Stradivarious, on 28 November 2012 - 10:16 AM, said:
Most founders also have premium boost unless they chose not to activate it. With my founder's Atlas I pull in 275k to 310k a match prior to repairs, if I don't take internal damage repairs don't make a dent(also no XL, ferro or endo). Can provide screenshots if you doubt it. The income is also tied to player performance, not trying to sound elitist but I average 3-6 kills with numerous spotting bonuses and components destroyed, they add up fast.
Edit: and yeah, you don't want to see my mechbay.... 10 slots, 9 filled, 3 chassis' mastered, several XL equipped mechs.
That's with normal play both pugging and with ML, founder's chassis and premium bonus. Married and active duty military working 60-80 hours a week, no kids tho. Cheating is not necessary and a waste of time for both the cheater and his teamates.
Mawai, on 28 November 2012 - 07:28 AM, said:
The problem with your math is the "15 min average". Suiciders go for about a "2 min" average ... they quit the match immediately after dying and take out a different trial mech to do the same thing again. They run trials which have no repair costs ... on average trials will make the same or more than many owned mechs since often the repair costs are greater than 20% of the earnings which is all that is lost in a trial.
Agent of Change, on 28 November 2012 - 07:38 AM, said:
Your numbers are low.
In the first 5 weeks of OB I did the following with legitamate play of around an
average of 3-4 hours of play a day (week is patch tuesday through monday):
- week 1: Started with a founders cat, Bought 2 other cats with MC (to get me started) and then proceeded to grind each of the cats through elite (heavily tweaking as I went along) finished on sunday ground for a few cbills.
- Week 2: Bought and modified first two Ravens outright with stashed cbills, proceeded to grind those through basic bought and customised third raven with banked cbills, proceed to to grind all three variants through elite, finished saturday.
- Week 3: Bought and modified first two cidcadas outright with banked cbills. ground through basic, bought third cicada and modified, finished elite grind on all three monday.
- Week 4: Bought and modified first Phract ground through basic, bought ans modified second phract ground through basic, bought and modified third ground, finished elite grind on all three variants on friday. Ground for further cbills
- Week 5: Started heavily revamping some variants whose build i was less satisfied, bought a couple additional XL engines (to avoid the engine shuffle for every mech) and now on wednesday i have ~13 mil banked.
Larger point IF all bot are getting is 26 mil in 6 days they are probably wasting their time.
My average game is about 7 minutes and i average around 175 in 190k profit over all wins and losses.
To get 26 Mil my way measured at 175k of profit average it comes to 148 victories at an average of 7 minutes that's only 17 hours or approx an average of 2.8 hours a day for 6 hours, or approximately 1.5 mil an hour which is something I have been able to maintain fairly well when getting continuous games in.
Stradivarious, on 28 November 2012 - 10:16 AM, said:
Most founders also have premium boost unless they chose not to activate it. With my founder's Atlas I pull in 275k to 310k a match prior to repairs, if I don't take internal damage repairs don't make a dent(also no XL, ferro or endo). Can provide screenshots if you doubt it. The income is also tied to player performance, not trying to sound elitist but I average 3-6 kills with numerous spotting bonuses and components destroyed, they add up fast.
Edit: and yeah, you don't want to see my mechbay.... 10 slots, 9 filled, 3 chassis' mastered, several XL equipped mechs.
That's with normal play both pugging and with ML, founder's chassis and premium bonus. Married and active duty military working 60-80 hours a week, no kids tho. Cheating is not necessary and a waste of time for both the cheater and his teamates.
You guys are getting off topic... the point here I think is the cheaters are NOT PLAYING!! all of your responses are geared to playing the game and how long it will take to make this kind of c-bill's.....that's all fine and dandy but again he's out seeing a movie, eating Cheetos, playing WoW.....
the cheaters are not like us and are not playing the game..