Sprouticus, on 19 April 2012 - 10:36 AM, said:
NOTE: This is one example, I am sure I could think of others, but try to get past the specifics and see the root issue the example highlights.
The Jenner-A has 1 LL.
The Jenner-D has 4 ML.
The Jenner-C has 3 ML and a C3 slave
They have the same equipment otherwise.
I dont like having my scout only have medium lasers, and I dont want to have to learn to pilot my Jenner-D with medium lasers
So I remove all 4 medium lasers & 1 HS
Add 1 Large Laser. . Now I have a quasi-Jenner-A. It doesnt matter that the F has 4 hardpoints, all I need is one for the LL.
Now I get mech XP of the Jenner-F while riding around in what is effectively a Jenner-A.
I make some money and Buy a Jenner-A. Now I level up the Jenner-A without having to learn any new tactics, effectively I am running the exact same mech for both variant level ups.
Not I level up again and buy a Jenner-C.
I remove the Medium lasers and C3 along with 1 HS
I put in a LL and poof I have my favorite Jenner-A again.
I level up that variant and now I get elite 1 for the Jenner
Rinse and repeat for Elite 2 (doesnt even cost me any money.)
Does this highlight how customization can do an end around of the leveling system the way it is setup right now? It is a large flaw in the system IMO, one which the Dev's need to fix. How they fix it is a matter of discussion of course. But to pretend the flaw does not exist is just silly.
I don't really see how this is a problem. I want to level a Jenner, I don't like 4MLas so I get a LLas why is that a problem? I have to buy each variant and customize each one to get it how I like, I can't just use a single chassis change weapons and save money leveling. So where is the problem?
It'd be different if I could take a stock Awesome and turn it into a missile boat, or drop the PPCs for AC/s and make it a Atlas clone. We can't do that however so there's no real problem as far as I can see. The crazier people get and the further their modifications are from baseline the more problems they're going to run into balancing heat, armor, speed and firepower. To me it sounds like a fairly self correcting system and this fear is more of a "I don't want a 'Mechlab period, people should play what they're given and be happy!" kind of mentality.
GargoyleKDR, on 19 April 2012 - 01:42 PM, said:
No, but you turn a Swayback into an 2xPPC with 4xML (or better) carrying Mech within the limitations of the Hardpoint system. It has the crits, hardpoint weapon count, and available weight to do it.
The down-side is that nearly all the weapons are in the RT. That's a common limitiation of all HB variants.
How can you do that? One PPC in each arm 4 in the torso? That's more tonnage then the stock Hunchback with an AC/20 uses. That means you're either stripping armor buying an expensive endosteel or XL upgrade or maybe lowering the top speed. Not to mention you're going to loose the extra HS the Swayback has to help dissipate the extra heat from the 6 extra ML and you're going to be ramping up the heat even more. You'll be shutting down so often as to be nearly useless.
If that's what you want to do though I don't see the problem, its going to cost you a ton of Cbills to do and you're going to run into some pretty hefty drawbacks.