Kobura, on 02 December 2012 - 04:20 AM, said:
Support will be willing to remove and destroy your account Noodlesoup, with it never being able to be used again, and at the least refund your Founders' pack cost. I've already spoken to them once about this regarding myself during a period of intense indecision. I decided not to go with that option,
Just pull the trigger if you're serious. There's 1000000% no way the real developers would be trolling their own game. How the hell would they pay their rent chasing out paying customers with stupid 5-minute entertainment antics? Really, that anyone could think it was them is ludicrous.
As far as refunding MC purchased I don't know. Haven't bought a dime of it. I don't understand how people torch through so much MC. I still have 17000+ from my original 20k... only any at all spent on mechbays, nothing else.
Posting this in public is uncouth. It feels to me as though you're walking through Walmart on your way to Customer Service complaining loudly about your broken product to anyone who happens to be in the area that day. If you're serious, go, do your business, it was pleasant to have you as a customer while you were, here you go on your way. Sure, post about your experience, but "I'LL NEVER SHOP HERE AGAIN WHAT COMPLETE ********"... is...not...going to make many friends, of those surrounding you, or those you're recovering your money from.
actually, the opposite is true, companies fear and loathe you sharing your poor customer experience with others. i have many *many* real world examples where customer service was finally delivered because a customer got fed up with "the system" and made their complaint public. i'm fed up, i submitted a ticket to support 10 hours ago with nothing but the automated response. their support page is *laughable* in the content it contains. it has ZERO information on refunds or cancellations even though it claims that it does. I challenge you to look yourself. If PGI is willing to accept hundreds of my dollars, they need to be willing to listen to my $220 worth of complaints. I've given them the benefit of the doubt until today, when i had a disgusting in-game experience with what I believed at the time was a staffmember of PGI (and now strongly suspect it was not due to the widespread "spotting" of the group of abusers).
Long story short, I once stood in the middle of a best buy berating the general manager for their blatant lies for over an hour as they claimed that I never had my laptop serviced there according to their computers (i had rock-solid proof) and that i was ineligible to have my laptop replaced under their PSP lemon clause. What did he do? he had my laptop replaced, why? because I was in my right as a customer to voice my complaint to the responsible party. The same applies here, I'm a customer of MWO who has had an appalling in-game experience, regardless if "Paul Inouye" was being impersonated in game, i have no way of verifying as a MWO player today. All I know is someone posing as him and his compatriots teamkilled me and made some unusual and disheartening statements in-game.
Finally, i didn't post anything even close to "i'll never shop here again what complete etc.". i posted my dissatisfaction and disgust with the current state of MWO and the apparent development priorities. this has been discussed to death anyways so i won't hash it out again, let it be said that I feel my posting and complaint are legitimate forms of feedback, although they might be construed as extreme or "uncouth" by some.
For the lacking support articles see: