DeadlyNerd, on 19 February 2013 - 03:54 AM, said:
Technically we're already creating hero mechs by modifying default setups and >>naming<< them.
I like the idea but 1250MC is a bit too low for permanent 20%. Hero mechs cost a lot more than 1250MC and they'd only have 10% on top of this.
Maybe like someone said, make it last for a limited amount of time, a "tactical choice".
Remember that you have to get the mech first. 1250 MC doesn't come with a mech. It's an upgrade to an existing one that you might have purchased with C-bills or MC.
The other goal of this suggestion is to give more value to the 1250 MC package. If PGI and others think that 1250 is too low for 20%, we can go and break down the process even further (not saying I'd want it to be more expensive but I'm all about providing options!)
Hero Upgrade Tier 1: +10% more C-bills earned for 1250 MC
Hero Upgrade Tier 2: +20% more C-bills earned (upgraded from 10% this doesn't count as 30%) for another 1250 MC
That way you spend 2500 MC to upgrade a normal mech. If we go by weight classes as PGI/IGP does with their 75 MC/Ton formula, we can do this as well to some degree!
I don't have time to do the hard math, but let's just assume for now that a Hero mech costs 2.3x a normal mech in MC (barring some outliers like those with XL engines built in). To 'Hero up' a mech slowly we can use the value of 1.3 (removing the cost of the mech so that this is the pure Hero vaue).
75 MC per ton
75 / 2.3 = 32.60 (base value)
32.6 x 1.3 = 42.40 (Hero per ton value in MC)
So let's say we round it off to 43 MC (or maybe even 45 MC) per ton.
Custom Hero Commando:
Hero Tier 1:
+10% C-bills gained for 563 MC
Hero Tier 2: +20% C-bills gained for an additional 1125 MC (If you buy tier 1 first, you just add the difference in cost from tier 1 to tier 2)
Custom Hero Raven:
Hero Tier 1:
+10% C-bills gained for 788
Hero Tier 2: +20% C-bills gained for 1575 (If you buy tier 1 first, you just add the difference in cost from tier 1 to tier 2)
Custom Hero Hunchback:
Hero Tier 1:
+10% C-bills gained for 1125
Hero Tier 2: +20% C-bills gained for 2250 (If you buy tier 1 first, you just add the difference in cost from tier 1 to tier 2)
Custom Hero Catapult:
Hero Tier 1: +10% C-bills gained for 1463
Hero Tier 2: +20% C-bills gained for 2925 (If you buy tier 1 first, you just add the difference in cost from tier 1 to tier 2)
Custom Hero Awesome:
Hero Tier 1: +10% C-bills gained 1800 MC
Hero Tier 2: +20% C-bills gained 3600 MC
Custom Hero Atlas:
Hero Tier 1: +10% C-bills gained 2250 MC
Hero Tier 2: +20% C-bills gained 4500 MC
Now with this system you pay for the pure cost of the Hero bonus (of course just estimates on my part, but you get the idea) minus the cost of the actual mech. With the ability to tier upgrade, those who can only afford the $6.95 package every now and then can slowly upgrade 50 ton mechs or below until they reach the 20% bonus and the $14.95 package will allow people to slowly upgrade even an Atlas to 'Hero' status without having to shell out a large amount of money in one go.
Installment tiers allow people to upgrade slowly and gives more value and purpose to the $6.95 and $14.95 MC packages.
You can probably add more tiers to make the Atlas available for very slow upgrading for $6.95 but that would require up to 4 tiers for the Atlas and it would look something like this:
Custom Hero Atlas V2.0:
Hero Tier 1: +5% C-bills gained 1125 MC
Hero Tier 2: +10% C-bills gained 2250 MC
Hero Tier 3: +15% C-bills gained 3375 MC
Hero Tier 4: +20% C-bills gained 4500 MC
Now with this system, there are more tiers, but now the difference is you can slowly upgrade your Atlas to Hero status with just the $6.95 package in 4 installments!
We pay the 'proper' value for the Hero bonus but now people who can only afford the $6.95 MC package once in awhile can slowly build up their favorite mech to hero status~ everyone happy?