Daggett, on 13 November 2012 - 01:17 PM, said:
Developers != Programmers.
Developers = Game Designers, Programmers, Artists, Audio guys, Testers, Producers, Marketing Staff, Management/HR...
Okay, i admit that Management/HR and Marketing does not exactly count to the dev team. But they count to the team which need to be paid.
So even if you only have one of each of those needed guys, your teamcount is 9. Now take some more programmers, artists and designers, and you easily hit that 20 heads which want to see money each month ;-)
I'm betting cash that you have never worked in this type of environment before.
Seriously....Audio guys? Is that so they get a good capture on all the voice overs? Testers?
Wait, did I just get punked? You are a funny guy!