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Why the PPC and High Heat Weapons are BROKEN (Math as to why inside) - good read for a new player

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#321 Skyfaller


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Posted 14 November 2012 - 08:19 AM

View PostJoseph Mallan, on 14 November 2012 - 07:44 AM, said:

Sky, I haven't noticed this yet.
BUT I will pay closer attention for it happening.

It happens because of this issue i'm almost sure of it:


Basically he mentions the projectiles (and PPC is treated like one for some really dumb reason) take a half second to fire after you click. The game sets the projectile path (and PPC) when you click... however the target or aimpoint will have moved by the time the projectile (PPC) round leaves the gun so it is aimed...at the wrong place.

No wonder then when in a circle fight you keep the aimpoint ahead of the target to lead it.. and half the time it fires forward...because that was the point it was aimed at when the fire-click was done.

#322 Joseph Mallan


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Posted 14 November 2012 - 08:21 AM

Good info, thanks. :)

#323 Vermaxx


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Posted 14 November 2012 - 08:57 AM

View PostMavairo, on 14 November 2012 - 07:18 AM, said:

There is no reason what so ever for the K2 to have chin ballistics that can mount gauss. You can't remove the gauss without popping the cat (unless you get those miracle hits that knock out a chin weapon without killing the mech.) reliably and for the power of Gauss that's incredibly stupid. Hell I'm being rather generous in saying it should still be able to field 2 gauss rifles at all really considering the devs felt gauss was so ludicrous, that you can't even fit 2 on a 5N dragon's ballistic crazed arm. Really no other mech off the top of my head gets access to Gauss Rifles, in it's Chin. The whole point of limb removal in mechwarrior is to knock out primary weapon systems or cripple enemy mobility.

You can't carry two in your dragon arm because an arm is 12 critslots minus the actuators. Period. No mech has more than 12 critslots in any given area.

The "reason what so ever" is that a Catapult weighs 65 tons, and stripped all other weapons and some armor out to fit two gauss. That's it. Your arguments over 'makes no sense,' or 'doesn't fit in a machine gun hole' don't hold water and have been ignored by PGI up until now.

I stopped using XL engines in my gauss cat because I was tired of dying with one gun still functional. The Cat has a huge head, and the gauss has the easiest to crit stats in the game. I've finished some matches with both of them destroyed.

And they aren't in "the chin." The "chin" would be center torso, which is not where the machine guns are installed. The gauss are in the mech cheeks, which are 12-hardpoint-large areas and largely empty in a stock K2. The user simply subs out everything else for two torso guns. It is a gimmick mech. The fact that you don't like it is not valid reason to eliminate it.

If we are throwing around opinions, I don't think mechs should have hardpoints, and I don't think machine guns should be worthless.

#324 hammerreborn


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Posted 14 November 2012 - 09:02 AM

My 6 ERPPC awesome and 3 ERPPC jenner disagrees with the premise of this entire thread!

#325 Joseph Mallan


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Posted 14 November 2012 - 09:04 AM

21 tons of your Jenner is Weapons? Amazing!

#326 Keifomofutu


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Posted 14 November 2012 - 09:04 AM

View Posthammerreborn, on 14 November 2012 - 09:02 AM, said:

My 6 ERPPC awesome and 3 ERPPC jenner disagrees with the premise of this entire thread!

I saw a 4 ERPPC Cicada once.


#327 Purlana


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Posted 14 November 2012 - 09:04 AM

View PostTerror Teddy, on 14 November 2012 - 07:27 AM, said:

Which is kinda funny.

Neither do people find PPC arms where a hunchbacks Medium lasers usually sit unbalanced or wrong.

And people dont cry about GaussRavens 50% total weight hanging on the left shoulder - but that could be because they don't find it as much of a cookie cutter build regardless of the silly image.

Because PPCs are weak, and no one cares if you mount them. People don't care when you build a mech that is inferior...

#328 BoomDog


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Posted 14 November 2012 - 09:04 AM

View PostSkyfaller, on 14 November 2012 - 08:19 AM, said:

It happens because of this issue i'm almost sure of it:


Basically he mentions the projectiles (and PPC is treated like one for some really dumb reason) take a half second to fire after you click. The game sets the projectile path (and PPC) when you click... however the target or aimpoint will have moved by the time the projectile (PPC) round leaves the gun so it is aimed...at the wrong place.

No wonder then when in a circle fight you keep the aimpoint ahead of the target to lead it.. and half the time it fires forward...because that was the point it was aimed at when the fire-click was done.

Wow, that explains a lot. I had a cicada with a ppc. Couldn't hit the broadside of a barn while circle straffing. If I led the target, it went in front of the target, if I aimed at the target, it went behind the target. Only way I could hit them was to go straight at them, which is suicide for a Cicada.

#329 Purlana


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Posted 14 November 2012 - 09:05 AM

View Posthammerreborn, on 14 November 2012 - 09:02 AM, said:

My 6 ERPPC awesome and 3 ERPPC jenner disagrees with the premise of this entire thread!

So you Alpha Strike1 time a blow up?


Edited by Purlana, 14 November 2012 - 09:06 AM.

#330 hammerreborn


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Posted 14 November 2012 - 09:09 AM

View PostKeifomofutu, on 14 November 2012 - 09:04 AM, said:

I saw a 4 ERPPC Cicada once.


I'm making one but I need to save up the funds for a cicada. The awesome ran me back somewhere around 14mil.

View PostPurlana, on 14 November 2012 - 09:05 AM, said:

So you Alpha Strike1 time a blow up?


The jenner is actually pretty heat efficient, it can alpha twice before shutting down, third after instant power up is when it explodes. I got in a PPC fight with an awesome, it was fun.

Now...the Jenner also moves 35 KPH (with all the elite bonuses), and has basically non-existant armor, but thats entirely beside the point!

The awesome shuts down on the first salvo, and in the calderra, you actually blow up AFTER firing the first shot (you can't dissipate the heat quick enough and you basically DOT yourself to death. ~10s after firing the self explosion went off.

However, that baby will instantly disintigrate whatever you aim at and hit, just pray its a CT (a cicada charged me once and instant exploded)

Edited by hammerreborn, 14 November 2012 - 09:11 AM.

#331 Joseph Mallan


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Posted 14 November 2012 - 09:18 AM


Now...the Jenner also moves 35 KPH (with all the elite bonuses), and has basically non-existant armor, but thats entirely beside the point!
I can out run a Jenner Ma, Toldja I could! :(
OMG Thanks for the laugh.

Edited by Joseph Mallan, 14 November 2012 - 09:19 AM.

#332 Mavairo


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Posted 14 November 2012 - 09:27 AM

View PostVermaxx, on 14 November 2012 - 08:57 AM, said:

You can't carry two in your dragon arm because an arm is 12 critslots minus the actuators. Period. No mech has more than 12 critslots in any given area.

The "reason what so ever" is that a Catapult weighs 65 tons, and stripped all other weapons and some armor out to fit two gauss. That's it. Your arguments over 'makes no sense,' or 'doesn't fit in a machine gun hole' don't hold water and have been ignored by PGI up until now.

I stopped using XL engines in my gauss cat because I was tired of dying with one gun still functional. The Cat has a huge head, and the gauss has the easiest to crit stats in the game. I've finished some matches with both of them destroyed.

And they aren't in "the chin." The "chin" would be center torso, which is not where the machine guns are installed. The gauss are in the mech cheeks, which are 12-hardpoint-large areas and largely empty in a stock K2. The user simply subs out everything else for two torso guns. It is a gimmick mech. The fact that you don't like it is not valid reason to eliminate it.

If we are throwing around opinions, I don't think mechs should have hardpoints, and I don't think machine guns should be worthless.

The chin is where the gauss is aimed from. They fire low. (vs High for lasers on another cat in the same slots)

The argument is pound for pound the K2 has far too much punching power for the difficulty in destroying the weapons it is armed with. It's pretty obvious really, since fielding any other style of gauss mech is pointless at best. (which is pretty funny, considering that the newest mech is going to have a much easier destroyed gauss weapon)

It's not a Gimmick Mech, as it's firepower is incredibly effective. It's 30 damage being put on the same point on a targets armor each time you fire them. It's cripplingly easy to play, and it's effects are devastating in the hands of anyone that can successfully point a round at a target which isn't terribly difficult to do. I flew one for all of two days, and decided it's far too Easy Mode. It's right up there where artemis lrms were before the hot patch. Just a /faceroll and done.

Those ''only two guns!'' arguments are stupid. It's ''only 2 guns!'' are among the hardest weapons in the game to knock out of commission -and- they are bar none the best damage dealers on a single point of armor in the game. If you could actually knock out the guns on the K2 then sure it'd be alot more balanced. But you cant' short of knocking the mech out entirely.

Hence why at minimum they need to be on the Arms. And as I said before if that thought scares you too much, maybe you should roll another mech for a while and get used to that idea.

Moving back to the parent topic, the Gauss also produces next to no heat, that is incredibly easily dissipated for the ''long'' firing cycle of the weapon. The PPC is supposed to be it's rival, but since the PPC actually heats up (and has a minimum range too) it falls way short. The PPC's output is rivaled by lasers fi you can keep the lasers on a given spot for a full duration. The advantage though of a ppc (assuming the aim bug for them doesn't bite you) is you shoot, and it's done. The Gauss needs adjusting, or the mech (because lets face it if you're going gauss, you're probably just going to go K2 as it's by far the best Gauss choice in the game) needs it's hard points adjusted.

Edited by Mavairo, 14 November 2012 - 09:37 AM.

#333 MrPenguin


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Posted 14 November 2012 - 09:39 AM

This is how I feel as a centurion-AL with a ER PPC.
Posted Image

#334 KingCobra


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Posted 14 November 2012 - 09:43 AM

I don't think the energy weapons are broken there all just fine. But the heat sinks are broken and don't cool correctly.

#335 Faceless Priest


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Posted 14 November 2012 - 09:56 AM

the entire premise that they are going by the tabletop is false.

The tabletop didn't use refire times, and because this game does it means the weapons are nothing like their table top counterparts.

LRMs and SRMs also don't function as they did in the table top

The lack of TACs

and a lot more. This game is inspired by the table top, uses ideas, but trying to justify it because of the table top is not going to work because of core aspects that have changed, the 2 main ones being

1-Chance to hit in the table top was very random, in this its nearly 100%, that was a main balancing issue of ammo and hard hitting weapons
2-Refire times completly destroy the point of weight and heat balance in weapons by the table top

#336 MrPenguin


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Posted 14 November 2012 - 09:59 AM

View PostFaceless Priest, on 14 November 2012 - 09:56 AM, said:

the entire premise that they are going by the tabletop is false.

They said there basing it off the tabletop, not flat out copying it.
Reading comprehension bro. I lack it and I was still able to understand that much. :(

#337 BoomDog


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Posted 14 November 2012 - 11:15 AM

View PostMrPenguin, on 14 November 2012 - 09:59 AM, said:

They said there basing it off the tabletop, not flat out copying it.
Reading comprehension bro. I lack it and I was still able to understand that much. :P

I think you missed his point, and the point of this whole thread.

The weapons in tabletop were balanced by tonnage, ammo use, range, heat and, most importantly, for firing once every ten seconds. When they based the weapons off of TT, they kept a lot of the same stats, but then changed the firerates and effectiveness of heatsinks. This broke weapon balance.

We're just pointing out that certain weapons, or mechanics, still need a lot of tweaking.

#338 MrPenguin


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Posted 14 November 2012 - 12:04 PM

View PostBoomDog, on 14 November 2012 - 11:15 AM, said:

I think you missed his point, and the point of this whole thread.

Not really, and not really relevant.
I was just pointing out that one sentence, not the whole post.

View PostBoomDog, on 14 November 2012 - 11:15 AM, said:

We're just pointing out that certain weapons, or mechanics, still need a lot of tweaking.

Yeah, I know. I never disagreed with that. Although my opinions on how we could get better balance are far different from yours. But in the end, there opinions and there quite hard to prove that they'll even work in practice.

Edited by MrPenguin, 14 November 2012 - 12:05 PM.

#339 Vapor Trail


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Posted 14 November 2012 - 12:27 PM

View PostApoc1138, on 14 November 2012 - 01:56 AM, said:

@Vapor Trail

before class eh... that explains alot

it is arbitrary because YOU have decided to create your own rule that says that a weapon must fire for 160 seconds continuously to be deemed "viable"... which is utter rubbish as a 1v1 never lasts that long

A ton of gauss ammo is 150 points of damage. If you're designing around surviving a single 1v1, why would a Gauss Rifle require more than two tons of ammo? Most GaussKitties in my experience have somewhere around 7 or 8 tons of ammo. Why? Because the people building those GaussKitties aren't designing for surviving a 1v1. Four tons of ammo per weapon is 40 shots. 40 shots is 160 seconds. Balancing shouldn't consider just the 1v1, but the weapon overall.

Yes the 160 seconds Common Ballistic Base ammo load figure is arbitrary. But it's not pure "pull it out of my ***" arbitrary. It's based on experience on what works for at least one weapon.

But people whined...

People whined that I didn't take ammo dependence into account in my figures. So I tried. I tried to find a figure that would work by making an educated choice and extrapolating that out to lots of different weapons without having to figure out a perfect ammo load for each.

People then whined that I didn't figure the energy weapons based on the same time frame. I'm going to try that. Eventually.

Now you've started whining that since I made a educated choice as to the CBBal that I'm arbitrarily increasing the PPC's cycle time from three seconds to more than three seconds, and when I explain the PPCs you're back on CBBal.

Confused face.

The average RoF for the PPCs I've been using is based on the heat generation and dissipation rates. It has nothing to do with 160 second figures.

View PostApoc1138, on 14 November 2012 - 01:56 AM, said:

your math-fu has also failed you on 2 fronts... I can fire 8-9 full salvos before shutdown... I know this because I've tested it... so whatever your maths says, it's wrong
(you've assumed dissipation of 2.2... 22 DHS is more like 3.68 per second for a start)

Ok. I did screw up my math...

I try to check it but I'm trying to pass calculus this semester, so I've got to do more math than just here on the forums. Sometimes things slip.

To Correct:

22 DHS is 3.68 heat per second.

Using that figure:
2 PPCs generate 18 heat.
Average RoF one salvo every 4.89 seconds.

Number of salvos at Max RoF before shutdown (heat cap at 74)
3.68*3 = 6.96 heat per salvo after cooldown.
(74-18) / 6.96 = 8 salvoes before shutdown.


View PostApoc1138, on 14 November 2012 - 01:56 AM, said:

secondly - to remove a PPC and add a gauss;
PPC off saves 7 tons... I would have to remove 3 DHS' to get the crit slots to fit the gauss, but I'm still short (7 + 3 = 10) 5 tons to fit the gauss... so I'd have to make yet more compromises to fit the gauss and that's before I even start to think about ammo for the gauss
I don't JUST have 2 PPC's, but using your build I would end up with JUST one PPC and one Gauss, or I remove all my heatsinks thus crippling my other weapons as well and I end up with a 1 trick pony that I can't use in any other situation
either I remove all my heatsinks to fit the gauss, or I remove all my other weapons to fit the gauss... either way I end up with too many heatsinks and no weapons or I end up with weapons I can't use because you've taken all my heatsinks away

So you're saying that the "2 PPC" build is not a " 2 PPC" build. It's a "2 PPC and some other junk" build. Therefore the math I did is invalid because you have other weapons. DUH. The math I did is valid BASED on the initial conditions. IE: a mech with 22 double heat sinks and 2 PPCs and nothing else.

Let me mind meld for a minute and extract your exact build. Nope, getting nothing because I don't read minds. Based on what I got from your post about a build with "2 PPCs" (which was from another thread) I assumed that all you had was 2 PPCs. You said you used a mech with 2 PPCs and did 600 points of damage. I guess I'm at fault because the build you're using as an example of the usefulness of the PPC doesn't use just PPCs.

View PostApoc1138, on 14 November 2012 - 01:56 AM, said:

if you can't even get these basics correct then I really have trouble believing any of your calculations

Perhaps doing the math yourself would help? I'm trying to put "how" I get the figures I do along with the figures. Maybe checking me will let you find something that works better than what I've come up with.

View PostApoc1138, on 14 November 2012 - 01:56 AM, said:

BZZZT wrong answer... I've never made such an admission... this goes back to YOUR arbitrary 160 seconds again... I size up my opponent and then use MY strengths to overcome HIS shortfalls. A Gauss user has long reload time, so I use cover to avoid getting shot at, NOT to cooldown. Cooling down is a byproduct of something I would be doing ANYWAY regardless of what weapons I had and how hot I might be.

Regardless of weather you mean to or not you do cool off.

Weapon balance drives tactics.

Weather you know about or understand the math behind it or not, the math still functions. Your playstyle adapts to the math, rather than the other way around.

View PostApoc1138, on 14 November 2012 - 01:56 AM, said:

I make no effort to cooldown... if I was doing that deliberately then I would ditch the PPC's and only use my UAC5 brawler build... as it is, I find the PPC build a decent anti gauss and overall good support fire mech that never shuts down during normal usage.

See above.

View PostApoc1138, on 14 November 2012 - 01:56 AM, said:

You seem to be basing all your calculations on 2 mechs standing in the open firing constantly... if this is how you are playing the game then maybe this is why you are not doing very well and feel the need to come up with charts to explain why you keep dying.

Yep. WEAPON balance. Not tactics. I keep saying this, but people don't listen. Weapon Balance drives Tactics.

KDR is 4.7. Win loss is 8.54. My mechs are a dual AC/20 Splatapult and a couple different Cicada builds. Not doing this because I think I die too much. Doing this because I want MWO to be better.

View PostApoc1138, on 14 November 2012 - 01:56 AM, said:

You're telling ME what I MUST do in order to CALCULATE how efficient a killer I am... well, I don't need to do any calculations because I have the scoreboard every round and first hand experience telling me that with a gauss or dual gauss I get worse results / damage / kills than when I use 2 PPC's

your math tells me that I MUST get killed by gauss users all the time, however my experience tells me this isn't true

Because the math is weapon balance, not handicapping players based on skill. Skill is supposed to count for more in a fight than weapon balance. My position is that the current weapon balance is driving build diversity away from the large energy weapons BECAUSE those builds are markedly inferior

Are you a skilled mechwarrior, or the average mechwarrior? I'll assume that you're going to answer "skilled". When you face an inferior pilot in an optimized build while you pilot a non-optimized build, you probably should win. This would be the goal of weapon balance, skill being the primary determining factor.

When you face an inferior pilot in the same build, you should win.

When you face an inferior pilot in an inferior build, you should destroy them.

But again, the math isn't about SKILL. TT weapon balance, while not perfect, had a certain order to it. MWO weapon balance, due to the Dev's goal of translating TT to a real-time first person game, should be somewhere in the same neigborhood.

1 PPC is demonstrably much more inferior to a Gauss Rifle in MWO than it was in TT.

Therefore the weapon balance does not support the goal.

View PostApoc1138, on 14 November 2012 - 01:56 AM, said:

you don't have access to all the game mechanics and you don't have access to the server side data regarding weapon usage / hit rates / damage / kills etc. so I'm going to rely on my direct experience and PGI's knowledge of the server side data and not a spreadsheet and chart that I already know is based on false assumptions

you can keep on telling me that PPC's are pointless and I will keep on using them to kill stuff

NOT pointless... just more inferior than they should be.

View PostApoc1138, on 14 November 2012 - 01:56 AM, said:

based on spreadsheets similar to yours that I created myself, I DID used to use gauss alot... since opening my mind to the idea that maybe playing the game on a spreadsheet was not the best way to be doing things and actually playing the game itself, my ideas on what weapons are "viable" has changed drastically

I don't know exactly what variables your math is missing, but it must be missing something because in game experience tells me your math is wrong

Perhaps it's the skill of the average player vs your higher skill?

Guess I hit the quote limit... Have more, but adding it breaks the forum.

Edited by Vapor Trail, 14 November 2012 - 12:30 PM.

#340 MustrumRidcully


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Posted 14 November 2012 - 01:39 PM

View PostMavairo, on 14 November 2012 - 07:18 AM, said:

If people couldn't handle the mere thought of losing weapon arms, then they shouldn't be rolling a given mech chassis in the first place. I roll a Gauss in my 5N dragon with an AC2. It works just fine. Do people go for that ballistic arm once they figure out what it's spitting out at people? Oh god yes. And they should. (which is what my big right hand is for with it's 2 big lazorz) If people can't handle the thought of losing weapon arms, because they are trying to use a gauss in close combat, they're doing it wrong and deserve to lose the arms and weapons anyway.

can't remove the gauss without popping the cat (unless you get those miracle hits that knock out a chin weapon without killing the mech.) reliably and for the power of Gauss that's incredibly stupid. Hell I'm being rather generous in saying it should still be able to field 2 gauss rifles at all really considering the devs felt gauss was so ludicrous, that you can't even fit 2 on a 5N dragon's ballistic crazed arm. Really no other mech off the top of my head gets access to Gauss Rifles, in it's Chin. The whole point of limb removal in mechwarrior is to knock out primary weapon systems or cripple enemy mobility.

There are two reasons why people prefer torso-mounted ballistics and PPCs:
1) Convergence for arms is worse than for torsos. That really matters. It could be the main reason why the Jagermech may never reach the K2's popularity until/unless PGI fixes their convergence system.
2) THe K2 side torsos are a specific case - they are extremely well protected. That is a further benefit that is unique to the K2.

But I actually don't believe 2 is the major reason for people to go with the K2. It was the superiority of the Gauss Rifle that drove that move, I think (and the inferiority of the PPC - you had to get innvoate if you wanted to turn the K2 into a dangerous mech.)

But once they started experimenting from it, they basically got the "free lunch" of
1) Better convergence for torso mounted weapons
2) K2 side torsos protection
3) K2's excellent torso twist range. (Actually, this feature I believe is common to all mechs that don't have arms. But most mechs don't have two side torsos filled with Gauss, pardon, ballistic slots.

I think the side torso boon of the Catapult in general may just be one of the "quirks" you get from the model. Just like you get the "quirk" of the Hunchback's weapon torso. I am not sure how you could avoid it: maybe with an entirely different hitbox system - one that enforces that all mech sections have a minimum amount of surface, or can assign damage to one hitboxes to multiple hitboxes to balance the effective surface, or something like that. But considering PGI's lack of interest in things like cone of fire, I don't think we can hope for this. We will have to work around these things.

Maybe the Mech XP system could be used to balance such advantages and drawbacks. For example, give all Catapults incentives to put weapons in their arms.
Give Hunchback damage reduction for the weapon torso, and ammo benefits for the other torso. Stuff like that. But that's extremely speculative. But maybe less so than a rebalancing-hit-box model or cone of fire.

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