note: boating isnt bad, and should be viable, it just shouldnt be the ONLY way to go, and if anything, should fall into a niche that makes it inferior to a diverse load out (so, that large laser sniping mech is just that, a large laser sniping overheating mech that owns ppl at range, but as soon as a medium laser/AC10 mech gets close enough, the close range/diverse load out has the advantage)
-can accomplish this is many ways, like heat management, adding incentives to not go pure energy weapons (example: make heat punishment a curve, so a few energy weapons dont do much but more energy = more heat per ton, etc)
The MAIN point, is that some diversity and depth could be added to the game without leaving battletech canon at all if weapons were to impact how other weapons dealt damage. For instance....
1: Energy: do more damage to less armor (so a light mech, or a damaged assault mech, would maybe take 5%, or 10% more damage from an energy weapon: # based on ton of armor present on component)
2: Ballistic: a mech's component that has been hit with energy weapons takes 5% or 10% (hypothetical #s) from ballistic (meaning, ton for ton, the mech with the AC and medium lasers will do more damage than the double AC boat)
3: Missiles: do higher % damage based on the damage of the enemy component (different from energy in the sense that it looks to the HP% left of the component, and not its raw #; in otherwords, the light mech and assault mech at 100% hp take the same damage from a missile, but the light mech takes more energy, whereas a damaged assault mech takes more damage from missiles but the the healthy light mech takes no extra damage, even if the total armor on the light mech's component is still less than whats left on the damaged assault mech component)
As you can tell, these are hypothetical #s with hypothetical bonuses (and small bonuses at that). It plays on the fact that, maybe thinner armor is more sensitive to heat (thicker armor can absorb the heat better and disperse it), that softer armor (from being heated by a laser) is easier to penetrate by a ballistic, and that missiles are great for wreaking damage on damaged components due to their explosive, but less penetrating nature.
Any of these bonuses could be changed due to developer preference, and kept very small to prevent some weapons from being too powerful while using current stats, but an extra 10% damage to a ballistic due to heating up your target first would be very interesting... perhaps too meticulous but none-the-less would lead to interesting gameplay.
edit: someone noted that it would give some loadouts too much of advantage.
1)the bonus is small, so skill would easily be better (only changes equal scenarios)
2)can have a diverse team, encouraging team play. The drawback of a PPC boat can be removed by going with the AC2 boat (now only issue is lack of heat distribution among mechs, but that would be the cost of having long range, unlimited ammo sniping mech)
Edited by Abrahms, 07 May 2012 - 06:13 PM.