Lycan, on 11 May 2012 - 05:11 PM, said:
Funny, you see it as self righteous TT preaching and I see it as people trying to keep the game as close to the source material as possible. And obviously, PGI thinks the same was as they've stated that they're going to follow TT rues is at all possible.
You also seem to be ignoring the self righteous preaching of the MW4 hardcore, epeen stroking crowd that seems to go as much out of their way to bash the TT crowd as the TT crowd goes to bashing them.
I think the culture shock being talked about is the fact that, from my understanding, the everything used in MW4 is so far from the source material that when those same Mechwarriors ('cause face it, we're ALL mechwarriors otherwise, we wouldn't be here) jump into an MWO Mech they're not going to get the type of performance they're use to from that same mech in MW4. Has noting to do with the "holy light that is TT".
You also didn't hesitant to jump on the insult bandwagon when said TT gamer insulted your MW4 manhood so i hope it made you feel better.
The source material is from a turn based board game, there is too much kicking and screaming when someone suggests anything contrary to that game. Saying someone will experience "culture shock" is far more extreme than saying they won't get the type of experience they are used to. Culture shock certainly implies a sense of superiority and is meant to be insulting. Also, I am not trying to defend MW4 it has many problems. But sticking to literally to TT rules, a game designed for a different medium demands some augmentation and compromise.