I'm torn between the two houses. The Federated Suns' basis in indivigual liberty and scientific advancement resonate with me, but so does the Capellan devotion to order and sheer cussed determination. Neither house is the paragon of justice that they like to portray themselves as, but neither house is a corrupt as they like to paint each other. Both houses seek to empower their respective states, but do so in completely opposite ways.
Much as I respect the Federated Suns and house Davion, I find myself leaning more towards the Capellan Confederation and house Liao. It's not like either house is a collection of saints. Part of why I like Battletech's overall story is because there's no real good guy, despite what too many authors like to beleive. It's hard, balancing indivigual liberty with state authority, and it's too bad that there's no real in depth description of the houses to really sink my teeth into.
Hell, even my pilot name is the one I used in a BT tabletop RPG game than ran for a year. The character came from a small, sparsly populated agricultural/mining world that changed hands between the two powers often enough that the population's citizenship in either state was foggy at best. Techinically speaking, Jad was a citizen of the Federated Suns by birth, but earned citizenship in the Confederation since his world was (re-re-re-re) conqured when he was a kid. Years later, it's (re-re-re-re) taken by the Feds, and he's still on record as a citizen there. Served in a local militia unit as a mechwarrior, but when the Confederation again (re-re-re-re-re) annexed the planet he simply kept protecting it's people from pirates, slavers, raiders and other nastiness. Jad married a Capellan mechwarrior, and shortly after the planet changed hands again.
So my character is as torn on loyalties as I am. It fits. He just keeps his head down, fights pirates, tends his plot of land, and plays with his kids. The Feds would call him a model citizen, and the Capellans would call him a devoted defender of the state. Go figure.
Edited by Jad Ivask, 12 June 2012 - 06:31 PM.