Just finished construction: I present to you my new command couch
Posted 25 April 2012 - 08:51 AM
Posted 25 April 2012 - 08:57 AM
Edited by Alaric Wolf Kerensky, 25 April 2012 - 08:59 AM.
Posted 25 April 2012 - 09:02 AM
Being mostly very serious, you should patent that baby and see if Logitech or somebody would wanna mass-produce it. I'd buy one.
And Hellequin is right, most def needs a "Beverage Containment and Stabilization Unit" or BCSU... If you will.
Posted 25 April 2012 - 09:10 AM
Other than that, it's very nice, and I might even consider trying it myself.
Posted 25 April 2012 - 11:06 AM
secondly: holy shazbot! (i know that's from tribes, but what does it MEAN?) this is probably the most awesome setup i have ever seen for actual use. the one where he actually went whole hog and built a mech cockpit has more 'kool faktor' but this is by far both more do-able and usable.
thirdly: where did you acquire these 'furniture connectors'? i'm going to google-search it in a minute, but if i can get them locally.....
you are now free to return to gawking/drooling/having a nerdgasm, thank you for your time
(begins to plot and scheme on how to build my very own Kommand Kouch ™ < haHAH! now I've got the Trademark)
<begins a mad dash for the patent office>
Posted 25 April 2012 - 02:19 PM
Posted 25 April 2012 - 05:57 PM
SGT Unther, on 23 April 2012 - 04:23 PM, said:
You sir have made gaming nirvana, I salute you!
I would also like to pass on my condolences to your family for when the game launches.
Don't have a family ! (success kid?)
Alaric Wolf Kerensky, on 25 April 2012 - 08:57 AM, said:
I use the pedals for turning, and the joystick for torso twist. I find this to be the most natural (not to mention canon, I think?) configuration. It takes some getting used to but if you've ever taxi'd an aircraft it feels very natural very quickly.
Elder St00bert, on 25 April 2012 - 09:02 AM, said:
Being mostly very serious, you should patent that baby and see if Logitech or somebody would wanna mass-produce it. I'd buy one.
And Hellequin is right, most def needs a "Beverage Containment and Stabilization Unit" or BCSU... If you will.
I would patent but there's too much too similar on the market that's made of much better materials... the whole appeal of mine is that it's easy to DIY, the only tools you need are a measuring tape, level, pvc cutter, and a drill with all of three bits.
Working on the BCSU, my friend over at the DrunkenMoogle won't post the thing until it's drink-related =P
Volturnus, on 25 April 2012 - 09:10 AM, said:
Other than that, it's very nice, and I might even consider trying it myself.
With difficulty. I use the ammo crates as a step-in of sorts. Step on ammo crate > step into seat > step on floor > try not to knock keyboard off > sit.
Wolfgang Von *******, on 25 April 2012 - 11:06 AM, said:
secondly: holy shazbot! (i know that's from tribes, but what does it MEAN?) this is probably the most awesome setup i have ever seen for actual use. the one where he actually went whole hog and built a mech cockpit has more 'kool faktor' but this is by far both more do-able and usable.
thirdly: where did you acquire these 'furniture connectors'? i'm going to google-search it in a minute, but if i can get them locally.....
you are now free to return to gawking/drooling/having a nerdgasm, thank you for your time
(begins to plot and scheme on how to build my very own Kommand Kouch ™ < haHAH! now I've got the Trademark)
<begins a mad dash for the patent office>
I'm flattered to de-lurk you? Formufit is the best furniture connectors website There's actually a few sites that offer them, these are the best: they have longer attachment points which means greater stability, and there the perfect balance of snug while also workable. Also, I highly suggest the google sketch-up utility to plan. I didn't use this and ended up with WAY mis-allocated resources..
Freric, on 25 April 2012 - 02:19 PM, said:
Depending on the game I switch from using all three monitors to just the one. I don't like the 'stretched' nature that results from only rendering one camera with a super-wide view. For simulators however, like DCS A-10C, that have the capability to render three seperate cameras with angled viewpoints, the three monitors are beautiful. I HIGHLY doubt MWO will employ such a tactic but it would be AMAZINGLY AWESOME IF THEY DID *COUGH* DEVS *COUGH.* But in all seriousness, we'll see how widescreen-friendly this game is, I'll be playing it regardless...
Posted 25 April 2012 - 09:22 PM
Posted 25 April 2012 - 09:31 PM
Posted 25 April 2012 - 09:46 PM

Seriously though, it's an epic piece of construction and I am thoroughly impressed.
Posted 26 April 2012 - 05:11 AM
Posted 27 April 2012 - 05:42 AM
Have you considered moving the Warthog stick over to a center stick position? You could probably even notch out that center seatbelt slot to accomodate it if you wanted to... I've seen at least one pit where the guy modified his poly seat that way (had to make an insert to fill in around the notch to keep structural support).
And yes, one MWO is out, that ought to ensure that you remain single for a good bit longer!

Posted 27 April 2012 - 09:42 AM
Makes the equipment cost look like nothing in comparison.
Posted 27 April 2012 - 09:56 AM
Posted 29 April 2012 - 09:23 AM
Volturnus, on 25 April 2012 - 09:22 PM, said:
This was actually one of the more simple bits of the assembly... fortunately the sizing worked out well: I just used some conduit hangers screwed into the VESA mount on the monitors. Picture
AlphaKale, on 25 April 2012 - 09:46 PM, said:

Seriously though, it's an epic piece of construction and I am thoroughly impressed.
I'd rather not add a waste disposal system... that can get real messy real fast. Plus I should get up every once in a while. Health and all.
Miscatonic, on 26 April 2012 - 12:23 AM, said:
I'm planning on LEDing up the whole thing soon...
CyBerkut, on 27 April 2012 - 05:42 AM, said:
Have you considered moving the Warthog stick over to a center stick position? You could probably even notch out that center seatbelt slot to accomodate it if you wanted to... I've seen at least one pit where the guy modified his poly seat that way (had to make an insert to fill in around the notch to keep structural support).
And yes, one MWO is out, that ought to ensure that you remain single for a good bit longer!

Definitely over-engineered but the other 3 I've built have fallen apart over time. I didn't want that to happen here...
I would center-mount the stick but I actually prefer a side-mounted stick. Not as authentic for most flying, certainly, but more adaptable to more programs/planes/(mechs). Plus it makes it that much easier to get in and out...
Hayashi, on 27 April 2012 - 09:42 AM, said:
Makes the equipment cost look like nothing in comparison.
Living in the middle of nowhere means cheap land and big places... this is actually the smallest (nice) apartment I could find. Even so it's a tad big for what I need...
Thornix, on 27 April 2012 - 09:56 AM, said:
Depends whether or not, and how well, MWO implements widescreen support. If they do a full-sim job (highly doubtful) each monitor will act as a separate 'camera' at about 45* to each other, that way it makes it so each monitor is like it's own window into the cockpit. If that's the case I'll definitely be using all three.
Next up is if they just support 'hor+' (horizontal +) widescreen support. This just means that the view angle can be extended to the left and right without sacrificing vertical view angle. Most modern games support this in some form, but usually UI's aren't optimized for it, so you either get very stretched UIs or all your gauges are way far apart. If they support ultra-wide resolutions I'll see how they handle them, and if the implementation is decent I'll be using all three. The drawback here over the above example is that you're still only seeing out of one 'eye,' so there tends to be a huge amount of distortion at the edges of the side screens when looking at objects close up (I.E. a cockpit).
Finally, there's 'vert-' which is when a game allows for wide resolutions, but makes no accommodation for them. In this case the entire view will get 'letterboxed' so that only the middle band of the screen is actually visible on the monitor. This often completely cuts off needed UI elements, as well as creating a very uncomfortable 'zoomed in' feeling on the actual view. Needless to say if this is the case I won't be using all three.
Of course, they could also just not allow ultra-wide resolutions at all.
If the widescreen implementation is poorly done, or nonexistent, I'll just run the game on one monitor.
Posted 29 April 2012 - 05:37 PM
Posted 03 May 2012 - 05:33 AM

PS: That meant that your setup is awesome sauce o.O
Posted 03 May 2012 - 05:44 AM
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