Purlana, on 03 December 2012 - 12:04 PM, said:
The problem is you have very limited opportunities. If you miss or if they get close to you, your toast. You can't exactly trade shots, with your vulnerable side torso and terrible heat.
GR Cat is superior in almost every category.
If lights close on you, your streaks rip them up, and if you can get a clean shot you can still fire the erppcs, if you hit thier ctr they are toast. You can't trade shots, that's true, but you can fire 2 volleys before a gauss rifle reloads and you should get the heck behind cover. If you hit, they are either quite low on their Ctr or you blew up one of their two gauss rifles. I'd count that as a win in exchange for taking 30dmg.
You are will lose against 90% of med/hvys I close combat. A sniper should. But you have huge range, and move reasonably quick for such a chubby mech that you can outrun assaults, and be out of the main engagement.