Clan Wolf Zeta Galaxy "the Black Wolves" [Recruiting 18+]
Posted 01 August 2012 - 11:22 PM

Posted 02 August 2012 - 11:02 AM
TIME: Pacific
EXPERIENCE: As far as mechwarrior goes, I dabbled in tabletop, but never really got into it. I've got a good deal of FPS experience and tend to do quite well with them. I generally end up playing a mobile sniper since I'm a decent shot and prefer accuracy over a volley of bullets.
CLASS/ROLE: Balanced. I prefer to be flexible in my fighting styles and generally like to have options available. As a result I tend to equip a variety of weapons (sometimes at the cost of armor). Although, I do usually favor sniping (surprise surprise) and heavier mechs. Everything's still up in the air though and I like trying out unusual (if sometimes weapon-heavy) builds.
ABOUT: Going into 3rd year at UCSD with a major in biology. I have a good amount of experience with clans and have generally done well with coordinated teams (I'll save the details for TS). On that note, I generally use ventrilo, but I have used TS in the past.
CONCERNS: Currently doing a research job at Stanford, so my gaming hours may be both limited and a bit erratic. I also perform research during the school year so availability will likely remain an issue throughout the school year. This issue has come up before and you guys seem pretty cool in dealing with it, which is why I hope to join!
Edit: Sorry for the atrocious punctuation. The tiny reply bar makes it hard to notice these things.
Edited by Von Claussen, 02 August 2012 - 11:05 AM.
Posted 02 August 2012 - 11:41 AM
Callsign: Rayman
Timezone: EST
House/Faction: Merc
Playstyle: Up Close and Personal
Roletype: Tactical, Co-op, Destroyer
Preferred Weight: Assault(Atlas)
Experience: Mechwarrior 1-4, Mech Commander , Planetside , Living Legends
Posted 02 August 2012 - 11:49 AM
Von, as you assumed your erratic hours and limited availability are fine. After all it would be ridiculous to ask you to quit your job just to put more time into a game!
Posted 02 August 2012 - 11:55 AM
Posted 02 August 2012 - 12:01 PM
Edited by Alaric Wolf Kerensky, 02 August 2012 - 12:01 PM.
Posted 02 August 2012 - 08:28 PM
Age: 25
*Timezone: PST
Preferred call-sign (if any): Rhaegar
Experience (both TT and MW): MW4
Preferred 'Mech class and roles: Direct fire support (Gauss Cannons) Brawler (SRM Party!) and occasionally Missile boats, and scouts.
Tell us a little about yourself: Was introduced to the BT universe when I started reading the books as a kid and loved it ever since.
Questions and concerns:
Posted 03 August 2012 - 02:19 AM
Posted 03 August 2012 - 02:34 AM

Edited by Daumantas Galland, 03 August 2012 - 02:35 AM.
Posted 03 August 2012 - 02:46 AM
Age: 32
*Timezone: EST
Preferred call-sign (if any): Kyr (long i sound, like tear, as in from your eyes)
Experience (both TT and MW): Never got to play TT, but I had the rulebooks and built LOTS of mechs way back when. Played the series all the way from the original DOS games, sega, SNES, and (remember this?) Multiplayer BT Solaris on AOL up through current day, barring the blech Xbox titles. Including MW Living Legends mod. Was on a regular clan back in the days of the MW3 era. Oh, and locally for a bit a lasertag joint had about 4 of the Battletech simpods, till their contract ran out.
Preferred 'Mech class and roles: I tend to lean toward support roles, preferably Mediums or Heavies with large missile components, but I tend to swap out and even out with some utility stuff for closer range. LRM10-20 and a couple flamers or mediums running sidecar is me. Willing to learn lights for scouting, or Assaults for duking it out with a little help.
Tell us a little about yourself: I've been an avid fan of the game and novels dating way back to the old genesis/SNES/DOS days. I read Mike Stackpole's infamous trilogy on the Clan invasion to the point that I more or less literally destroyed it. I have to say Phelan and the section describing his turmoil and trouble figuring out his loyalties was my favorite part, and I'd always enjoyed the role he and Ulric played in attempting to stop the Clans from destroying themselves.
Questions and concerns: Currently have the lowest level founder's membership because I was a little less salty at the moment, but I'm hoping to upgrade before release. Anyone else messing around in the beta?
I definitely need a little practice and some tips as far as getting into the game now in a more team-centered role, hoping there's a voice server for access and to play some matches with people and get some tips
Posted 03 August 2012 - 04:27 PM
And as for this:
Daumantas Galland, on 03 August 2012 - 02:34 AM, said:

You are critiquing our unit insignia. It is not meant to look like that of Clan Wolf. The only resemblance it carries to the emblem of Clan Wolf is that it has a wolf head on it. I have never heard of Clan Stone Lion neither are we part of it. Please go troll somewhere else.
Edited by Alaric Wolf Kerensky, 03 August 2012 - 04:28 PM.
Posted 03 August 2012 - 04:28 PM
Timezone: -5:00 EST
Preferred Callsign: Red
Experience: I grew up with a copy of Battletech sitting on my shelf, as well as having MW 1-3 throughout my childhood. I've played just about every release I can get my hands on for Battletech/Mechwarrior video games (a lot of people poke fun at mechassault, but MechWarrior 3050 for consoles was, well, even worse. Nothing like co-op controlling a single mech.) I don't have a lot of experience playing with other people on teams, so it will take some time to get out of the lone wolf mentality (a.i. lancemates are... well, a.i.) but I am finding I enjoy more the role of a scout/harassment position as I play more in groups, especially with MegaMek. As a bit of an added note, I've spent many hours strapped into Tesla Pods at conventions.
Preferred Mech Class/Roles: I am most familiar with a lone wolf mentality, so I love a bit of balance in what I run, simply so I can adapt to any situation I may come across. I seem to find myself drawn to primarily the medium and light class mechs, though every now and then I like to run heavies. Very much looking forward to the Wolf Clan's Phantom. Eventually. Hopefully.
Tell us a little about yourself: My name is Rick, but I've often just gone by Red, plain and simple, and that's become my callsign in more than one instance. The name on MWO was initially a mental flop and typing in the wrong thing from my intent, but I figured I'd run with it (would normally have been Ghaelen, not Gharland, must have been thinking about Final Fantasy at the time of sign up.) I grew up playing the TT game and MW3, and picked up a lot of other titles as I got older, including some more vague pieces like Crescent Hawk's Inception and Revenge. I am a huge geek about certain topics, and Battletech happens to be one of them, though I'm not the most well versed when it comes to lore and fluff, I think I'm getting there.
Questions and Concerns: I am a Smoke Jaguar at heart, but I've always had a bit of a soft spot for Wolf, so it's not too much of a change for me as far as intentions go, even if we're a little nicer to the non Warrior castes.
In the sense of combat, I just ask you bear with me early on, as my head is pretty set in the lone wolf mentality. Just yell at me a bit if I fall out of line and I should be good to go, I take chastisement well.
Edited by Gharland The Red, 03 August 2012 - 04:31 PM.
Posted 03 August 2012 - 04:46 PM

Posted 03 August 2012 - 05:01 PM
Posted 03 August 2012 - 07:02 PM
Preferred call-sign (if any):TallStack (Or just Tall)
Experience (both TT and MW):Solo - Played all the MechWarrior games. Have wanted to try the table top but have not found anyone local to play. Read a lot of battle Tech novels, Multi: PLayed on GEOnline Mech Warrior,
Preferred 'Mech class and roles:None yet.
Tell us a little about yourself:Former US Navy , National guard worked maintenance on radar, navigation, comms. Currently IT support (Servers, PC network) for financial Institute. Married for 15 Years, no kids, two pups. Like doing creative things (art, DIY projects).
Questions and concerns:Just looking to enjoy this awesome game with new friends.[/color]
Edited by TallStack, 03 August 2012 - 07:05 PM.
Posted 04 August 2012 - 12:58 PM
Posted 05 August 2012 - 12:39 PM
CallSign: DeadMarine
Experience : MW4, my experience in the battletech universe isnt vast, but im a quick learner and an avid gamer.
Roles: I will be playing lights and mediums. mostly focusing on scout and harrasment roles. ALso long range support roles.
Bio: I am currently a student studying geography, My hobbies include martial arts, and gaming.
Posted 05 August 2012 - 03:12 PM
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