Bryan Ekman, on 04 November 2012 - 09:04 AM, said:
I'm sorry officer, I feel that 50km/h is too slow, that's why I was speeding. You really should make it 70, because we don't like going so slow.

First off Brian, you're not a cop, nor is PGI or the guys doing the programming, at the end of the day, you can put TOS over everything, it doesn't stop people from modding your game.
You REALLY want to throw a fit here, do it on the asshats that are devloping hacks. Turning off a crappy filmgrain filter and adjusting bloom on something that "Your guys" screwed up in the first place? And you're going to throw a fit over that?
You know I was going to send you a PM but I'll settle my beef right here, and right now with you.
You, Bryan Ekman, are the Community Manager, you are the face of PGI to the masses here playing your game. And right now, that face looks like Pennywise the Clown on a bad day.
Regardless of how this community has backlashed against your game, you DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT to come in, and speak down to the community.
I'm honestly shocked you still have your job truth be told, after some of the things you have said and done here on the forum. Some of the things you alone have said have resulted in further backlash of this community, not to mention people demanding refunds and issuing chargeback orders based on FRAUD against PGI/IGP!
Bryan, you used to be someone I felt I could trust, hell I didn't ask for a refund when I started feeling like this game was tanking, and more and more, it feels like this game is going to tank, but you know, I'm leaving that 120 with you. In the hopes that maybe, just maybe you guys can unscrew this game. But honestly, at this point I'm counting my money as a technical loss.