Posted 30 April 2012 - 09:49 AM
Posted 30 April 2012 - 10:07 AM
Dihm, on 30 April 2012 - 08:53 AM, said:
I don't think so. I do a lot of it during my normal day, too and I still seem to have 2 eyes.

Posted 30 April 2012 - 10:27 AM
Tyzh, on 30 April 2012 - 09:21 AM, said:
No it's not. It refers collectively to a number of unassociated wolves. They are wolves, because there is more than one of them, but they don't necessarily have to be working together in a pack to be referred to collectively.
"Lone wolves work by themselves."
All of them share that quality, and so you can refer to them collectively to make that statement.
It is an oxymoron, unless you quantify they identity of the group while identifying the individuals in the group in context.
You can say "A dozen eggs sat in the carton, each in its container" like you can say "a dozen lone wolves attacked the town, from different directions"
Again.. context is important, you can get around the oxymoron, you just need to quantify contextually or assign a proper name.
"Lone wolves work by themselves" identifies exactly what I said, your'e quantifying the singular identity of each, by later in the sentence identifying that they are acting as individuals within a group. So because of your context, that statement is fine.
In addressing a group of persons you can also say "OK, you bunch of lone wolves, its time to party." and again your container "a bunch" which contextually identifies those at the party as a conglomerate, but "lone wolves" in this case, or the contents of the group, identifies each individual as a wolf at the party, singular supporting the "lone" descriptor of the identity, you enable the adjective.
"Lone Wolves" in and as title only - is an oxymoron by itself, just like, Lone Stars, Lone Dogs, Lone persons, without supporting context. Modern lingual customization like team names, strengthen our lazy speaking behavior, we don't say "The Lone Stars Team." for instance, they'd be "The Lone Stars" In speech, but we are identifying a proper name here again supporting that in the context of the original poster, Lone Wolfs is no better, nor worse that Lone Wolves, because he/she is a addressing type of individuals, within the group, without the "embrace of grouping" if you will, of integrating the individuals in context.
Oxymoron a figure of speech by which a locution produces an incongruous, seemingly self-contradictory effect, as in “cruel kindness” or “to make haste slowly.”
Troll nom is over.. nom nom nom....
Edited by Vexgrave Lars, 30 April 2012 - 10:32 AM.
Posted 01 May 2012 - 09:40 AM
Edited by Opus, 01 May 2012 - 09:41 AM.
Posted 01 May 2012 - 08:32 PM
Posted 01 May 2012 - 08:50 PM
(actually I did, I just have no idea how to respond to someone who cares THAT much about grammar and linguistics)
Posted 25 May 2012 - 03:42 AM
Posted 25 May 2012 - 05:16 AM
we'll get pack attacks ready, soon with things closing in shortly on beta, and final release
Posted 01 June 2012 - 07:47 PM
Posted 02 June 2012 - 12:26 PM
(waits for spelling to be corrected)
Posted 03 June 2012 - 04:50 PM
I thought it was going to be a discussion on actual lone wolf players, encouraging them to play in Merc Corps.
Posted 07 June 2012 - 04:27 PM
also Lone Wolf's is the proper term as its selling individual mechwarriors not groups/units of them, one could call the entire organisation the lone wolves (meaning all the indepedant mechwarriors) but not the Lone Wolves (Lone Wolves is not the organisations Name).
Reason why it would exist? Known or Named Merc's are incredibully rare and expensive, most are not Known Names. The Mercenary Review Board and all entities like it are dictated by a power greater than the most powerful Battlemech...the C-Bill. Little mercenaries tend to get the shaft a lot unless they have some professional help to protect against it, most Merc Units have that in-house even if its modest or a member doing double duty, most independants will not. Lastly all those independants are heck on Friend or Foe recognition - your not going to have troops memorise the unit designations of these little units that may very well be fighting against you tomorrow. No they will just slap a 'random Independant Mercenary Battlemech' Logo/marker on the mercs mechs and leave it at that (which makes policing them and the mercs getting credit for their own actions/deeds very difficult).
The Lone Wolf's according to Lore/Canon are not a pretty lot. Most small time merc units and independants typically have good relations with larger and more affluent Merc or House units and get contracts/jobs by referral from those larger units. Most small independant work doesn't involve enough money to justify effort on the part of the Mercenary Review Board, so it gets handled on the side by other Merc Units administration (The administration is effectively a middle man between the review board and the merc - serving both sides and to what degree whose getting served will vary greatly - some will screw over the merc while others may screw over the parties that issued the contract so to speak). The Lone Wolf's represented the lowest of the low mechwarriors: those who climbed up from the Dispossessed the hard way, Deserter's from both House and Merc Units, Bandits going straight [temporarily maybe], and occasionally an actual Mechwarrior House [that was very unpopular or in exile]. Among Kuritan's they would be called Ronin (masterless Samurai).
As I recall from memory, the campaign showed the worth and problems of the Lone Wolf's [they represented 1/3rd of the battlemechs present in the fighting and stated that some of them 're-negotiated' contracts during engagements [jumped side], settled battles via proxy battles [where they represented both sides of a battle] with other lone wolf's [1vs1 mech duels some not even with mech's]. reports of war crimes [slaughtering civilians, captives, rapings, pillaging, looting (often when they weren't hired by either side ), etc.]
Bear in mind this is all from Memory, I think it may be referenced in Wolf Dragoons reference book (the Bounty Hunter before becoming Known was a lone wolf), as well as some 3025 technical manuals.
So the website seems to be 'spot on' as to what it should be from what I see. It fits Lore, purpose and functional identity. I can safely say the Meta game in MW:O will suck if there isn't a lot of bidding/haggling/negiotiating among players involved to build 'teams' to win objectives. I was hoping for a lobby (the Dropship - Preparation lobby - ) that serves that exact function with another lobby (bar or something) thats more social and laid back [long term contracts and general rumor mongering, smack talk, etc.]
Posted 15 June 2012 - 05:43 AM
Posted 15 June 2012 - 10:07 PM
Posted 17 June 2012 - 09:52 PM
Posted 19 June 2012 - 05:43 PM
Posted 07 July 2012 - 07:56 PM
Posted 12 July 2012 - 01:38 PM
Posted 13 July 2012 - 04:57 PM

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