Pihoqahiak, on 18 June 2013 - 08:08 AM, said:
Dividing at first, but I am confident they will eliminate FPV queues within a year. Plenty of "Hardcore" mode players will be aggravated, disillusioned and betrayed enough that they just leave the game, and those that don't want a more immersive cockpit simulator experience (to be honest, all Warrior titles and games after Mechwarrior 2 and the Battletech Center type pods were continually devolving into more arcade style games) will all use 3PV right off the bat and never look back. The main aspect of this whole issue that still seems so ridiculous to me is that I have seen no evidence whatsoever that the time and money PGI is investing in the debacle of 3PV will net them any return at all. It will most assuredly delay development of needed core functions of the game, and could very well even delay the release date. All on top of alienating a good portion of the player base that were loyal to PGI before even getting to play the game. I can't help but think that a main motivator behind this push for 3PV is that they're not bringing in nearly as much money as they thought they would from their monitization model, which they never should have expected much from until the game is actually RELEASED. Since their monitization model consists of a large portion of cosmetic items currently, and many people not wanting to spend money on the convenience items until some sort of Community Warfare is implemented, they're probably grasping for ways to peddle those cosmetic items and 3PV is result. They might sell a bit more cosmetics from this, but as I said, it comes at the cost of alienating a lot of the player base AND a lot of development resources, further increasing the chance of irritating players with more delays to the important and needed aspects of the game. How much does anyone think their "return" was on their investment of developing Coolant Flush modules? I'm betting it was a negative return overall, for many of the same reasons I listed above.
I agree with conclusion that the hardcore simulator players will migrate away from this game if third person view allows advantages over first person. I agree that there is an INHERENT advantage, and anyone playing World of Tanks can attest that the option to "zoom Out" allows the vehicle to operate with a wider field of vision than the driver of a REAL vehicle had, which is more an arcade thing.
As an aside, this also fits well within the "E-sport" and "Solaris" gameplay PGI plans. This isn't a simulation, it's a game, and the goal was never to make it a hardcore simulation of the rigors of MechWarrior but a vehicle to draw in FPS-style players. Read the developers logs; they PROMISED First Person ONLY, then devolved the promise into a joke. They want more players. They think third person is the means to that end. Whether core players like it, whether it achieves the goal of enticing new players or not, it is coming. PGI said explicitly they listen to those who DON'T play MWO, not those who INVESTED in or actively play it NOW. All opinions here are venting to space...
You are right about the possible grasping at straws by PGI with cosmetics and stunts, but note that we haven't seen many or any new maps big enough for plausible 24-mech battles, yet those are a month away. Some of us are still crashing to desktop, yet Community Warfare is close at hand. Teams are forming all over the forums, but no set faction guidelines have been implemented. All of this and third person view is expected to draw players into the same base as core players who have full garages and heavy experience bases.
Does it seem a LOT is on PGI's plate, and a LOT is expected of New players, and a tow tiered experience system is yet ANOTHER complication on a bed of unresolved issues??
As you say, I'm hoping for the Best, expecting the worst, and not buying MC until I see which occurs. If no one at PGI cares what I think, it's all I have to express my dismay.
Did you folks notice World Of Tanks is issuing Xbox 360 Beta passes?? Does anyone think THAT game, which is LARGER, has MUCH more development and content, needs more players any LESS than PGI?? Does anyone here think PGI, which is working under a Microsoft License for MechWarrior games issued to Infinite Game Publishing, will not be tempted to put MWO on Xbox to get at the larger player base? And if you think me delusional, remember how we were promised joystick controls?? We don't have them. Neither does the Xbox.
Just a thought.