Rifter, on 05 November 2012 - 07:59 PM, said:
We have an awesome AWS-8Q, this is a first gen awesome that uses old tech with no tier two equipment, its the workhorse awesome from the IS. It has 3 PPC's as its main weponry and 28 SHS. This is an all around good mech, not expensive to run or buy or repair and packs a punch, with barely enough heatsinks but it is a workable design.
Then after tier two tech comes in they redesign this mech with tier two tech to combat the clans. They release the AWS-9M. They replace the standard PPC's with ER models and the standard heatsinks with doubles to combat the extra heat of the ER PPC's. It has 20 DHS so 40 SHS worth of cooling which is a substantial upgrade over the 28 SHS of the previous AWS-8Q model but this is NEEDED to cool the much hotter ER PPC's as well as the addition secondary weaponry this mech has. They also add a larger XL engine to boost speed while also reducing weight. This mech is Very expensive to buy and repair due to all the tier two tech and is a clear and definate upgrade over the older model, and you pay for this as its way more expensive to buy.
With the DHS nerfed down to 140% cooling, less than half their intended effectivness that puts the AWS-9M at 28 SHS worth of cooling, the exact same as the AWS-8Q. But remember its got ER PPC's so will run way hotter than the 8Q, like to the point of being useless in battle hotter. So what is supposed to be a clear and expensive upgrade over the 8Q turns out be much much more ineffective and boarderline useless to field. You are paying a huge premium for tier two tech that is WORSE than the tier one mech it is replacing.
When you start to break stock canon designs such as descibed above to the point where tier two tech is WORSE that tier one tech but still alot more expensive you are now in a place where you are just making a mockery of battletech and the lore involved and should stop using the BT/MW name.
If you want to make a big stompy robot game fine im ok with that, i like big stompy robots, but dont try and pawn this crap off as BT because it clearly is NOT in the direction this game has taken. Call it hawken, world of mechs, gundam robots online, whatever you want but dont abuse the BT/MW name like this if you are going to clearly step away from it to the point where stock designs are unplayable and worse than the designs they are supposed to be a upgrade from because you have broken the game mechanics to the point that makes them useless more expensive upgrades.
Just something to think about, and if you think that example is bad i can throw some clan deisngs in there that are alot more broken than that awesome example.
You should add a LR:DR at the buttom so avoid people complaining over a wall of text. It works wonders.
Anyway I read it all and I understand your point of view all too well.
I just started playing this friday and already I am facing this issue on my Laser based Cn9-AL but then I realized the way to ¨fix¨ this problem was to NOT upgrade to the ¨improved¨ heatsinks, and just make use of twice or almost tripple the amount of normal heatsinks (seeing as it has lots of space left for those when they no longer require 3 spaces each) and that makes the ¨newer model¨ both cheaper to repair since it lacks the upgrade, but also makes it perfectly possible to run it with your intended setup in ALOT of the cases.
Still I do understand the logic you put out when you say that new tech should be better than old tech, and I can only agree, but for now just walk around the issue by cheating the system like this and you should be fine, also add the sinks to the legs and stand in water whenever it is safe or possible and that should help cool you even faster.
Also one last thing, the upgraded version is awesome when you run it on a mech that is balistic specced like a Cn9-A since you can often only fit 2 heatsinks in those anyway and the ¨needed¨ cooling aint so much compared to laser based kin. (and often you have the leftover space compared to the laser versions who all run a gazzilion heatsinks)
Edited by 0okami, 19 November 2012 - 05:57 AM.