Isleifr made a reputation for himself in the GDL, moving up from his Cicada, which he placed in storage, to a MAD-3D model Marauder which he has used for the last four years. Recently Isleifr has decided to move on to something else, giving up his position in the GDL at least for the time being ***, Isleifr paid to receive the Marauder he’s used for the last four years after the mission it was slated to participate in was complete. Isleifr has purchased passage to Solaris VII after retrieving his Cicada, to find a new band to join, create his own band or give the mech arenas a spin. He hasn’t quite decided yet.
Deep Background: The few times Isleifr has fought against the Draconis Combine, he’s done so with such ferocity that he has failed to recognize the difference between Combine combatants and non-combatants, as such he has killed many civilians and downed Mech pilots who had no way to fight back and Isleifr is ashamed of it, but the indiscriminate missile strike that killed much of his family blinds him to much of the horror and death he has caused.
* No relation to Haakon Magnusson (I literally named him before I even realized that this guy existed)
** The arrival of his Marauder is totally at the behest of the GM(s), if you'd rather I not have it, I'll delete it, I would just like the opportunity to acquire one later if that is the case, cause I discovered some artwork of the Marauder that I am deeply fond of.
*** Isleifr is technically still a member of the GDL, but he is effectively on vacation, his actions are not sanctioned by the GDL should he do something stupid or embarrassing, both he and they have a document stating so explicitly.
****Fourth and last note, I am well aware that you guys are putting the inclusion of additional players on hold, and I would have considered swapping to a different RP thread if I hadn’t already mostly finished the character, whom I am now quite fond of.
Apologies for the Block of Tex, I tried to break it up by bolding/changing font size for the char-sheet sections.
Edited by Janitor101, 05 April 2012 - 01:29 AM.
Posted 05 April 2012 - 03:28 AM
Janitor101, on 05 April 2012 - 01:10 AM, said:
****Fourth and last note, I am well aware that you guys are putting the inclusion of additional players on hold, and I would have considered swapping to a different RP thread if I hadn’t already mostly finished the character, whom I am now quite fond of.
YAY! Asterixes! Once again I'm fine with saying there are bigger mechs "down the pipe" not here. Way to pay attention!

YAY! You read which means I don't have to reject you for us being full. So if Thom wants to sneak one more in I'll accept. I'll let him determined if 16 is too many or not.

Okay DURGAN now! :)
Let's see here... *reads new bio*
You know, if you can just RP that last bit (the landing on Solaris and putting out the call for pilots) I'd be fine with it as a start. I.e. don't come into the game having done something that the other players can interact with but do it first thing. How that sound? If you can do that you'll get my approval. For now put you as:

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