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Personal Defense Weapon of Choice

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#121 GDL Irishwarrior


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Posted 01 May 2012 - 10:31 PM

View PostAlfalphaCat, on 01 May 2012 - 08:56 PM, said:

Why wouldn't you just carry a knife too instead of that uselessness? :(

Because LaserLyte says so ;)

#122 Vexgrave Lars

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Posted 01 May 2012 - 10:55 PM

Hogzilla Killa - Converted AR15, suppressed and fires a .458 500 Grain Socom Round, with night vision.

That should be just fine for close encounters of the "Clan"-destined kind.

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#123 G4MBIT


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Posted 01 May 2012 - 11:13 PM

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#124 Ardune


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Posted 02 May 2012 - 08:19 AM

Haakon, I have had 26 months of said expirence, although I rarely found myself dismounted and only engaged area targets. I personally am a fan of 5.56x45. I have 3 ARs and reload several calibers. I love 7.62x54 too. We're supposed focus on shot placement instead of depending on projectile yaw creating a big enough wound channel. A .224 hole through a vital will certainly do. I do confess my only real world expirience is as a .50/240b gunner though. What we are talking here is a "downed pilot sidearm" though. I reload 5.7x28 and I have put a 45gr BBS through 1/4" steel and made a helluva ding in 1/2" with a couple of hits showing small cracks of daylight. I say that is adequate. When you take into account size/weight, capacity, and rate of fire, I think a p90 would make the perfect emergency tool in the cockpit.

#125 Hangfire


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Posted 02 May 2012 - 09:45 AM

Steeltoecapped boots and an attitude problem ;)

#126 EmyLightsaber


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Posted 02 May 2012 - 01:25 PM

Wondering why, if we've passed beyond Mechwarrior and real life into Star Wars and Warhammer 40K, no one has mentioned anything about

#127 Valdor Constantine


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Posted 02 May 2012 - 07:20 PM

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combi bolter and force sword but since i cant find a pic of a force sword heres a CHAIN SWORD BWAHH noncannon of course FOR THE EMPEROR!!

cannon id totally roll with vibro Katana , a modified 45.pistol with extended clips, lazersighting and a bag of C4 type of explosives

#128 pursang


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Posted 02 May 2012 - 09:31 PM

.45 AMT Hardballer Longslide with laser sighting.

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Arnold Schwarzenegger approved!

Edited by pursang, 02 May 2012 - 09:58 PM.

#129 MrMojoPin


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Posted 18 May 2012 - 11:57 PM

I like pickles!

#130 Owl Cutter


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Posted 20 May 2012 - 02:03 AM

non-military type here, but from the posts I've seen it looks to me like you don't mind...

For canon weapons, any battlecruiser will do. It might not be intended as a defensive weapon, but would work better than anything else I can think of.

For non-canon weapons, any Battleplate would be perfect. ( ovalkwiki.com/Battleplate ) They're actually designed for defense, even if only officially. :)

More seriously, I think the common sense answer is whichever quick, handy weapon(s) would best suit the situation. It would almost certainly be something handy and quick to bring to bear, like any of the PDW-intended weapons lots of people suggested; unsurprising, since PDW is exactly the role we're talking about. Beyond that, it would depend on the environment and expected threats. I'm guessing that in a BT setting the only thing we'd realistically have to plan on defending against _with a weapon_ would be other humans equipped with less than power armor; anything more, and there's probably no point bothering... I am almost totally unfamiliar with BT small arms and how they work, but I read about Needlers and am aware that lasers coexist with guns more or less like they do for heavy weapons. If laser small arms don't have any particular handicaps, I am thinking whatever kind of laser is most analogous to an SMG... and/or perhaps shotgun and/or IAR depending on how they work. Ideally, it should be suitable for whatever levels of body armor might be likely. Since a lot of people would count a knife/hatchet/machete/E-tool or such as a weapon, I guess I ought mention it since it's likely enough to be essential that if I had to choose one "weapon" I might go for the shovel. I imagine it with a radio and flashlight built-in, and the flashlight might be very handy for personal defense anyway.

That reminds me of something kinda tangential I might like to ask of "military folk." With how the D-Cell-size flashlight is such a valuable defensive tool in the civilian sphere, what do you think a more purpose-designed "defense flashlight" should be like? I'm thinking more like a modern diode-based torch (maybe red night time light on on/off switch and bright-*** high-colour-temperature on momentary button?) built into a handguard that doubles as a fist-loading weapon, so it's smaller, handier, easier to retain, and better protects the hand. Am I mad, or am I onto something? Ironically, it would probably end up being illegal in a lot of places where a more unavoidably lethal option would be legal...

#131 Hardcover


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Posted 20 May 2012 - 02:33 AM

For real weapons, FN P90, definitely. I've used the airsoft version and handled the real-steel version (and was shocked that my airsoft P90 was the same weight roughly as the real thing!) and I'm just in love with the ergonomics of it. After that, either an H&K 416 - having been in the Army I'm used to the M16/M4 series and the 416 is basically that with the H&K gas block, thus more reliable - or if I'm going to go whole hog, my good ol' M249 SAW. Because nothing says personal protection quite like 200 disintegrating belt linked rounds. If I'm restricted to just a pistol, I'm thinking Beretta PX4 Storm of some flavor, as I'm vaguely familiar with Berettas at least.

Out of the CBT/MW universe, some sort of SMG. If the timeline permits, a Clan Gauss SMG. Past that, I'm not picky.

Out of every weapon from every universe, I know exactly what I'd take: a Green Lantern ring. :)

#132 Rain Dark Sky


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Posted 11 November 2019 - 12:55 PM

Necro post.

Katana Vibroblade

AKS-74U will still be just as sexy (and useful) a 1000 years from now.

Side arm... Maybe by then someone will have made a Glock in 7.62x25mm.

#133 Karl Streiger


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Posted 11 November 2019 - 09:42 PM

Year necro indes but still some interesting stuff.
A short sword or an axe for me, if I need to eject I'm in the realm of better trained and better equipped soldiers - that have body armor support weapons and other not so nice stuff to send me to Valhalla.
A survival package with camouflage stuff including a weapon to defend against wild animals would be better choice then any other weapon combination.

#134 LordNothing


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Posted 12 November 2019 - 09:29 AM

i usually just tell the cats that the burglar is food and they deal with it.

#135 Kalimaster


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Posted 12 November 2019 - 10:41 AM

Excalibur....need I say more.

#136 B0oN


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Posted 12 November 2019 - 03:39 PM

I´d just grill them with my ManPac PPC .
I mean, I´ve got an image as PPC fetishist to uphold ´n all ^^

#137 Rain Dark Sky


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Posted 12 November 2019 - 10:15 PM

The Russians used a very interesting survival weapon for their space missions. 3 barrel handgun with detachable stock that doubles as a machete/shovel.

sxs 410 shotgun with 5.45x39.5mm underneath.

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#138 Kalimaster


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Posted 14 November 2019 - 03:17 PM

Twin longswords +25 of Dancing with concealed miniature photon cannons in the hilts that jam out to your favorite tunes!

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