Onyx Rain, on 30 November 2012 - 04:50 PM, said:
The Devs ought to make a giant Urban mech...like at least 3-5 times larger then any mech in game...drop into a game the person they are going to ban is playing, call them out on their infractions then kill them with the giant urbie...and ban them.
This. Would. Be. Freaking. AWESOME!
Would pay for this feature.
ConnorSinclair, on 02 December 2012 - 08:56 PM, said:
You want to pull people away from it? Make playing more remunerative. Right now the current economy and gameplay makes this kind of activity more enjoyable, not to mention you don't stop and think about the social aspect of it all.
Ok Ishmael,
The current economy could use some tweaking and in places a potential overhaul however lets not get into starting to let people think these people are Robin Hooding. They are not playing the game so any enjoyment they may derive comes from abusing a system and the only "social aspect" of it worth considering is the damaged enjoyment and long term effect they are having on hte people who actually try to play the game but get screwed over by the griefers and cheaters.
ConnorSinclair, on 02 December 2012 - 08:56 PM, said:
It's a strike, they're picketing you and with good reason. Never have I seen a mechwarrior game where half the weapons aren't even Viable. Pulse Lasers, the energy alternative to low damage high fire rate weapons, USELESS SUCH A SIMPLE FIX. And I wonder just how much Clan mechs will be over heating, true given its a year, but at the current numbers nothing is realistic.
They are not "on strike" They are cheating. They are breaking the rules, they are not on a noble crusade, they are gaming the system to get ahead with out actually having to do something. If they are not self-indulgent entitled children they sure as hell act that way, they lose any potential legitimacy to a "statement" when in the act of their "protest" they do irreparable harm to the enjoyment of the game. As to the weapons most of them are balanced and viable a handful need some serious work but most can do with tweaks, there are some issues but it's not as bad as you are trying to make it out.
ConnorSinclair, on 02 December 2012 - 08:56 PM, said:
I understand you feel you are doing your job, but calling it that doesn't make it right. Many have written some of the most indepth alternatives, suggestions, fixes only to be followed up with a barrage of rhetoric the likes I had only seen on the Diablo 3 forums. While on the other hand their choices and ethics are highly questionable, making the conversation even more bitter. It would seem that for us getting a 1 on 1 response upstairs or even a wavering compromise is out of the question.
They are following the terms of service that we all agreed to. I won't mince words here, cheaters and griefers are scum and need to be culled from the communities they try to poison. This is a game, this is about a enjoyment, not enjoying the game doesn't give you license to break it. Voice your concerns in a reasonable way, but the cheating and griefing is inexcusable and a heavy hand is not only welcome it's encouraged by many of us just tired of the ********. Don't break the rules you explicitly agreed to and the enforcers won't come for you.
That said I think you are being unfair, while I to am not 100% satisfied with the way everything is being handled, PGI has upped their communication significantly of late. And while there are many thing I've seen that haven't been fixed yet and are sources of frustration i do not know what is happening inside the studio so for now I put my faith that the devs want the game to work as much or more than we do. It's ok to be critical, it's important actually, but at some point it crosses from constructive to destructive and it's happening all sides of most every issue.
Also say no to 3PV (see i do have complaints.)
Edited by Agent of Change, 03 December 2012 - 06:11 AM.