Killdare's legacy and the online Lyran community goes back further, but the House Steiner I joined dates back to about '95 or '96, making it the oldest Lyran community in the MechWarrior PC franchise. It got its start on Kali, a text-based game conferencing service that also provided peer-to-peer Internet routing service for MechWarrior II: Netmech, which by design only worked on a local area network. I still have the print-out of the email I received when I signed up [for Kali]. We also used early voice chat programs including Roger Wilco.
By the way, I set up a unit specifically for us. See my sig for details.
[edited for clarity]
Nirgali (Starfire)

Edit: Rebuilding this topic because the original (Started by Nirgali, 15 Jul 2012) was on a downward spiral to &$@! <- don't want to trip the Ned Flanders sensitivity filter.
Oshay - Posted 16 July 2012 - 10:18 PM
I wondered when you guys were going to finally crawl out from under all those rocks you've been hiding under.

Killer Ratt - Posted 14 September 2012 - 07:29 AM
Killdare was the main man during my play time on NetMech.
I'll see what's what at the link above. I'm anti-FB so nothing there for me.
Nirgali - Posted 19 September 2012 - 09:04 PM
So this is it? I know there are others lurking!
Killer Ratt - Posted 20 September 2012 - 04:02 AM
Well, I'm sure if you smack SuperBK and the few others at the .ORG shop, they'll come over and give a holler.
Suppose I could dig up the phone list and hand it off to the Doc and he can start calling everyone
again with a reactivating out of retirement speech.
HSSG MaddogK - Posted 03 October 2012 - 05:01 PM
I've been tryin for 2 months to get on the reunion site. Guess it don't like my public e-mail addy, may try the wifes but I fear the confirmation will get lost in all her facebook reply notifications.
Sup guys !!!
<edit> Am 'UP' but still fighting control config- got my first kill this morning but it doesn't offset the multiple deaths while relearning how to walk with the funky default control setup.
HSSG MaddogK - Posted 08 October 2012 - 04:36 PM
Got Nirgali's confirmation today but unable to get on that site, the reunion site is still refusing to send my activation e-mail.
I'm ghosting everywhere it seems.
Tevenor - Posted 02 November 2012 - 03:54 PM
Holy **** balls it's been a long time.
Tevenor checking in.
Edited by Nirgali, 29 November 2012 - 11:49 AM.