First off. The devs intend to reduce smoke and shake from all missiles and ballistics.
(somewhere in command chair)
Second. The streak can not be nerfed as you would if it were over powered as a single weapon. Obviously it is important for it to be a viable option to pop in for a little damage boost if you have one or two missile hardpoints but dont want to pack on the LRMs and SRMs are impractical, say, for reasons of speed and maneuvering.
Many of you have realized these two things and if you think that the streak shouldnt exist at all this thread isnt for you so dont bother commenting.
If you recognize the first and second premise then I would like to suggest that we do not fix the SSRMs (save for the shake and smoke already slated to be dealt with) but instead fix the A1 cat.
For those of you who dont know the A1 cat has 6 missile hardpoints making it ideal for a number of builds, be it a streak cat, a srm boat or several variations on the LRM boat (my own having 2XLRM20+2XLRM15 [I have no armor and only go 37 kph])
I suggest that the devs alter the A1 cat variant by substantially* decreasing the cat's maximum armor and maybe moderately decreasing it maximum engine size.
How this would affect gameplay for the 3 builds on this variant.
LRM boats would not be seriously effected as they dont need a whole lot of speed and if they are doing it right dont need much armor either. In my own LRM boat I rarely die even though I have only 1 ton of armor on my whole mech.
SRM and SSRM boats would both become a more manageable threat on the battlefield. The reduced armor would force them to route more easily and make the tactic I have seen several premades use, where they simply rush our well entrenched lines so quickly that even concentrated fire can only take down one or two before the other 3-5 mechs overun our position and there can be no doubt that the streakapult is superior to any other mech at close range combat.
The streakapult should not reign supreme over CQC, however, I do think they should be a formidible foe. But they simply should not be able to run across 300-400m of open space while under heavy directed fire without being nearly if not totally demolished upon arrival.
What do you think of this solution?
*by substantial I mean a degree that allows them to be effective up close but by no means able to run at nigh 70 kph under heavy LRM and ballistic fire and still be so dangerous.
Edited by TheMightyWashburn, 01 December 2012 - 08:37 PM.