LordRush, on 04 February 2012 - 11:52 AM, said:
To funny...what you just said , YOU and Jack G; and thats all I see here really. What you guys dont know are there are two other forums that are not attached here at MWO that have DOZENS of members who have long deliberated over this...and where are you two at?
On the MW:O forums, where it matters? Don't read that as your other forums don't matter, that's not the issue...but it seems bass ackwards to tell us to go to forum that isn't the main forum for the game that everyone wants to play, as if it has some kind of real bearing on our legitimacy.
Also, dozen doesn't = the near 50k people who've registered, so if you really want to play a numbers game...you're the minority, your bar analogy is pretty thin and really has no bearing on the proceedings.
LordRush, on 04 February 2012 - 11:45 AM, said:
lol Personally, I think it's your ego that is clouded due to you thinking you can just walk into someplace declaring that you are "here" and disregarding what has already been established long before your delivery. Just saying
Ego is thinking previous game experience has any kind of headway or has some kind of automatic clout in a brand new video game and mixed community. We aren't trying to degrade you or your friends, or the people that came before, but it's everyone's game equally...not some old communities just because they say so. Your other community came here and joined a bigger community. We're not a split community at the end of the day, and what you did on an old community has exactly squat importance when compared to how large this new community is with concerns on who deserves what or who paid what due.
You're right in the fact that we need to work together...but that's everyone. No baggage from a previous game, or community, because you aren't the only ones with said baggage.
I applaud your community for having been together for so long, and that they're active and interested in MW:O, but the way you're approaching this is almost akin to the Clan Invasion, and we're the plucky IS that has to band together to bring everything on level. (Ok, just having fun with that last bit, lol.)
LordRush, on 04 February 2012 - 12:20 PM, said:
lol Azantia...We can step outside if you want to make this personal
or we can remain gentlemen about this.
Lets just chalk this one up to "Agree to disagree"....
You all have your own ideals, and we have ours. I just hope for your sake at the end of the day it doesnt alienate the game.
After all, the game as a whole is priority number 1
And that's what I'm trying to do. Avoid people being alienated by a group of individuals who think they should have more say then someone else because they know more people in a brand new video game, deciding things for others that the others should have fair and equal say in regardless of if they've known each other for 10 years or what have you.
Edited by Jack Gallows, 04 February 2012 - 12:22 PM.