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Pre-Patch notes

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#21 Adridos


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Posted 04 November 2012 - 10:01 AM

View PostT Hawk, on 04 November 2012 - 09:45 AM, said:

You didn't even read what I wrote. I wrote that I'd never expect a friggin MENU (!) to be buggy in a game that reaches the stage of Open Beta. That, my friend, is embarassing. Especially when you consider that it has been buggy for how long now? Months?

They changed the menu really recently and not every single change is listed there. We'll have to wait for the patch to see...

Also, called it! :)
Phase 1 is about ensuring the same number of premades on each side, not about just giving them less mech cap .

#22 Mr 144


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Posted 04 November 2012 - 10:10 AM

View PostAdridos, on 04 November 2012 - 10:01 AM, said:

Also, called it! :)
Phase 1 is about ensuring the same number of premades on each side, not about just giving them less mech cap .

I've been asking for this clarification since they announced Phase 1 in closed beta. No Where, in any of the explanations given, has ever been stated that Pre's are "ensured" of facing another in Phase 1...only that they will be thrown in a "bucket" with pugs. The arbitrary size limitation was used as the limiting factor, not the garuntee of partial pre vs partial pre.

Sincerely hope I'm wrong...but with a month without clarification, and PGI's current track record, I have little confidence.

Mr 144

Edited by Mr 144, 04 November 2012 - 10:11 AM.

#23 Byk


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Posted 04 November 2012 - 10:14 AM

I could care less about them working on fixing premade groups at the moment. I know they will fix matchmaking and add a good system in the future. For me, netcode and hit detection is the #1 issue and needs to be fixed ASAP. It's the core of gameplay. I'm glad they're putting a slight fix in this patch, but it needs to be 100% fixed and should be the main focus now imo.

#24 Adridos


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Posted 04 November 2012 - 10:20 AM

View PostMr 144, on 04 November 2012 - 10:10 AM, said:

I've been asking for this clarification since they announced Phase 1 in closed beta. No Where, in any of the explanations given, has ever been stated that Pre's are "ensured" of facing another in Phase 1...only that they will be thrown in a "bucket" with pugs. The arbitrary size limitation was used as the limiting factor, not the garuntee of partial pre vs partial pre.

Sincerely hope I'm wrong...but with a month without clarification, and PGI's current track record, I have little confidence.

Mr 144

I'm also basing this on simple assumptions, but the forum wide explanation would mean no change, whoch doesn't make even the smallest amount of sense. I already PM'd devs about it, and while I don't expect a response, if there's even a small chance to be sure, we must try it. :)

#25 Ascendent


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Posted 04 November 2012 - 10:46 AM

Locking only the trial mech used in game will be relatively ineffective as they have 3 more to repeat with. The numbers I have seen for suicide runs is about 2mins per match (including joining a match, countdown etc.). With 4 mechs rotating that adds up to 8-9min to use up the 4 mechs. Most matches last on average 10 min (and thats on the high side). Thats average. Ie the odds that at least one of the mechs will become available before the 4th mech is used up and locked are very high. If that ends up being the case this change will do nothing at all to help the current suicide situation. But we shall wait till Tue. and see how it is implemented.

Also I understand that ECM still needs work. But releasing Artemis without ECM in the current LRM happy environment may prove quite detrimental to gameplay and introduce significant imbalance. I would hold off on Artemis until ECM is ready. But again Ill wait to see how its implemented and try to stay optimistic.

#26 wanderer


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Posted 04 November 2012 - 10:50 AM

Spelling error on the MM bit- it's been changed to read NOW, rather than NOT.

This means the 4-man group limit goes in on the 6th.

View PostAscendent, on 04 November 2012 - 10:46 AM, said:

Locking only the trial mech used in game will be relatively ineffective as they have 3 more to repeat with.

The sensible fix here would have been locking all four if one is in a match.

#27 RedDragon


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Posted 04 November 2012 - 10:59 AM

View PostMr 144, on 04 November 2012 - 10:00 AM, said:

"Phase 1 Matchmaking. Max pre-made group size is not set to 4."

It was a typo. They now fixed it and it reads "is NOW set to".

#28 Pesht


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Posted 04 November 2012 - 11:02 AM

No mention of the pulse lasers "bug fix" that would make them completely useless, again. I can hope it's not going in and they haven't just forgot to put it on the patch notes.

#29 Sarda


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Posted 04 November 2012 - 12:06 PM

No fix for the enourmous repair/rearm bills that only assaults pay.
No fix for lasers.
No refund for DHS.
No computer voice over.
No Conquest Mode.
No real matchmaking fixes.
No collisions for smaller mechs to stop the stupid leg humping invulnerability.
No real fix for suicide trials.

O yay. Artemis and ECM. Because I needed that 35% accuracy buff and even more expensive ammunition so my missiles that always hit if there locked on will hit hit 135% of the time or something..., and ECM joy, yet another way for people to break my missile locks when 75% of scouts are to stupid to maintain los for locks.

Why does this patch exist.

Edited by Sarda, 04 November 2012 - 12:25 PM.

#30 Sarevos


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Posted 04 November 2012 - 12:09 PM

how will artemis work btw? i know how it works in tabletop but how will it translate? id like to see more direct fire uses for lrms and less shooting at some guy 2 miles away who stepped outside to check his mail unaware of the impending destruction

Edited by Sarevos, 04 November 2012 - 12:10 PM.

#31 sirius89


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Posted 04 November 2012 - 12:11 PM

View PostTehArgz, on 04 November 2012 - 09:19 AM, said:


Ok dude.

This game has it's flaws, but when you say something rediculous like that your words lose any legitimacy, and in fact make those that disagree with you seem much more reasonable.

It is pretty much an Alpha.Betas are usually feature complete builds.This game is faaaaaar away from feature complete.

#32 Bryan Ekman

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Posted 04 November 2012 - 12:13 PM

View PostMr 144, on 04 November 2012 - 10:10 AM, said:

I've been asking for this clarification since they announced Phase 1 in closed beta. No Where, in any of the explanations given, has ever been stated that Pre's are "ensured" of facing another in Phase 1...only that they will be thrown in a "bucket" with pugs. The arbitrary size limitation was used as the limiting factor, not the garuntee of partial pre vs partial pre.

Sincerely hope I'm wrong...but with a month without clarification, and PGI's current track record, I have little confidence.

Mr 144

Phase 1: Only change, premade size reduced to 4 from 8. This means premade groups are still matched with pug.

Phase 2: Premades over 4 players (5-8) will only be matched against other premades. Phase 1 rules still apply for 2-4 player premades.

Phase 3: Our custom ELO matchmaking. Currently well into development and will enter test later this month.

This information has been posted: http://mwomercs.com/...79-matchmaking/

#33 Sarevos


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Posted 04 November 2012 - 12:15 PM

View Posttheta123, on 04 November 2012 - 08:26 AM, said:

Thank god i am not the only one!

And artemis. As in Artemis FCS that improves accuracy of LRMS and SRMS?
Arent LRMS bloody accurate powerfull already?
Just some worries, unless somebody can shed some light in this

It requires the one firing the lrms to keep los

View PostBryan Ekman, on 04 November 2012 - 12:13 PM, said:

Phase 1: Only change, premade size reduced to 4 from 8. This means premade groups are still matched with pug.

Phase 2: Premades over 4 players (5-8) will only be matched against other premades. Phase 1 rules still apply for 2-4 player premades.

Phase 3: Our custom ELO matchmaking. Currently well into development and will enter test later this month.

This information has been posted: http://mwomercs.com/...79-matchmaking/

any info on how ELO will work? like w/l or games played? just asking since youre here XD

Edited by Sarevos, 04 November 2012 - 12:15 PM.

#34 r4plez


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Posted 04 November 2012 - 12:16 PM

View PostSarda, on 04 November 2012 - 12:06 PM, said:

No fix for the enourmous repair/rearm bills that only assaults pay.
No fix for lasers.
No refund for DHS.
No computer voice over.
No Conquest Mode.
No real matchmaking fixes.
No collisions for smaller mechs to stop the stupid leg humping invulnerability.
No real fix for suicide trials.

O yay. Artemis and ECM. Because I needed that 35% accuracy buff and even more expensive ammunition so my missiles that always hit if there locked on, or yet another way for people to break my missile locks when 75% of scouts are to stupid to maintain los for locks.

Why does this patch exist.

I'm starting to worry that PGI is not capable of fixing some of those issues because of lack of skill or what is more concern by engine limitation

Edited by r4plez, 04 November 2012 - 12:16 PM.

#35 Bryan Ekman

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Posted 04 November 2012 - 12:17 PM

View PostSarevos, on 04 November 2012 - 12:15 PM, said:

It requires the one firing the lrms to keep los

any info on how ELO will work? like w/l or games played? just asking since youre here XD

When we have final details, I`ll make a post. For now we`re working with an aggregate system called Combat Score.

#36 lsp


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Posted 04 November 2012 - 12:19 PM

You guys just got owned.

#37 Sarevos


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Posted 04 November 2012 - 12:20 PM

View PostBryan Ekman, on 04 November 2012 - 12:17 PM, said:

When we have final details, I`ll make a post. For now we`re working with an aggregate system called Combat Score.

sounds like factoring in the different things you do per match like spotting and assists, a good start

#38 IceSerpent


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Posted 04 November 2012 - 12:25 PM

View PostBryan Ekman, on 04 November 2012 - 12:17 PM, said:

When we have final details, I`ll make a post. For now we`re working with an aggregate system called Combat Score.

Bryan, if you're still there - will there be a preview option for the new camo specs prior to us hitting save button?

#39 BigTaeng


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Posted 04 November 2012 - 12:28 PM

View PostSarda, on 04 November 2012 - 12:06 PM, said:

Why does this patch exist.

I would rather have a series of small patches every couple of weeks rather than wait a full month or two for major updates. They already said Conquest was not coming until December so I do not know why you expected it so quickly. We just had a major update last week.

Some people just love to complain, there is no pleasing everyone.

#40 Orion ji


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Posted 04 November 2012 - 12:29 PM

yaaaaaayy more doucheba...er gamers with their entitled mentality who think the devs work on their schedule to do what they
Keep up the good work, one day they'll have a job that doesn't involve burgers & fries. :)

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