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3Rd Person :: Its Coming

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#1561 Noth


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Posted 14 November 2012 - 05:41 PM

View PostGimpy Warpig, on 14 November 2012 - 05:38 PM, said:

I was referring to Mechwarrior team/league play specifically, earlier versions of mecha gaming on the net. Sorry for not being clear about that. You're certainly correct in the bigger picture of gaming.

Good thing this isn't previous mechwarrior games and is in a way trying to redefine the game. I don't see 3rd person ever being used in competitive areas in this game just from the comments made in the podcast so the competive claim has nothing to stand on.

#1562 TruePoindexter


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Posted 14 November 2012 - 05:42 PM

View PostPht, on 14 November 2012 - 05:40 PM, said:

Hey, if you really want to throw a moneky wrench into the calculation of a profit-motive thing like adding 3pv ...

While the vocal community likely may not be the majority of the community, they probably ARE the people who will keep playing the game, who know the genre.... and why does this matter? Simple - their friends who know them who will want to know if a MWO is a good 'mech game will value their opinion very highly.

Who knows how many possible 'mech players each voice on this forum represents ...

Ah, the joys of trying to calculate things for profit.

Our friends think we're insane for playing with robots all day

#1563 Pht


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Posted 14 November 2012 - 05:43 PM

View PostLokust Davion, on 14 November 2012 - 05:31 PM, said:

I think I know what's happening here. IGP must have pushed PGI to add 3rd person just as they pushed PGI to release Open Beta early. Therefore, this is not PGI's fault, so don't blame PGI.

We don't know enough to go around tossing out names.

This is a bad thing to be doing to the only people who, even if they might not have gotten everything right, are STILL the only people who gave enough of a darn to try and actually manage to produce something.

#1564 Soy


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Posted 14 November 2012 - 05:43 PM

View PostNoth, on 14 November 2012 - 05:41 PM, said:

Good thing this isn't previous mechwarrior games and is in a way trying to redefine the game. I don't see 3rd person ever being used in competitive areas in this game just from the comments made in the podcast so the competive claim has nothing to stand on.

This is an interesting post.

#1565 Arthur Heath


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Posted 14 November 2012 - 05:44 PM

......A VOTE OF NO..........

View PostBen Delat, on 14 November 2012 - 11:16 AM, said:

If you implement 3rd Person View, i´d like to get the Money for my Legendary Founder Package back.
Thank you.

This was one of the reasons i did back this Game up, and you want for some dubious "Community complaning Reasons" implement this?

Pleas listen to the People in this Community Post or look into the Poll to this Theme.

Exactly...though this is not my founder pilot name...I like many others put in up to $120 because we where led to belive this would not be "POP TART" warrior where every round 2/3rds the enemy team is sitting behind a wall jumping up and down sniping at 2/3rds the other team "POP TART" sniping back at them from the wall across the way.(It got real old).

The only way I can see it even work without the game being turned into that would be the idea others have posted ....In 3rd peson view you can only see what you can see from the cockpit view...sure you can see all the terain around you, even spin 360 around to view your snazzy camo skin....but as for over that hill or around that corner NOPE, as for that lil light mech hiting you in the back NOPE cant even see his shots till you turn around and put him in your view..The view should hold no tactical advantage of any kind, should honestly be a hinderance to the player to try to use it, but only be in place to view the mech and its natural suroundings.

The idea of making seperate Que's would be detrimental unless they where more like training rooms only, but even then you may get a chunk of your population just staying in training to "pop tart" the new players over and over. Definently could NOT apply 3rd person to spec. mode you would destroy this game for the other reason you couldnt apply it to live play, be it team speak, steam, or just talking on the phone there would be NO tactical way to move without some one knowing where you where.

BOTTOM LINE is that you led a bunch of PRO MWO players to belive that you where against this idea....and I would sure hope that if you are even considering doing this before you fix all the problems you still have, or adding any of the things people are waiting for you to add, basically filling out the checklist you have laid out for people of what you plan to do. YOU SHOULD BE WILLING TO GIVE REFUNDS TO ANY FOUNDERS THAT FEEL YOU LED THEM ON. Mind you I would not be after a refund but a lot may,

SO YEAH I VOTE NO...But money talks and fuzzy bunnies walk.

unless you make it a pure Aesthetic 3rd person that could not even be used in regular play, to learn how to twist and turn, sure. But have no use at all for actual game play.

Cuthbert Allgood "Legendary Founder"

alias "Arthur Heath" ftp test pilot

Edited by Arthur Heath, 14 November 2012 - 11:23 PM.

#1566 Zylo


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Posted 14 November 2012 - 05:46 PM

View PostTruePoindexter, on 14 November 2012 - 05:30 PM, said:

91% of the forum-going player-base right now is weighing in at a mighty 38 logged in users on this thread - you can see the number of people watching this thread below. This entire forum only had 292 logged in users in the last 15 minutes. Even multiplying those numbers 10 fold to account for offline users it's not what I would call a major economic force.

So here's a thought for you, the display of users in game seems to be gone now from the game. If this number was going up why would it be removed?

The game had a bit over 3000 logged in most nights, many of those players are the same who have been active on the forums making comments against 3rd person view.

So, how many players will actually pay for the game when a few thousand players could easily decide to quit or at least stop spending money on the game?

I think you will find the impact of these players far greater as many of these players speaking out against the changes also have friends playing the game. If each player leaving the game takes a friend or 2 with them to another game the numbers will add up faster than you think. If the leader of a large merc corp choose to leave and form that corp in another game, how many thousands more players could be gone in this happened with a large number of merc corps?

Go ahead and think that it's just a small group against 3rd person view if you want to. When the game is struggling to continue due to this bad decision to add 3rd person view I'm sure some of us will be nice enough to stop by the forums to remind you this change would be bad for the game.

#1567 Gimpy Warpig


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Posted 14 November 2012 - 05:47 PM

View PostPht, on 14 November 2012 - 05:30 PM, said:

Part of the reason there is SO much backlash vs 3pv is because of posts like this one you've just made.

The bigger reason there is SO much backlash vs 3pv is because of FFP freaks being closed minded egomaniacs who cannot stand someone disagreeing with their opinions and DARING to actually want to play the game in a view other than ffp.

I know right, the gal of some people preferring one view over the holy of holies - FFP.

Let's all make outrageous proclamations vowing to QUIT and ASK FOR REFUNDS, immediately!


Not sure why I keep bothering posting about this topic, people will never change, its friggin sad that something as stupid as whether someone prefers their mecha game in 1st or 3rd person can cause this much angst and petty crap spewing.

#1568 BDU Drakzen


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Posted 14 November 2012 - 05:47 PM

Worse idea ever - I posted my comments on the linked thread

I really cannot believe you are even considering this after all the hell no's you have said over the year.

#1569 Jeckyll


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Posted 14 November 2012 - 05:48 PM

I am disappointed you guys are considering this.
Mechwarrior is a skill based strategic game, part of that learning curve is getting used to first person and only first person.
Adding 3rd person just caters to the lazy and undetermined if that's is what they are having trouble with in game.
It brings a damper on the overall feel of the game even having something like that available, let alone using it. For those of us who have spent the many, many years practicing piloting our 'Mechs in between tight buildings, around corners and using cover it would be a little insulting.
PGI should concentrate on their core gameplay and mechanics rather than add something this unnecessary just to make (what I assume) some whiny people happy.

Please, just concentrating on MAKING the game and keeping it true and not just think about putting a game out that everybody would like.
We've been waiting for a true Mechwarrior game for years, don't ruin it with 3rd person.

#1570 Kobold


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Posted 14 November 2012 - 05:49 PM

I don't want people looking over hills and seeing my flanking attack.


Posted Image

#1571 Alexandrix


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Posted 14 November 2012 - 05:50 PM

No....just...just no.Plenty of reasons already stated.

#1572 Divine Madcat


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Posted 14 November 2012 - 05:50 PM

View PostLokust Davion, on 14 November 2012 - 05:31 PM, said:

I think I know what's happening here. IGP must have pushed PGI to add 3rd person just as they pushed PGI to release Open Beta early. Therefore, this is not PGI's fault, so don't blame PGI.

You know.. this just reminds me.. why even HAVE crap like IGP? What are they "publishing"? PGI is doing the delivery, and it is all digital. I wouldn't mind PGI dropping dead weight (and yes, i am still bitter after finding out Founder money did not totally do to PGI for MWO...)

#1573 Zylo


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Posted 14 November 2012 - 05:53 PM

View PostSoy, on 14 November 2012 - 05:36 PM, said:

Lol? I accept the game in its current state as being unfinished, and I certainly have no trouble playing the game with success. Rather than try and push people down and undermine the credibility of their opinions to validate your own, how about you re-read your own statement when you said you are currently forced to play FPS right now. Giving someone an option to play from a different perspective at times is an option, you aren't being forced to do anything. You aren't even being forced to change to "stay cutting edge". You're forced to join groups and develop chemistry and team play and mature your meta knowledge as the game is tweaked and balanced and patched continuously. Please, son.

You clearly don't have a clue kid, I'm probably old enough to be your dad.

Anyway, players have clearly stated the issues created by allowing 3rd person view to be added. You could try reading the thread and you can see these examples rather than choosing to ignore all the reasons these players have given explaining how 3rd person view will ruin the game.

Choosing to stick to your view while ignoring all of the examples stated by other players only makes you look like a fool. I guess that's your choice though if you want to continue.

#1574 Squid von Torgar


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Posted 14 November 2012 - 05:54 PM

Publisher pressure is one thing, but I think in this case its not that.

Given the success of the founders program you would think IGP would let PGI well alone.

#1575 William Petersen


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Posted 14 November 2012 - 05:54 PM

Voted no.

[Sarcasm Mode: Engaged]
Hey guys, I've got a GREAT idea, how about we go ahead and add NH/UA to CW! That's a great idea, right?! And let's bring back pop-tarting (as if it doesn't already exist in some forms), everyone just love that ****, too! It'll be like MechWarrior 4 all over again! It'll be fantastic!
[Sarcasm Mode: Disabled]

It's times like these I really regret that orange tag under my name.

Edited by William Petersen, 14 November 2012 - 05:55 PM.

#1576 Pht


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Posted 14 November 2012 - 05:55 PM

View PostDivine Madcat, on 14 November 2012 - 05:50 PM, said:

You know.. this just reminds me.. why even HAVE crap like IGP? What are they "publishing"? PGI is doing the delivery, and it is all digital. I wouldn't mind PGI dropping dead weight (and yes, i am still bitter after finding out Founder money did not totally do to PGI for MWO...)

The "crap" to which you refer are the ONLY reason that PGI can make MWO. PGI is not large enough to do their own publishing.

You really need to make sure you know what you're talking about before you start tossing out the insults like this.

#1577 Soy


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Posted 14 November 2012 - 05:56 PM

View PostZylo, on 14 November 2012 - 05:53 PM, said:

You clearly don't have a clue kid, I'm probably old enough to be your dad.

Anyway, players have clearly stated the issues created by allowing 3rd person view to be added. You could try reading the thread and you can see these examples rather than choosing to ignore all the reasons these players have given explaining how 3rd person view will ruin the game.

Choosing to stick to your view while ignoring all of the examples stated by other players only makes you look like a fool. I guess that's your choice though if you want to continue.

Why would it make me look like a fool? For playing online games since 1996 and having formed my own opinion that may be different from a vocal group of MW hardcore beta testers that have basically limited their entire gaming world to one specific area and are fearful of the outcome of something they haven't experienced but have certaine expectations about? Oops, did I just speculate wildly about you/others? I guess I did. Ad hominem is great.

Each and every one of the FPS titles that I've played in any serious capacity benefitted from having an optional 3pv that is balanced correctly. Not all of them did feature a 3pv because of balance issues. There it is again, the main issue... The balance is the whole caveat.

Get a grip.

Edited by Soy, 14 November 2012 - 05:58 PM.

#1578 William Petersen


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Posted 14 November 2012 - 05:56 PM

View PostPht, on 14 November 2012 - 05:55 PM, said:

The "crap" to which you refer are the ONLY reason that PGI can make MWO. PGI is not large enough to do their own publishing.

You really need to make sure you know what you're talking about before you start tossing out the insults like this.

Two words, bro: Kickstarter. -wait, that's only one.

#1579 Carcass23


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Posted 14 November 2012 - 05:56 PM

I have no personal interest in it. I don't think the vast majority even want it. My constructive reply is this idea is a HUGE waste of time. I understand why some feel they should consider it, but it is not wanted. At all.

#1580 ArmandTulsen


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Posted 14 November 2012 - 05:57 PM

No, God, PLEASE NO!!



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