......A VOTE OF NO..........
Ben Delat, on 14 November 2012 - 11:16 AM, said:
If you implement 3rd Person View, i´d like to get the Money for my Legendary Founder Package back.
Thank you.
This was one of the reasons i did back this Game up, and you want for some dubious "Community complaning Reasons" implement this?
Pleas listen to the People in this Community Post or look into the Poll to this Theme.
Exactly...though this is not my founder pilot name...I like many others put in up to $120 because we where led to belive this would not be "POP TART" warrior where every round 2/3rds the enemy team is sitting behind a wall jumping up and down sniping at 2/3rds the other team "POP TART" sniping back at them from the wall across the way.(It got real old).
The only way I can see it even work without the game being turned into that would be the idea others have posted ....In 3rd peson view you can only see what you can see from the cockpit view...sure you can see all the terain around you, even spin 360 around to view your snazzy camo skin....but as for over that hill or around that corner NOPE, as for that lil light mech hiting you in the back NOPE cant even see his shots till you turn around and put him in your view..The view should hold no tactical advantage of any kind, should honestly be a hinderance to the player to try to use it, but only be in place to view the mech and its natural suroundings.
The idea of making seperate Que's would be detrimental unless they where more like training rooms only, but even then you may get a chunk of your population just staying in training to "pop tart" the new players over and over. Definently could NOT apply 3rd person to spec. mode you would destroy this game for the other reason you couldnt apply it to live play, be it team speak, steam, or just talking on the phone there would be NO tactical way to move without some one knowing where you where.
BOTTOM LINE is that you led a bunch of PRO MWO players to belive that you where against this idea....and I would sure hope that if you are even considering doing this before you fix all the problems you still have, or adding any of the things people are waiting for you to add, basically filling out the checklist you have laid out for people of what you plan to do. YOU SHOULD BE WILLING TO GIVE REFUNDS TO ANY FOUNDERS THAT FEEL YOU LED THEM ON. Mind you I would not be after a refund but a lot may,
SO YEAH I VOTE NO...But money talks and fuzzy bunnies walk.
unless you make it a pure Aesthetic 3rd person that could not even be used in regular play, to learn how to twist and turn, sure. But have no use at all for actual game play.
Cuthbert Allgood "Legendary Founder"
alias "Arthur Heath" ftp test pilot
Edited by Arthur Heath, 14 November 2012 - 11:23 PM.