Q: Does shooting the pylon in the enemy base (or your own base) have any effect on how long it takes to capture the base? Thanks [KitK]
A: No, it has zero effect (for now - we might change that.) [Garth]
Q: Do the devs have the coconut monkey in their cockpit or fuzzy dice? [Ryvucz]
A: Most have something - I don't because I find them overly mesmerising. [Garth]
Q: My question, Garth, is as follows; Do you prefer to have mashed potato with cream and a touch of mint OR with roasted garlic with a hint of mustard powder? [Purplefluffybunny]
A: I'm lactose intollerant so I'd have to go with that latter. [Garth]
Q: Will we have another chance to buy founder's packages? [Skinny Pete]
A: The Founders programme has been completed, sorry! [Garth]
Q: When can we expect paint schemes/ fuzzy dice/ etc? [Hatachi]
A: Soon!TM (Late November (20th-27th) [Garth]
Q: How many Inner Sphere BattleMechs are planned to be released before Clans are introduced? Will each weight class have the same number of BattleMechs? [Maverick01]
A: We don't have a set number - we're adding them as quickly as we can. Though yes the weight classes will have (roughly) the same number total. [Garth]
Q: Any plans to fix the NARC? [Digital Ninja]
A: Absolutely, I can see it being worked on as we speak. [Garth]
Q: Are yall planning to let use use a button to open the missle doors on mechs like the centurion and catapult? [screw ball]
A: Actually, I believe we'll have that ready next patch! [Garth]
Q: Is ECM planned to be able to do cool active stuff like Ghost Targets, or just negate NARC and mess with targeting? [Solis Obscuri]
A: It is planned to do awesome stuff 'like' that, yes. It'll do cool stuff. [Garth]
Q: What are the current plans for supporting various colorblind players? [AggroBASH]
A: We plan to allow more HUD customization so players can choose a colour scheme that works best for them. [Garth]
Q: I think this is the first Mechwarrior game where lights are not only completely viable but deadly when heavier mechs aren't supported. Feels like they are right in line with where the live tactically in tabletop. This is *without* the nod to economics but that just sweetens the deal. [Berserker]
A: As a light pilot, I absolutely love the way the different weight classes interact. As a Jenner pilot, I fear no Atlas, but when I see Cicada or Hunchback coming at me I start sweating. It's great that it's like rock, paper, scissors, only rock beats scissors 60% of the time, not 100.
Frankly I've had some of the best 'duels' in my gaming career versus other Lights. [Garth]
Q: When will the number of non-light 'Mechs with JJ increase to more than 1? Are they being limited intentionally? [Docta Pain]
A: Well when the Cataphract comes out that's another, and then the Trebuchet does too. The Highlander, as well, has jumpjets. [Garth]
Q: We were informed that on the Oct 23rd Update we would be getting Forest Colony Alternate. Unless I am very unlucky it seems this map isnt in the rotation. Any news on when we can expect it? [Squid von Torgad]
A: Soo- I mean wait, no, tomorrow! [Garth]
Q: I'm ready to start dropping cash on cosmetic items: new camo skins, alternate heads for my Atlas, tinted cockpit glass/neurohelmet lens, voice packs for my onboard AI, whatever you can throw at me! When can we expect this content? You need to take my money. [Dr. Killinger]
A: Those will be in November 20th - 27th. [Garth]
Q: Question for Alex: Is the "Trenchbucket" name on the Trebuchet concept art a little joke about the 'Mech's name in the CBT parody game Critter-TEK? [Nathan Foxbane]
A: It's actually the nickname for the mech in BattleTech in general

Q: Are (on-map) dropships and/or HALO drops planned? [Raven IIC]
A: Can't answer to the former, but we have talked about the latter. [Garth]
Q: Do you think it would be possible to add a chance falling to a legged opponent when they get hit by weapons or grazed by another mech? [PropagandaWar]
A: We talked about it, but I think the general feeling was that you were almost literally kicking someone who was down. As it stands you slow to a crawl whenever you take leg damage and have only 1 functional leg, so that's about where we're happy. [Garth]
Q: when will see more cokpit items IE a model of a axemen [tekka]
A: Items like that will start coming in November 20th - 27th. [Garth]
Q: Will we be able to have personalized name tags that can be changed once Community Warfare comes out? there are many oirganized units out there right now that have there tags in place on the team speak servers. This is something of concern for several people who have established stables. [GenDread]
A: Around when Community Warfare comes out we have plans to add things like clan tags, yes. [Garth]
Q: When will we have a 75 ton 'mech? [Kraven Kor]
A: You'll see

Q: How diverse from free mechs will hero mechs be, going forward? What kinds of considerations are taken into account when deciding which playstyles or mech abilities/loadouts should be pay-only? [CobraFive]
A: We want to make sure that Hero Mechs are CHOICES, and not necessary. So we make sure that while they're unique, they aren't flat out better. To generalise, we do this by making sure they don't through testing, and do not - for example - have more hardpoints than other variants. [Garth]
Q: Can we have a weapon grouping setting system in the Mech Lab? [Odanan]
A: It'll be there, don't worry! [Garth]
Q: Will the selection of available Trial Mechs changes more often in the future? [Tearsus]
A: They currently change every other patch, so about every two weeks. [Garth]
Q: Any plans to put in the cool computer voice when starting up or things happen like the older games? [Nightsclaw]
A: Absolutely! [Garth]
Thanks for your time and questions everyone, enjoy!
The MechWarrior Online Team