Name: Elisabeth "Liz" OConnor
Callsign: Spitfire
Date of Birth/Age: 23 ,Born 9/11/3008, Isle of Skye, Solaris
Current Mech: Cicada
House Affiliation: Who pays most
Military History: 3 Years, her Mech was a Gift for birthday.
Physical Description: Tall and slender, raven black hair, brown eyes, fine lips. She normally wears a black Surcoat with brown shoulderpads and mechanic specops boots. (Picz below)
Open Background: Comming from the family OConor, she was born with a silver spoon. Her father was in the military, her mother a university teacher, and beside her older Sister Alyssa her only anchor of warmth. Her father was an inquisitive man, questioning everything and extremely distrustfull. He kept her at distance, showing her that she, asl the youngest of three kids wasn´t worth it.
After she graduaded from school, she went to the military , away from her dad, trying her luck there, but after only ona and a half years of service she quitted and went off als a Soldier of fortune.
As a result of that she is a shy and quiet person, monosyllabic but with a cracky mood. If she feels disrespected or hurt, she will react with violence and she is a good fighter. To people she trusts, she is utterly loyal and helps where she can.
Deep Background: Being left allone by her dad and due to her job also by her mum, Elisabeth had a quite lonely childhood with only few friends. That didn´t change during her school time and neither really during military service, though she has a few contacts from there. During that time, she lost her lower legs, wich not only left her with implants, but with a scarred soul. Due to that, she has problems controlling herself, sometimes insulting others, sometimes erupting in violence or sorrow wich results in alcohol consume.
Notable Equip: She carries a silver pocketwatch, her latest gift from her sister Alyssa, a memorycard with her favorite music, a multitool in a leather pouch and a archaic Autopistol wich was also a gift by one of her ex military companions.
All of this is still Subject to changes, if needed
This now has undergone some changes. Hope it´s a bit clearer now

Well, those legs can´t do more than normal legs, except looking fancy. I´m really no fan of a char that everyone looks at as to "op". Pleasepleaseplease tell me if there are any points unclear to you, till then, im roaming <_> so much fluff