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3Rd Person :: Its Coming

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#1121 BlightFang


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Posted 14 November 2012 - 02:17 PM

How about this option which will limit its competative use, but still make it available to the crowd that want it. Make 3rd person view an item that you can load onto a mech that takes maybe 1.5 tons or so and a few slots. It can be a remote camera deployment container or whatever they want to call it. And it can be put by default on trial mechs or first mechs or whatever pgi decides to go with in the future.

#1122 Marhalut


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Posted 14 November 2012 - 02:17 PM

It removes the 'in Mech feel' of playing Mechwarrior, which is not only characteristic of the gameplay so far, but is part of the challenge of playing MW:O. A possible option would be to have a 3rd person only match listing, so to not create any advantage/disadvantage for players who choose to get the Mech feel vs. the benefits of 3rd person.
A big concern would be the fact that Assaults/Heavy Mechs would be able to go 3rd person so they don't have to deal with spinning circles to catch that Jenner or Raven, or go 3rd person to 'peek around' a wall to see incoming enemies, or to have a better view overall of the battlefield (Information is Ammunition.)

#1123 BloodyProphecy


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Posted 14 November 2012 - 02:18 PM

Screw third person, its unrealistic and would give players in larger mechs an unfair advantage over light mechs, most of my kills come from sneaking up behind larger mechs, with that there is no more sneaking up behind them, it would basically make light scout mechs almost pointless to play.

#1124 locilocisu


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Posted 14 November 2012 - 02:19 PM

Bad idea. It'll defeat the idea that MWO tries to be a simulation game.

Not to mention that running 3rd person gives you an advantage of extra field of view behind you, not to mention aiming would just be silly in third person. How do you aim up or down in third person?

From all game that i've played a 1st person game is simply a different game from a 3rd person game. The mechanics are too different to be applied in the same game

#1125 arkani


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Posted 14 November 2012 - 02:19 PM

In 8 hours, stats so far:
1219 member(s) have cast votes)
No (1104 votes [90.57%])

Is this feedback enough?

Edited by arkani, 14 November 2012 - 02:30 PM.

#1126 GMFaux


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Posted 14 November 2012 - 02:19 PM

Please no. This game is about being the pilot of a mech. The pilot is not located outside of the mech.

#1127 TruePoindexter


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Posted 14 November 2012 - 02:19 PM

View PostBloodyProphecy, on 14 November 2012 - 02:18 PM, said:

Screw third person, its unrealistic and would give players in larger mechs an unfair advantage over light mechs, most of my kills come from sneaking up behind larger mechs, with that there is no more sneaking up behind them, it would basically make light scout mechs almost pointless to play.

100ton walking upright robots are realistic.

Edited by TruePoindexter, 14 November 2012 - 02:19 PM.

#1128 mr dude guy


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Posted 14 November 2012 - 02:19 PM

I'm ok with this for single player/training/custom modes only, any matchmaking must be 1st person.

#1129 Jacob Dieffenbach


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Posted 14 November 2012 - 02:19 PM

I don't really want to see third person come into play in any capacity. I don't really see the point: I've never seen someone struggle to understand torso movement versus leg movement--the big problems I've seen need to be addressed with a tutorial map or mode, or something like that, not third person.

Then there's the fact you guys were adamant you wouldn't add third person, that you wanted people to be the pilots, not the 'Mech. In fact, you have several video interviews and blog posts stating just how strong you felt about this. Now you're going 180, threatening to put off a huge portion of your fan-base, all to satisfy a need to help newbies using a method that we're not even sure will help.

Oh, and the fact it completely disrupts the information war aspect of gameplay, one of your pillars of gameplay, by allowing people to peek around corners or aim their reticules over targets without revealing their positions.

Going 180 degrees on something you were adamant about designing this game? Throwing out a pillar of gameplay? All to potentially help newbies in a way I've never even seen them struggling?

I don't know what's gotten into you PGI, but this is a bad idea. And if the reason you want to do it is the reason I think you want to do it--increase camo sales by letting people admire their 'Mechs mid-match--then you should straight up say so instead of deceiving us, if that's what you're doing. Besides, there are better ways to do that--have it go into third person during match launch and post match--I'd like to be able to see my battle damage anyway so that'd be cool.

Anyway. I think it's almost universally, in every aspect of its design, purpose, and implementation, going to be a massive failure that damages the game as a whole. I'm not going to be all "Gar! I payed $120 for this and you're screwing it up!" because frankly, you've payed millions for this and are screwing it up, so I can't compete. But seriously. There are far, far better ways to resolve any camo-sales or newbie-training issues than this one you've thought up. Try again.

#1130 Relic1701


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Posted 14 November 2012 - 02:19 PM

View Postarkani, on 14 November 2012 - 02:19 PM, said:

stats so far:
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Bet you thought your little poll would attract so much attention :)

#1131 Orzorn


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Posted 14 November 2012 - 02:19 PM

View PostBluten, on 14 November 2012 - 02:17 PM, said:

In MW 2 if you went into third person you could still shoot but had no kind of HUD at all so there's no way you'd actually hit something. That game was also mostly featured on flat terrains too. This one... isn't quite the same. It's be even less likely for you to blind shot an enemy in that mode here.

You'd still have to split the community, or else you'll get people using it to peek around corners.

#1132 Bloody Moon


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Posted 14 November 2012 - 02:20 PM

View PostSevaradan, on 14 November 2012 - 02:07 PM, said:

because we dont trust them.

Pretty much, how can we trust them in this (rather complicated) issue of implementing a 3rd person view without advantages when they 1. went back on their words 2. cannot handle simple issues.

For example the DHS thing, damn simple issue, first they implemented a buggy version (ok i can live with that, **** happens), then they decided to go with a "fixed" 1.4 version AND that version is still plagued by the same bug the first implementation had only the other way around, for those of you who don't know EHS are 2.0 and additionals are 1.4 right now. Yes, it is a bug as the patch notes clearly say "all heatsinks with 1.4 efficiency".

And this is only one of the VERY long list.

If everything around the game would be perfectly fine i'd still despise the 3rd person view idea, but i would trust their word that they can implement it well, now my answer is hell no!

#1133 TruePoindexter


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Posted 14 November 2012 - 02:20 PM

View Postarkani, on 14 November 2012 - 02:19 PM, said:

stats so far:
1219 member(s) have cast votes)
No (1104 votes [90.57%])

Forums are not representative of the player base.

#1134 Aegis Kleais


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Posted 14 November 2012 - 02:20 PM

View PostTragaperras, on 14 November 2012 - 02:05 PM, said:

You still will be able to see the laser beams hitting your back, armor starting to glow, that TAG pointing at you etc. So no, even implemented this way it still provides advantage over view from cockpit.

A laser beam that hits your back would not be rendered. The damage sparks/effects from it would not either, because as this system states, if it is outside the view of 1st person, it's not rendered in the 3D world. So a player getting shot in the back while viewing 3rd person will have to use the same damage direction indicator we get in 1st person.

#1135 SVK Puskin


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Posted 14 November 2012 - 02:20 PM

Voting results speak for themselves!

#1136 Bishop Steiner


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Posted 14 November 2012 - 02:20 PM

Is this PGI's Idea or the Publishers?

This is a deal breaker. I have spent good money to support this game, and am generally happy to have done so. That said, 3rd person is going too far, catering to the wrong crowd.

It seems, of late, that you are more concerned with the overly vocal, F2P minority, and that the input from those of us who have actually helped fund and test the game, has been marginalized.

Early rush to Open Beta. Horrible implementation of Match Maker, half-*** excuse for Double Heat sinks and now 3rd Person Perspective?

Why not just rename this "MechAssault:Online"?

Seriously. I have backed you guys the vast majority of the time, but lately, y'all have been screwing the pooch at an exponentially increasing rate.

What gives?

#1137 Damocles69


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Posted 14 November 2012 - 02:21 PM

no for all the reasons stated thus far. ill just go ahead and copy the email i sent to PGI when i learned of this.

[color=#2B2E2F]Im sure you all haven see like 30 of these so i will make this quick. You[/color]
[color=#2B2E2F]cant do this. There will be to many exports. In addition to this when i[/color]
[color=#2B2E2F]signed up for my founders pack i was given many assurances by russ and[/color]
[color=#2B2E2F]others that there would never be a 3rd person view through many media[/color]
[color=#2B2E2F]outlets. " this is an FPS first and foremost" is how i believe he put it.[/color]
[color=#2B2E2F]If and when 3rd person comes into the game i will be asking for a refund of[/color]
[color=#2B2E2F]my founders money and i dont think ill be the only one. I really appreciate[/color]
[color=#2B2E2F]all the hard work you all have put into the game and i dont mean the above[/color]
[color=#2B2E2F]as a threat but im not going to pay for something i was lead to believe[/color]
[color=#2B2E2F]would never be incorporated into the game. I have the utmost respect for[/color]
[color=#2B2E2F]PGI and this game you have made. I hope you do not go through with this[/color]
[color=#2B2E2F]Thank you for your time.[/color]

#1138 SeaWolf2k


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Posted 14 November 2012 - 02:21 PM

As someone who has used 3rd person in Mechwarrior games in the past, IMHO it is a terrible idea. MWO is nto a 1st person, fast-twitch shooter game. It is an immersive, battle simmulator. if you incorporate 3rd person view you will detract from that immersiveness.

The tactical advantages of 3rd person over cockpit view are numerous and I dont think I have to list them. To continue being competitive, people who would prefer to use cockpit view will be forced to use 3rd person to even the playing field. Then all we will be doing is playing an updated version of MechAssault.

Please, rethink this decision.

#1139 Terox


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Posted 14 November 2012 - 02:22 PM

I am absolutely against 3rd person view for a miriad of reasons, all of which should be obvious

#1140 Quxudica


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Posted 14 November 2012 - 02:22 PM

View PostDraigUK, on 14 November 2012 - 02:16 PM, said:

Maybe because of all the things they said they wouldn't do AT ALL, NEVER, like...3rd person view. So why should we believe them when they say they will implement it in a way that will be fine?

Hrmmm....let's think....what have they also done recently that has gone wrong....too much.

The credibility boat for PGIs promises already sailed honestly, since they said the same thing about selling unique mechs for cash. While I don't think active third person would improve nor fit with the game in any way, at least they admitted to internal debate on the matter (which probably means it was someones pet-feature whom simply wouldn't let it go until it got added). The pay-only hero concept was only unveiled when it was launched on the community, with the simultaneously ninja-removal of the only similar cbill variant.

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