just for a test i got a hunchy, put 2 lrm 20, xl engine (best) and 1.5k lrm ammo, and a tag laser (on my forhead
). LoL.
I run 80 kph mark my targets and user cover to avoid dmg. usualy do around 1k dmg per match.
The build is LOL when compared to a specialist build as dual ac20. But i guess when PGI turns off the 75% free rearm, the only guys who are gonna use LRMs are those who pay with real money for them.
And there is a perfectly sound explanation for it. They want to enjoy the game, but don't have the time to practice, but have Z money.
And don't make me laugh, compared to a dual ac20 build, the speed, use of cover, aiming, LRM plays like super easy mode. If i miss as a brawler i lose 20 dmg (per ac20) and i need to survive to reload and shoot again. Where i shoot and if i hit, will define if i will have a chance to shoot again. How i move will define how long i survive. LRM play is a JOKE!
And thats after testing it with a not good lrm mech (hunchy with 2 lrm 20). Now, i would like to say thanks to everyone who tried to be constructive and tried to point out possible hints on how i (and the rest of the brawlers) should be playing.
As for the rest of you that are defending the LRM play builds as they are now, see how arty is managed in a game similar to this (World of Tanks). As someone pointed out 4x lrm 15 = 100+ dmg every 3 sec in mid air, while I am slow as snail and do 40 if i hit. And not to mention ammo, 180 per ton (9 shots for lrm 20, 12 shots for lrm 15) while i get 7!.
And you call my build cheesy? Am outrunned by lights, mediums and other heavies.
The only one that has similar speed to me are atlases.
Am out ranged by almost every weapon in the game. I can't fly, and i have the least ammo per ton.
My projectile speed is low, so i need to compensate for the lag and time need for my projectile to hit the target (enemy speed and distance of the enemiy).
My projectiles are heavy so i need to compensate for the gravity force that is affecting my projectile (distance again).
My weapons are on my side torsos, so my angle of shooting is reduced.
The only thing i have is some armor, focused dmg, my brain and the enemy brain.
And still i have 1.65 k/d ratio in pure pugs play including the farm for the first mech and experimenting with the builds.
And with all that, you call my build cheesy? 1 click do double+ dmg from 2-4 of my range, with impossible angles in mid air? Don't force me to be rude.
And if i get behind ur back, you should be in awe because your team let me do it and you deserve to be destroyed if a 53 kph mech got behind ur back from across the whole map.
And your reason is, its supposed to be good dmg, because some people don't hit often. Guess who's fault is that.
Just wait for people to learn who to properly use LRMs. With all that 80+ kph, 70+ dmg per click, jumpjets and maybe few tags. Maybe then will we look on this things from the same angle. For now, i fear its to early.
Edited by ZliDiabetichar, 03 December 2012 - 04:22 PM.