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Death's Hand Brigade Recruiting Worldwide [NA, EU, OC]

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#1301 Mr_Wednesday


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Posted 27 June 2023 - 09:34 AM

I am currently under consideration and advisement of - considering public streams made under DHb symbols, whom to publicly shame - and whom not to.

However, to what benefit? None.
Simply because someone is... unwise enough to speak on a public stream to air dirty laundry - as annoying and dishonorable as it is; it... is merely consistent with the UTTER lack of OP SEC current DHB tagged members have while representing this once- respected unit in public broadcast.

When a recruit *I* recruited for DHB ( through the training unit; via maelstrom ) is directly telling you what it means when I am warning you NOT to discuss a particular current war, and what i was *really* saying...
I can only take that as the current iteration of DHB is SO deep in the clubhouse they will NOT heed warnings that not ALL of anon is on our side.
...current members maybe so insulated from the outisde world that they may not understand what that MEANS.
Just a RTFM means something, if your people are so unwise as to ignore an eveplayer warning you about anon...
I simply don't have words for my disgust...

Worse, if you treat your recruits like "new to me; must be a noob" - is it *surprising* any time your clubhouse unit leave sthe clubhouse, you lose members?

Before I get to the nice part- one last -
really- you think it would be *wise* to send one of your guys to 'deal' with me?
With your previous eperiences of what happens any time your unit plays outside it's little hidey hole?

I ask you to consider the two most likely results:
1) I end up with another bondsman. as per SOP ( RTFM! )- he would remain on his main account in your unit- and be given the 'smurf' training unit account to help the ReSeRVes training unit - the one Maelstrom was going to be given to run it- well, until he showed so many "red flags" that he was out of consideration and a new more qualified applicant was given the position.
I judge a leader by how his subordinates act when he isn't around. Endless red flags, but I digress- and this is close to what i did for a living- I don't consult for free except by accident out of habit. My findings were interesting to say the least, but even if I considered myself as working for DHB, there is no one I consider worthy of the results; since after all- they are too smart to listen to anyone "new". ( we'll get to that ).
2) your guy would end up talking to one of the units I recruit for- likely the vet-sonly one, and- you'd lose yet another player.

I would ask everyone to put *aside* their cog-dis defenses for a MOMENT- and consider, if ANY time your people play wiht other units, they leave- there... may be a problem in your clubhouse.
( I'll let you have this one for free- "clubhouse units" - just like prison guards , stanford prison experiments; and ( new to me research ) people who WANT to be an Unpaid Moderator.
We used to consider the worst part of working in the game industry- and we were paid.
What it reveals about a person who wants to be - is well-documented but I'll be silly- "eric cartman"- hall monitor.
remember what happened when Eric C met Wendy T?
humor; like most fiction; works when it touches on "truths" - memes; archetypes, etc- and the reason that bit of comedy worked- is it rang true.
Is that too esoteric a reference for current DHb?

before I move to the nice stuff - please ask the recruit I sent you the *signifigance* of me putting your unit's correct link in the edit ( first post): presence in another game means. it's not even a "gentleman villain" veiled threat- it's the cost of not being able to HEED warnings.
so... I wonder if any people that play mwo- also play EVE..and might just play that game.
Ask him about the story that is famous- books on it- when a machiavllian player in EVE made a poor life decision- he screwed over a vet while on deployment.
boom, bang- the most feared allaince in EVE crashed as every vet or vet-respecting player in the gamechanged sides.
Think it didn't affect mwo? It did- and Iexplained how- and no one was interested, because you new guys don't remember the GOONSWARM coming into mwo.
Ask your eve player how it VERY much affects me saying please pleasestfu about the war.
ASk him how it realtes to the fall of scientology, the arab spring, the arrest of an anti-video game politician ( who was helping the zetas transfer guns and drug money )...
The clubhouse ego does not like to accept they live in a larger world. But you DO.
And dhb does. And- if they have a hard time in other games because people can see the screenshots of what I doubt most of you have even seen ( your discord mods do alot the unit leader isn't aware of, from what I saw...).

I am not the only person who went over there who was annoyed to be treated as " well he's new here he must be a noob"...
it's a common habit of "clubhouses" in any game- and of course, as people are people - so in real life as well.
So- free consulting: you *must* train your customer support / bartenders to NOT act like hall monitors-
they will tend to ( to quote dark marauder: this moderator power has really gone to ( ign ) 's head.
Isn't that odd? Talk to someone in Internal Affairs about how they screen for that.
but at a "bar" for example, if the bartender starts acting like that, people will just go to a better bar- so many options.
Is that perhaps why you lose members at the first hint of meeting options?

Anyway- I hope you'll speak to- and lISTEN this time- to your very valuable recruit- about ops security and why people should NOT say things like " i wish he was ina jungle" or what not on A DHB stream.
Unit member or not ; he's said some pretty personal attacks.
Interesting- and revealing that he ***umed I haven't.
There is always the possibility my discord handle ( i change it to whichever chaarcer I'm playing with whichever unit or whichever game- most people who play more than one game, do this. Do you people seriously ONLY play mwo ?)
anyway- the discord handle you're thinking of... perhaps it is a play on words of my original IGN - which ... theoretically may have happened IN a jungle?
- Golden Rule: would the person making personal and public attacks- say it to me in person?
I know he'll read this, i BEG he ( Mcfish) says yes.
I'm pretty sure the answer is NO- so he shouldn't publicly talk trash he can't backup; thinking it's safe.
The internet is not safe, and it is not anonymous.
Perhaps I am a 14 yr old basement troll who will "swat" other streamers?
( I'm not- but if you're going to beef with people online, you NEED better op sec )

That said, if you won't listen to me, and won't listen to your valuable new recruit;
well, I left, feeling my work was not only wasted but- resented. Can't imagine why I started to say " I am not in your unit- i do NOT work for you- i do NOT care about your discord, please kick me if this a safe space, it will be a mark of HONOR.
--- why are people still talking to me after I say- i'm not in your unit, your un-earned rank and your discord mean less than nothing; don't talk to me- personality clashes with my boss's inferiors are - of no benefit.
endless blocked messages.
Why would anyone put up with this?

more to the point before one invests time, recruits, or money into a venture; you get a prospectus.
isent you another recruit- on of the most valuable assets in the game...and everyone there gave this person NO respect.
Glad I waste dthe effort getting them over there.

NOW- with MAN YOU GUYS AND YOUR CONSTANT RUDENESS GOT UNDER MY SKIN - is over; lets move to better things.

Edited by Mr_Wednesday, 27 June 2023 - 10:28 AM.

#1302 Mr_Wednesday


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Posted 27 June 2023 - 09:42 AM

Lastly - and for now, finally:

despite all this, I heard dark marauder on the bad ops-security speaking - and .. it's hard not to like this fella.
I would like to ask why HE isn't the unit leader.

And I want to start with- I am gla dthe kid who was sreaming batchall- you folsk even noticed. The one crying about how it turns out calling out everyone in all chat MIGHT have cosnequences?
Well, the little brat got under my skin: so I blocked him- andlike most people on your server, that - and telling them that- seems to make them cry more.
Well, not because i can stand him, but because "it's what I do" - I took him to a clan server; got him his "red death lesson"
and - he got his batt-chall - and his unit.
Despite the whole time talking --- just .. just emo levels of trash- blocked -
an old pal- who you're about to see ina video- got him "checked in" (or heart-checked- ask Maelstorm what that means.)
and last i heard he was happily placed in the right unit- hopefully absolutlely unaware of how and why.
So- I apprecaite your concern, our sibkin is well sorted, thank you.

But - you cared. and you 'hoped' I might find a unit I might fit in.
and this is wher we get back to the RTFM

#1303 Mr_Wednesday


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Posted 27 June 2023 - 09:51 AM

The manual i kept asking the to refer to was, just READ it before you argue.
Have opinions, fine - but EARN one by reading it THEn you get an opinion on it.
That's how it works.

The manual was ONE post- i asked them to read ONE post in an old forum;
and amongst the responses was "helping train other units? THATS ****".
not someone I would work with. But DEFINITELY someone I would ****.

Yo can see why I said, no this isn't going to work out- I'm taking the training unit out of this discord.
( still don't understand WHY that wasn't the end of it )
here is the manual ( the charter if you will ) :
I would ask you read the first post.

I appreciate your concern for my ability to find a unit- thank you.
If any of you could RTFM i named many i have been in- but- pride made anything i said not worth heeding.
Less "noob' players would have recognized the names of the units.
You thougt; he's porbably a good guy, but...
well, you could guess and assume, or for much less time, you could have read that.
I recommend the very LAST post.
I dunno, good guy? I'm bonkers. BUT - I mean well.

so- despit ethat the unit in it's current stateis something i can in NO way support - especialy not trying to do evenets and posibly invest in streamers -
despite all that- Dark Maruder- dude, I think you are juts OBLIVIOUS- but - i think you are a GOOD GUY.
No wonder people like you.
I do.
That's why i spent hours pacing deciding how to do this.

I'd like to make one last post.

#1304 Mr_Wednesday


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Posted 27 June 2023 - 10:11 AM

lets start with a Joke.

C'mon admit that's funny.

here's the issue with NOT heeding " the grey wanderer" of germanic tradition ( this was posted, someone probably pulled it down before smart eyes could read it )

i mean, Mr Wednesday- grey wanderer? HOW OBVIOUS.

- when you ASSume - as you did even in being nice- that because YOU don't know someone they must be new or desperate for a unit...
you reveal more about yourself than the situation- this is called projection.

So- when you "project" that I in anyway care enough about a unit I very clearly said I wnat nothing to do with, and assume other people I brought over as diplomats are... fake..

just. JUST STOP. When you start insulting major players of the game- the old guard... I have to save you from yourself.

The man speaking in the video- is one I asked diplomatic tag for.
The one being tested? Well, hope you guys don't play Star Citizen.
i've been in? 2 3? units with him?

and ( in one of these videoes not sure which ) - you'll find Iron Kilo-
ask 228 about him.
because he went to 228 After leaving that unit- where he was often doing for clan what I was for IS.
Also- check tukkyid 2 - the *better* than now version of DHB ... was out-performed by the boot camp unit.
so please, please, assume I'm a newb, and DO tell me how to do MY job.
cos everyone loves noob-splaining.

That said - I still think DARK MARAUDER is a nice guy-
but why on earth ya'll imagine I'm riddick - or whoever else you think I am-
just- get over yourselves-
no one cares about a dead/clubhouse unit.

I ended my contract with Mael and moved on.

You guys should; too.
It didn't work out- and definitely you see i Can't bring "come-backs" from old units like CI , CWI, MercStar; etc- to you guys- NONE of them will let your ...pups speak to them at ALL like I was.
I'm the nice guy of the bunch. ( until my patience runs out )

DArk - you're a geat guy and- as much as I was pissed off- when i was told to watch the stream for the first 10 minutes; I was sad.
This isn't KANLY- this is an old guard player who has a unit of... not so old guard types ( in mwo or the larger game sphere apparently ) - jumping at your own shadows.
I don't like to hunt prey animals.
I have a horrid temper, but I'm not a bully.
I fell bad, i FEEL bad- and THAT cuts deeper than al the disrespect and " new guy talk down to him" bs i suffered in scouting you folks out.
be good to each other- no one else owes it to you to be.
/TheOldMan; out <o

Edited by Mr_Wednesday, 27 June 2023 - 10:21 AM.

#1305 Mr_Wednesday


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Posted 27 June 2023 - 03:44 PM

My apologies-
I forgot no normal person has the context for my complaint- and concern

I urge DHB to watch the first 10 minutes of this public video-

it is ... heartbreaking in ..several ways.

Mechwarrior Online - LIVE! - But Not For Long! - Dark Marauder - Killing Mechs, Yours and Mine! - Twitch

but on top of all the ... the shocking amount of bad security and things that should NEVER have been public-
and a fairly obvious lack of understanding of discord...

it gets heart-breaking when you see D.M. means well - is even concerned about the sibkin ( wrathful reaper ) ( previous message above )
- which is why he isn't on your server anymore.

and this is people who see shadows everywhere. - banning people and stressing over diplomats.
Imagining who types diffeeently " its different names ohh spooky)

My purpose was to help streamers; as I see the streamers as ... the only "advertisement" MWO can afford.
these guys are so concerned about someone changing their on-server profile ( again, anyone who plays different games changes their discord profile name to the InGameName
at first it was funny- but it is against MY purposes that even a unit that annoyed me- and that I odn't want to work with- would sabotage itself over the issue
this video is heartbreaking.

I think i was linkd it to laugh at " wow you live in their head rent free"
- and i admit i was laughing.. at first.

This... IS NOT the way.

I'm sorry for the fubar- I stand by "RTFM" would prevented 99% of the issues-
so would have respecting the chain of command and not arguing with Mal - and Mal's guest.
and I'm sure I'll be showing the same screenshots I emailed . to OLD DHB rank - since it seems the mods were very quick to delet naything that made it obvious how poorly "barking" at an old player was.

BUt when you think I'm other people trying to contact you- when yo make it HARDER for people to join and play- it's no longer hah ahha , these guys got what they deserved-it's now: this... has become counter-productive.

that is not the way.
To Dark Maruader- and any of the old DHB i played with o'er the years -
this was not the intent; my apologies.
at least here; when someone is "too smart to listen"; its merely frustrating- not a matter of i get to clean up their pieces and wonder what I could have done different to stop it from happening.

THIS is the way.
read that.
THAT is the way. Semper Gumpy - good guy mechgregs. I'' take a shot for ya- good intentions and good idea fairies
/OldManWednesday, out

edit.: those are all my olive branches. i ask one in return; show of good faith.
Not for me- for everybody- post this song in your discord- I'm sure i'll hear about it.

and thank YOU for your service let's all try to be a little less judgemental and a littl emore undertsanding - even of wandering grey strangers.

Edited by Mr_Wednesday, 29 June 2023 - 09:36 PM.

#1306 Mr_Wednesday


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Posted 29 June 2023 - 09:15 PM

I see another thing has come up.

But I'd like to start with a joke.
All that fear over someone changing their display name to their current toon in discord?
"someone with so many names is up to something..."

Is meme-worthy.
Indeed.. wednesday is always up to something !
and Mr Wednesday, if you knew who that was- or know what day that is named for, is far trickier than post-babylonian Judaism's stolen "nemesis" deity...
and far darker. and yet his sacrifice and good is more Good than judaeo-christianity's stolen neo-deity, as well.
Mr Wednesday has been called by many name most of them are even used for Gandalf- his stand-in in lord of the rings.

that said; let's get this straight...
you were going to send someone who isn't even a gunny to talk... to ME? lol.. how blind-deaf are you folks?
- and I have a thing you're not going to like to hear- although that one sure likes to hear *himself* talk, his listener is as bad as the rest of you "captain kirk memes" - the say poopbirds of a feather; they flock right together.

I'm going to tell ya'll a hard truth alot don't like.

COMBAT VETERANS do NOT respect non-combat veterans.
We can respect your service- and we will say so... what we do not - cannot respect is someone who hasn't been tested in the crucible of fire.
Sorry- but- if any of you were not civilian pooping-flying-animals; you would already know this little "not-so-secret".

So sorry, the not-good-enough at game to be worth being a bondsman; too hard-heade to be useful as a trainer; and suppose sci-fi fan who doens't know what the gorram "Browncoats" represents...
what, precisely was he supposed to set straight or "take off the map"?
in game?
sad lt this isn't eve or star citizen, mwo is so dead I can't take your planets - even if make alts, put them in units to hire mercs ; like we used to... no one has planets anymore- and DHB is a long way from being the unit it wa sthat might be able to hold a planet.

In quick play- have you folks ever heard of a "jarl's list"?
you should try it out sometime. The guy you were going to send to "take me off the map" has a worse jarl's than the " try before you buy" alts we share with literal new players.
most of them with a couple of weeks have a better score.

Out f game, he's a marine that doens't know what SEMPER GUMPY means and didn't ctahc I was joking him as an "ain't ready"...
most devil dawgs wouldn't let me call them an ain't ready; tho' i do respect the occaisonal rangers and such.
the "frenemy" rivalry is brotherly love, for comrades in arms.
So, in game, lol, my trainnes acn " take him off the map"
if you menat irl, oh, go listen to alice in chains, ain't snuffed the rooster. Some day, someone will- and i pray almost every night for the valkyries. But if you menat for real, better not send someone who can't keep it gumby. Inability to "flex" is death in the real world.
So- color me unimpressed, DHB, if that was your "scary threat" on that stream.

they say 99% of people are sheep.
the other 1% are wolves- or sheepdogs.
You keep having sheep YALP in the face of a wolf TRYINg to remember it chose to be a sheepdog.
And every time one of you sheep gets out of line; it seems I made a poor poor choice.
I'd trade any of the boys ( or girls ) for a hundred sheep they died to protect.

WE swore to die for you if needed, and I resent the choice.
You sheep make it hard to stay sheepdog.

Edited by Mr_Wednesday, 29 June 2023 - 09:20 PM.

#1307 Mr_Wednesday


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Posted 29 June 2023 - 11:12 PM

View PostGutterBoy5, on 07 October 2015 - 03:14 PM, said:

Sorry live hadn't check forums for awhile now. I don't think we have enough interest at this time mate .

excuse me; i know this name and don't want to get on my original account to make sure-
weren't you with HHoD at one time; and I'd jokingly call you [color=#767676]Gutboy Barrelhouse,[/color][color=#71777D] a 6th level dwarf fighter ?[/color]

#1308 Mr_Wednesday


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Posted 30 June 2023 - 12:20 AM

this is an "official" declaration of KANLY against DHB by "Mr Wednesday"

View PostMaelstrom238, on 10 December 2015 - 10:29 AM, said:

We at [DHB] Death's Hand Brigade Welcome all new Players to MWO. If you have questions or wish to group up please visit our Team Speak Server at

Thanks and have a great day!

1) notice I said only in mwo - one of the few things from your pooppost-and-run on the serenity/ark royal server I agreed with is there's no reason it should affect a whole unit in other games too.
I concur, and I did warn you - if the olive branch wasn't accepted; " so... it comes to this"

That said, you and I did have some great ideas; and I really respect your quote there- which is indicative of why you wanted toresurrect the ReSeRVes training unit- it can be debated whether or not the ... bad behavior of your subordinates ( cuckold poopoo? seriously?! )-
and, since you ignored the "RTFM" and instead ran to our discord to cry to a moderator -
come on now; is this a southpark episode? Are you Eric Cartman?
you scared Wendy T is coming for ya? Did you OT realize " Principal Victoria" or w/e was going to say; gee, sure would be terrible if someone handed down a "red death lesson" to that loudmouth.

Ah well- but- one of the many things we did agree on; is stuff like that can be FUN- if it's settled in the "RP" sense of- " grrrrr this mechwarrior hates THAT mechwarrior ":
but the players keep the *characters* separate from their dislike of the player-
we spoke repeatedly about fun, how sad it is the new players don't get to see how the game was when people were REALLY INTO IT...
I didn't realize how little of that the new players had seen-
which 1: broke my heart ( you've seen how my "frenemy" unit honored it's graduates- and telling that story can make my voice break and I have to step away from the mic.
I... wish new players got those kind of experiences; I feel like the fact they don't... is why they are unable to seperate the "mech warrior" from- as you put it- the human player behind the screen.
I suspect that is why the guys were so offended by the "put it on the line" post / video-
they can't distinguish between the two because they never saw the game played that way-
like when I joked with TheHansel that the wife was going to re-name an alt " the gretel" and hunt him down, telling the team he'd abandoned her. ( complete with meme )...

i feel like this is a failure of the current mwo community to Pay It Forward :
the wild time that the kick-starter "founders" - after years of RP in mw4 etc ( read first post of this thread )- had brought with them to this game. People like them- and my Khan- who had fought for ranks and blood names before mwo even existed- only to have PGI tell them they coudn't use names they'd fought for for years- the very guys who funded this game.

I spoke with new players who in essence called me a liar that it was ever this way.
Yes, PLEASE DO tell me more about a game I was in and you weren't noobs, tell me more! Teach me wise experts on things you didn't see.

That That said, the guy who was screaming BATTle-CHALlenge in quick play; the one where i said, be careful, might just be a clanner spy or dragoon here listening to you, when you have not had your trail of position you have not EARNED the right to challenge anyone, you are not a warrior.
THIS btw is what had him freaking out- nothing pisses off the kids fatser than being told they have to EARN something.
The kid that was complaining he might face a trial of possession-
you know, the very thing he asked for in front of us? On your stream, iirc?

He argued and insulted me from your discord- to the one where- unnoticed by him some strange clanner gave him his challenge- and got him in the unit.
All the time he was messaging me so much I had to block him there- and , like kids today, nothing irks them worse than having to earn an opinion, or the idea that no one OWES them anything- this caused a wave of crying over there in that "safe space for furries" -but
- I don't have to LIKE him or want to hear his nonsense- I did what I said I would- "Mr Wednesday's Talent Agency and MechWarrior Placement Services " got him in the unit we thougth was the best fit.
The confusion between you and I is- he goes a step further- he has a different discord account ( not handle, awhole new account ) - for each of his toons.
That was the misunderstanding- I thought he was leaving one with you and taking the clanner one to ARF-royal.

Still; it shows you can lead a horse to water- even if it doesn't realize it drank exactly the water it screamed and kicked about being offered. SMH

We can agree on rules and what-not- I'd like - and I'd like this to be part of our planned event- still a great set of ideas - perhaps I am the wrong messenger- if you would like to be the messenger; I thinkthese ideas will be better received.?

Can we agree on some ground rules; however?
1- Nothing about the dead "wife" character. Someone lately laughed about her suicide- and- we are only hoping *that* was -even though they should have known better - that they thought it was some kind of joke. the character's name has been changed - that's hopefully good enough.
GM patience knows the basics- they offered me a free name chnage - long time ago- but ididn't play the toon anymore by then- so it didn't matter.
I used the evnt mc to do it more quickly- so the name is off the forums ( well, mostly )
2- As I told Mal when I saw him in match; I took the Mr Wednesday tooon *out* of the training unit - until the terms of our "arch" are agreed on ( i recommend ReSeRVe regiment vs DHB ? )
- and I still offer you the masterchief, even tho I'd prefer it be given to someone who served- the original owner who gifted it was technically the son of the actual petty officer it's named for, who did not serve, so...
(clearly I am not the only person who names toons in honor of the fallen).
i'm still offering you a training position - and since I'm not the co or XO- no issue -?
besides, it might be funny- and intriguing- to play both sides of that fight for you- you can see how both sides operate, and maybe "red death lesson" some of your subordinates - who so rudely contradicted and back-mouthed; IN PUBLIC, their superior officer.

So, let us consider Mr Wednesday is no longer IN the reserves- he simply employs his talent agency to benefit them as well as others.

...Let's put aside our... disagreements and focus on the fun- after all, I like DM -
I even like you - don't tell anyone- I was pissed, yes- but... what's more important?
I need this to work...You need this to work. The community needs this to work- make mwo fun again-
and stream good examples of play!
fun events- and streamers with keshiks... I mean, silent partner bodyguard lances; i clearly don't know (as Mr wednesday at least ) what that weird words was in there ... ketch-up?
innocent pug dog look.
what- you wouldn't begrudge an old man his stick would you?

Finally- will you - again- please ask DM to not discuss "dirty laundry" on his stream?

he had gun on there publicly telling- a story so jaundiced it borders on completely lying ( in facts not just perspective) - I look forward to his participation - I think even the two newest recruits can give him a good "lesson" in mwo- because THEY don't think they're too smart to listen- so are still learning. That old foo's head is so far up Dunning and Kruerger's backside, he literally can't hear anything but how awesome he is. SEMPER KIRKy in his case.
Well, time for a reminder- by one of my trainees - poetic justice.

I consider that a fair shot- asit's a response to a a public airing of dirty laundry- so - as i warned - I am making certain the unit who's tags are being disrespected by this..degraza dishonorable behavior; are very aware of how badly their subordinates are in need of discipline.
Gotta adjust some attitudes and clean some house, - as I said; I judge a leader by his sub-ordinates behavior- and the dishonor the current members bring to the colors.

I believe that covers it - but a ps/btw- the funniest part is- DM is still sweetly and obliviously saying he hope si Can find a unit ( ohhh, thank you ) and great pilot / oblivious noob McFish?
still rudely on stream says, no one will take that ( whatever he said )...
FishBrain may be in anothe runit; but - are you at least going to tell DM?
- alright, I still request the olive branch- so that, I'll amend my emails to the VA and the watchdog org and the units in star citizen that are part of our multi-game guilds - fair?
Just one small actions proves you're NOT anti-veteran.
and - it's good song. AND- it's for everyone really; isn't it?
Not just vets- combat or otherwise- struggle with survivor guilt, PTSd, hyper-vigilance, etc etc etc
- as i said - perhaps we can all extend a little more... understanding for others if we quit being special-snowflake-emos and thinking we are the only individual who has ever *known what it's like, what it's like" - yes thats a song too.
<o /theOldManWednesday, out <O

Edited by Mr_Wednesday, 02 July 2023 - 03:09 AM.

#1309 Blair


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Posted 09 August 2023 - 08:52 PM

Sir, this is a Wendy's.

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