Posted 14 November 2012 - 07:07 PM
I also want to point out that, this thread began at 1234 TODAY, and right now, it is 905PM in the central time zone. less than 9 HOURS, 44 pages, nearly 900 responses, all decrying the idea of a 3rd person view. PGI, please do not shoot this game it its foot by doing something this wholly BAD. Paul Inoyue your LEAD DESIGNER stated back during CLOSED BETA with a thread specific on THIS one thing, that you would NOT do this. Why make us question this game, and PGI by and large by doing this? I do not say this to sound rude or anything, but, holy cow, if you backtrack on something THIS core to the game, do you honestly expect positive reviews or feedback from us or expect us to remain in the game for any time, since, it would be very apparent we cannot trust a thing you folks say. Not being rude, just brutally honest.