I do not feel like reading 100+ pages, so here is my opinion.
I like the ideas behind ECM, but I have to say that I think it is too powerful as is. The current fact is, that as long as a team has an ECM mech in the middle, they are invulerable to all forms of sensors, including optical. One mech with ECM can block all targeting information. Currently ECM counters everything as if all the sensors were C3 systems. In TT a mech can still spot for indirect fire if it is in an ECM field, in MWO that is impossible. I love my LRM firesupport, but in most games that is not practical anymore. You need to find a game where an opponent slips out of the ECM bubble to be able to lock and shoot them, making LRMs not a Primary fire support weapon, but an opportunity fire support weapon. For the tonnage that must be devoted to carry any signifigant LRM racks, that invalidades half the mech's tonnage in weapons.
I propose the following change, to keep ECM as the combined Null signature/cameleon light polarization shield/ECM suite that the devs seem to like, while still keeping the game playable.
ECM will bock, Artemis IV, NARC, and BAP against any teammate in the radius. However, it will only stop enemy targeting for hotiles within the ECM bubble. Meaning, if I am 500 meters out, I can still target the enemies in the ECM, allowing me or my teammates to fire at them with LRMs. However, if my mech is within an ECM bubble, then I cannot target, becasue my system is jammed. As it stands, any ECM that lies in the Line Of Sight between a mech and a target prevents the mech from tagetign anything. Whereas, if the ECM mech has to get close to make the ECM prevent targeting, that prevents a team from just turtling under an ECM bubble. In my idea, the ECM mech has to get close to the Enemy and get them Under thier own ECM effect. This would require much more skill and finesse than the current dynamic, where the entire team just follows the ECMs around like a bad follow the leader.
and of course the mech mounting ECM would remain immune to everything....
Edited by Ghostbear Gurdel, 16 December 2012 - 10:52 PM.