1) The game in is BETA.
2) You invested your money, but by publicly complaining you are chasing away future paying players and throwing your money away.
3) Visitors to the website see people complaining and say " Why would this Sally pay money to play a game they don't like? " then its your reputation you need to worry about.
4) Without paying players MWO has no incoming capital to complete the project, production slows down because there's no money to pay devs and then eventually the game dies. so stop chasing future mech pilots away or you'll never get your investment in a cool game back.
5) While paying for the game entitles you to an opinion Voice your opinions and concerns through email, PLEASE!
6) When I start to play you had better not complain publicly and destroy my investment of $150s in this game.
I just wanted to let you, DEVs at MWO, you guys are rocken!!!
I know with all the mud that people have been slinging in the last couple weeks it must be hard to feel like you are doing a good job but I want to let you know that most of the complaints are people who don't know how to complement you on how awesome this project is.
I know what the world is like with out a proper mecha game. I have suffered 11 years, through the likes of ACV, Chromehounds, AC4A, FrontMission, AC4... I even played Ace Combat and pretended I was in a Raven. Of all these "completed", "tested" and "finished" games not one has matched the levels of awesomeness you have all achieve with a Dev team 1/ 15th the size, even at this beta state of MWO.
If the impatient short sidedness of this community gets you down please don't let it shut down the project and know that there is a big part of this community that is patent and can see you are all working hard at making this game the best MW in the series.
Edited by FEK315, 24 November 2012 - 11:47 AM.