sokitumi, on 08 November 2012 - 07:04 AM, said:
Does anyone else have a hard time believing that cryengine in 2012 has to take major FPS hit to render PiP?
Different software contains different features and is optimized for different things. The Source engine, for example, can totally handle multiple render perspectives - which is why Half Life 2 had TV screens simply rendering a different part of the map, or why Portal works so well in that engine.
The Cry engine likely focuses more on lighting / atmospheric / texture effects and all the stuff that makes this game look so damn good. I don't find it at all hard to believe that all the time spent optimizing the engine to handle these effects is done with the idea in mind that it will only ever have to render one instance of a view perspective. The notion that the engine would have to do twice as much work to render twice the perspectives is actually the more intuitive one. If an engine isn't specifically built with the idea that it can handle multiple perspectives already in mind, it's going to be very difficult (or nigh impossible) for the programmers to add in that capability after the fact. Making the choice to be able to render those additional scenes comes at a cost - you can't optimize all your lighting / atmospheric / texture stuff as much because you have to have enough power available to you to render the additional perspectives if you need to.
Bottom line - if I wanted to make the best-looking game engine I could, I'd also leave out features that involve trying to render more than one perspective at a time, because otherwise I couldn't fully dedicate all my rendering power to just one perspective at a time.
If you want a comparison, it's like min/maxing a 'mech. If you want pure LRM power, you don't put other weapons on the 'mech so you can stuff more LRMs / ammo / heatsinks on there. You say '2012' like it's suddenly just time for a game engine to be able to do everything, but the fact that you have double heatsinks now does not mean that tradeoffs have suddenly gone away.
Edited by Comassion, 08 November 2012 - 07:44 AM.