8 Man Premades Still Exist!
Posted 09 November 2012 - 01:33 AM
Before you carry on accusing me of being a stupid, cheating and exploiting fool, try to get your fact straight. I have written posts where I have explained that I have NOT used or abused this function and added facts while politely wording a direct and open question to you so that you may explain yourself. The answer was not an answer, but an insult. Either get off your high horse, calm down or get the heck out of this thread if you are not able to articulate yoruself without making yourself look like a lobotomized wally with a bad attitude!
Posted 09 November 2012 - 01:34 AM
but its ridiculos posts arguing that some folks are exploiting by wanting to play together . i avoid people like this like the plage in real life other wise id end up ***** slapping them . i
its all about freedom of choice when i WANT to play with pugs i will play with pugs when i want to play with friends i play with friends . IF YOU WANT TO SHINE AS A PUG THEN BY ALL MEANS DO just dont ***** and whine about it here . just go play pugger off and leave the rest of us to play how we want with out imposing your self rightious clap trap here .
Edited by lordlazarus, 09 November 2012 - 01:36 AM.
Posted 09 November 2012 - 01:43 AM
Rushin Roulette, on 09 November 2012 - 01:33 AM, said:
Before you carry on accusing me of being a stupid, cheating and exploiting fool, try to get your fact straight. I have written posts where I have explained that I have NOT used or abused this function and added facts while politely wording a direct and open question to you so that you may explain yourself. The answer was not an answer, but an insult. Either get off your high horse, calm down or get the heck out of this thread if you are not able to articulate yoruself without making yourself look like a lobotomized wally with a bad attitude!
Look man, you are the one putting words in my mouth. You want to find insults, start there. I never once accused you or anyone specifically of hacking. Now as far as the exploiting accusation, you need only read the first page. These people are circumventing the rules and enjoying it. They are encouraging others to do it. As evidenced by Lordlazarus post just above this.
Also, yeah I am gonna get a little peeved when you twist the meaning of those emails from support. They are clear, that abusing matchmaking to continue to roll in 8 man premades is an exploit. Claiming it's anything but that is the same type of verbal mumbo jumbo that people use to justify their actions all across the world.
And yeah, I am angry, angry that some people in this thread don't see anything wrong with exploiting a bug to do whatever they want in game. This kind of attitude by gaming communities has ruined countless games before. Maybe I shouldn't have popped off at you directly, and for that I apologize, but I will not apologize for being angry at this situation.
Posted 09 November 2012 - 01:48 AM
Jun Watarase, on 08 November 2012 - 10:25 PM, said:
PGI introduces phase 1 matchmaking....the entire goal of which was to (temporarily) eliminate 8 man premades.
A bypass is found, and nobody seems to think that this is an exploit, even though it made phase 1 matchmaking pointless.
Every time anyone complains about anything they think is subpar they're mocked and told that it's just a beta.
Posted 09 November 2012 - 01:49 AM
ho yess pgi "flag" me as an exploiter by al means ban me sure thing ill just take my MONEY somewhere else
Edited by lordlazarus, 09 November 2012 - 01:55 AM.
Posted 09 November 2012 - 01:50 AM
Posted 09 November 2012 - 01:55 AM
Jun Watarase, on 09 November 2012 - 12:15 AM, said:
What an astonishing [REDACTED]. Running to the teacher, 3049 style!
Let's all hold him up by his ankles for a mild beating then stuff him in a locker.
Edited by RAM, 09 November 2012 - 09:29 AM.
Posted 09 November 2012 - 01:57 AM
someone wrote early on that they dont have any friends in this game. well neather did i.everyone i know in this game i made by chooseing to talk to other players. i started out as a pug till i see a post about an unoffical teamspeak server. talking to each other is what the game makers intended us to do by implamenting that god orfull c3 program.now you naysayers are saying that by working together it is in someway bad coz those that choose not to play the game as intended are winning.
now im not saying that if you choose to play alone that your the ones at fault. but stop greifing those that choose too.
you have headphones/speakers you proberbly have a mic as well. use it. thats what its there for.
Posted 09 November 2012 - 02:03 AM
Jun Watarase, on 09 November 2012 - 12:15 AM, said:
In thie first email Jun wrote to the devs that it seems as if players are exploiting the matchmaker without actually going into any detail at all as to how this is done. From the view of the devs, this could mean that players could be doing anything from simply pressing the launch button at the same time to hacking and altering the game code so that they are illegally modifying their product. No person support will or can ever give a direct answer to something which is not detailed or not phrased as a direct question. They will always give a generic answer and try to close of the situation before it gets too hairy.
In Juns second email after the ticket had been closed he again asked an incredibly generic question without pointing to a single fact explaining what exactly the exploit entails while also asking if PGI will take a stand and fix this unexplained exploit.
The answer he received again was a generic answer sent out to please the average support query in this case. We are looking at it and exploiters are always frowned on and are being tracked.
All the users on this thread know eaxclty what is meant when anyone calls this an exploit, but dont for a second think that the PGI support worker even remotely knows what is meant when someone posts a random ticket and immediately jumps in without providing any background information at all.
This is the reason why I wrote that PGI have not written anythgin conclusive in regards to this particular matchmaking issue. I am deliberately not calling this allowed or an exploit as I am waiting to see if PGI or a staff moderator will take a stance.
Posted 09 November 2012 - 02:05 AM
UraniumOverdose, on 09 November 2012 - 01:50 AM, said:
As a PUGger myself (currently) the 4+(1*4) vs 4+(1*4) games are, on average, the best ones I've had in MWO. I have no issue with dropping into a match that involves premades currently, since the system prevents the 8 vs (1*8) messes of the past. It actually favours competent PUGgers, since you can observe the 4-man friendly PUG and coordinate/decide your actions based on theirs, as opposed to hoping that you're not dropping with one other competent PUGger and 6 newbies or headless chickens. Hell, it favours newbies too, since they tend to be inclined to stick with the pack, and willing to follow direction, and with a 4-man in the drop, the group (and sometimes the direction) is likely to be competent.
Really, the only loosers in the situation are the headless chickens.
Edit: R.e the post above. The origional email to support actually implies that there is a significant chance of 4-man premades being aligned on the same team. This is innaccurate, there is at best a 50/50 chance of that occuring.
Edited by Gaan Cathal, 09 November 2012 - 02:07 AM.
Posted 09 November 2012 - 02:09 AM
Jun mentions that when using this exploit, it creates a high chance that the two premades form one team together.
Then Justin replies "The problem you encountered is a known issue, we hope to have it fixed soon.
Then jun replies "if this is a known issue, are people allowed to exploit it to their benefit before it's fixed, or no?"
Then Justin replies "People are never allowed to exploit, thats why we appreciate it when our player base reports them to us.
So Jun starts the conversation by mentioning a specific exploit. Logic dictates that for the rest of the Emails, this specific exploit is still the topic of conversation. Had this issue not been considered an exploit, Justin surely would have mentioned that. He did not.
Also thinking logically, this exploit gives you a distinct advantage over the current system as implemented. So unless we are going for the Chewbacce defense, reasoning and sound judgement would place this as an exploit, and therefore, it should not be used.
Posted 09 November 2012 - 02:09 AM
let me put it clear for EVERYONE...I am playing with friends, what you call a premade. And thats 100% ok.
What is NOT ok is:
Bypassing the matchfinder by clicking on it on the same time as 2 x 4man teams = 8 man again (or 4vs4)
Nobody wants to suck your gameplay or alter your fun...it has been changed to 4 man teams (and everyone got it by now), and we are just alking ABOUT 2 DARN WEEKS...according to the devs until 8vs8 gets in.
Stating your point of view on this is ok...we are in Beta and thats what we do when we dont play, WE DISCUSS...but we are old enough to do that without insults here and there.
lordlazarus, on 09 November 2012 - 01:49 AM, said:
Threatening developers by saying "I can spend my cash elsewhere" is simply...so...<insert word>
Edited by Cole Allard, 09 November 2012 - 02:11 AM.
Posted 09 November 2012 - 02:10 AM

Premade are just cleaver Pugs who want teamplay and they search and found a teamspeak server <HERE> .
I still dont go the point of those who are also called pug and who claim for fair play , complain , and blablabla and dont want even try and search for a teamspeak .
Did i already mentioned the unofficial official teamspeak server ? :
Just in case : HERE
or : http://mwomercs.com/...e-chat-servers/
Posted 09 November 2012 - 02:14 AM
Further - I will play with my friends given any and every opportunity to do so. We're more than happy to sync drops. We don't care if we win or lose, but we like to keep to a decent standard and it's certainly not going to happen playing with passive aggressive manchildren in the mix.
If you have a problem with it - complain about matchmaking, not about our preferred evenings in.
Posted 09 November 2012 - 02:27 AM
Posted 09 November 2012 - 02:43 AM
ps i dont make threats i make statements of my intent .
Posted 09 November 2012 - 02:57 AM
IIntrude, on 03 November 2012 - 11:29 AM, said:
I joined up and found myself in channel with a group of 7 perfectly normal, decent people all enjoying the Battletech universe. I loaded up my new LRM Cat and dropped with them. The next 2-3 hours were the most fun I have ever had in MWO, and I had enjoyed my time even while PUGing. But being part of a coordinated unit was amazing and easy. Movement destinations were announced, targets were called, and fire reigned from the skies. I'm not sure how many matches we played but we won each and every one.
Communication is the key. This group of strangers, who in reality are a PUG themselves simply chose to use comma and play as a team. I liken it to a pickup game of football at the park with both teams made of complete strangers but one team decides to talk to each other while the other decides to all wear ball-gags. The team who talks wins.
I don't know if I can go back to PUGing now. Not just because we won and I made great xp and cb. But, because the result of working together with a group of people and then hearing and seeing the plan come together, that my friends was the most fun I've had in a long while in game. And again, this wasn't some uber elite group of douchy type As. This was just a group of random folks who decided they would talk and help each other. Good times.
Posted 09 November 2012 - 05:19 AM
Unfortunately some individuals viewed this as exploiting the game. We viewed it as simply using the system in place that many teams have used to drop against each other.
We did not have the intention of pug stomping, or buffing our KDR or WLR. We simply wanted to have fun with our mates.
TBH since this 4 man team has been implemented, and even BEFORE we tried this experiment, I still only lost 4 matches in two days of playing! Many of my drops found us teamed up with another 4 man premade. And most matches were 8-0, 8-1 results.
I don't NEED TS to be a good player, I don't NEED TS to do teamwork, and play smart. I CHOOSE to use TS because I like to be able to coordinate with my team, and enjoy the human interaction. If you choose not to use it, fine, but please stop trying to make us out as villians when all we want is to play together.
Please stop this "us vs them" mentality, it will ruin this game for everyone.
Edited by No Remorse, 09 November 2012 - 05:20 AM.
Posted 09 November 2012 - 06:21 AM
IIntrude, on 03 November 2012 - 11:29 AM, said:
I joined up and found myself in channel with a group of 7 perfectly normal, decent people all enjoying the Battletech universe. I loaded up my new LRM Cat and dropped with them. The next 2-3 hours were the most fun I have ever had in MWO, and I had enjoyed my time even while PUGing. But being part of a coordinated unit was amazing and easy. Movement destinations were announced, targets were called, and fire reigned from the skies. I'm not sure how many matches we played but we won each and every one.
Communication is the key. This group of strangers, who in reality are a PUG themselves simply chose to use comma and play as a team. I liken it to a pickup game of football at the park with both teams made of complete strangers but one team decides to talk to each other while the other decides to all wear ball-gags. The team who talks wins.
I don't know if I can go back to PUGing now. Not just because we won and I made great xp and cb. But, because the result of working together with a group of people and then hearing and seeing the plan come together, that my friends was the most fun I've had in a long while in game. And again, this wasn't some uber elite group of douchy type As. This was just a group of random folks who decided they would talk and help each other. Good times.
lordlazarus, on 09 November 2012 - 02:57 AM, said:
Exactly my experience too! After playing many online games, now get why. IT IS MORE FUN!
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