Major Tom, on 18 April 2012 - 11:56 AM, said:
It all make sense in bizzaro world.
David says: an Awesome has 4 hardpoints for mounting weapons. Which means you can only have up to 4 weapons (H, RA, RT, LT)
Paul says: Pull a PPC and you have 3 critical slots and can mount 1, 2, or 3 medium lasers in that location. Thereby infering that you can, in fact, have 10 medium lasers on an Awesome.
Major Tom asks: I pull the 6 medium lasers from the RT of my Swayback (HBK-4P), that leaves me with 6 hardpoints and 6 critical slots. How many PPCs can I mount?
0 - because I don't have a single hardpoint that can hold 3 critical slots
2 - because I have 2 (or more) hardpoints and 6 energy critical slots
4 - because I have 4 (or more) hardpoints and 12 critical slots (total number in RT)
6 - because I have double critical slots (like the Atlas LRM10+10)
12 - because I have cheat codes
12 - because you have cheat codes.
But if you don't have cheat codes, then you can mount a total of 4 PPCs in the right torso, since:
1. You have 31.5 tons to allocate. And 4 PPCs weigh 28 tons.
2. You have 12 critical slots in the right torso. And 4 PPCs take up 12 critical slots.
3. You have 6 beam hardpoints in the right torso. And 4 PPCs take up only 4 beam hardpoints.
1. You wouldn't do that, because that'd mean you'd overheat severely with only 4 single heat sinks available to cool that crap down. 3 PPCs with 11 single heat sinks would be more practical if you intend to hit and run, and 2 PPCs with 18 single heat sinks better if you intend to fire constantly.
2. You wouldn't put all of your PPCs in your Right Torso because if I blast you there with my AC/20, you'll have no other choice but to ram me with your 'Mech. So you would likely put one there, one in the right arm and one in the left arm. Or just one in each arm, and flood the other locations with heat sinks.