Lin Shai, on 28 November 2012 - 10:56 AM, said:
If they had kept to their original schedule they presented when they started selling founder's packs, we'd all be excited about CW being launched next month and playing a much better game than we have now. Sadly, that's not the case.
As it is ... we're playing an alpha quality build (and yes, when you're re-writing your entire network stack from the ground up, have about half your UI in place and its flakey, and are at 50% feature complete, you're at alpha stage. Or at the very least an super-early beta with a very limited set of testers) and not seeing much progress on bugs that have been present for months. They're probably ~ 6 months behind schedule in terms of features (being kind), and are struggling with getting the core features working (e.g. when you shoot something it actually takes damage). That doesn't bode well.
The nonsense about "Needed to go open beta because of fatigue" is silly considering ... they still haven't fixed any of the long standing issues from CB. What, they needed more people to point them out?
I would routinely defend the problems in CB because I had hopes they'd actually fix them. The shove out the door and with the latest announcement regarding the networking code ... not so much. Basically, it's going to be months before the core of this game works correctly. That's probably going to be the straw that breaks the camel's back for a lot of people. I was actually looking forward to the 8-man thing until that announcement. Now it's kinda ... why bother?
So much this about the whole redo on the code. The timing is just terrible and really took what little wind they had out of the sails. No way they can put this back in the oven either since 1) they've collecting money for months now and 2) nobody would trust PGI after that so hardly any one would come back.