I've posted on this before, but it doesn't seem like these discussions influence anyone so I'm starting to lose hope.
The main difference I see between the two 'styles' of f2p that could be pursued can be summed up in these sentences:
'This game is awesome and if you buy stuff it can be 500% awesomer'
'This game is awesome, but you'll only have fun if you pay us or sell your soul to it.'
The first statement closely approximates the business model of games like TF2, Tribes: Ascend, etc... You have everything you need to play the game from the get-go and have a good time, just you can opt to pay the developer to acquire items that will give you a certain bonus to better fit your playstyle or whatever.
The second statement is basically where MWO stands right now. At it's core, MWO is ludicrously fun, but most new players never come to experience that because the initial grind is so horrifically unrewarding that they get bored and shift to other activities that have higher rewards per time spent. And think about it, new players don't get to play with the mechlab for 20 hours. The mechlab is, in my opinion, the heart and soul of mechwarrior--it's basically '**** my mech' and PGI made it so you have people wait 20 hours to get to the pimping part. Even then, they can only **** a class of mech that is very difficult to play. Lights do not forgive mistakes easily, and newplayers are prone to making mistakes much more than veterans.
Personally, I believe the first method is by far superior, because it gets your players excited for the game, and lets them imagine how much more fun they could have if they actually did pay. The second one doesn't have much to get players excited, and instead relies heavily on the dedicated BT fans sticking around and buying the cool stuff because they already know what's up, and shepherding their friends into it. If this were a new game and BT had never before been seen, I believe it would have flopped long ago.
EDIT: Oh good god p.i.m.p. is censored? Great now it looks like we're into battlemech sex.
Edited by Esarai, 03 December 2012 - 09:49 PM.