Age: 28
Timezone: UTC/GMT +2 EU Germany
Preferred call-sign: not decided yet, LoCaD as general log will suffice or I take what the CO appoints me.
Experience (both TT and MW): I have not been into the TT Stuff but I played every Game for the PC from MW2 + Exp onwards
loved MW2 the most cause you could play Clan Wolf in that
Preferred 'Mech class and roles: Medium to Heavy Assault is what I usually play but if I should get into Beta I want to try out as much as possible to get a feel for all Aspects of the Game, if light scouting is fun than I will do that, so nothing is set yet as I want to treat this as a new Game.
Tell us a little about yourself: working full time as an IT-Tech, happy single, gaming enthusiast though never so much as going professional and hopefully soon back in the Cockpit of a Mech its been way to long.
Questions and concerns:Is there an EU Division? being from the EU, if possible I want to play with people from my Timezone though if the Game is good, I might burn the midnight oil sometimes anyway. Hope to be part of the Pack.