You will notice "2.00 / 1.40" which is EHS/DHS. Heat sinks slotted into your engine count as DHS not EHS. (Apparently)
TTOH is time to over heat
DTOh is damage till overheat (firing on cooldown)
DMG/15 is damage done in 15 seconds
DMG/30 is damage done in 30 seconds
I think that the discussion has partially gotten away from the issue that the devs dont want DHS to be absolutely required. Becuase of this I think it is important to include a comparison to SHS as well as various values of EHS/DHS.
The three mech variants I chose are energy weapon boats. I did this because they stand to benefit most from an increase and because energy weapons produce the most heat. If you want to see other mech designs compared simply download 3rdworld's mech lab excel thinggy that I used. Thanks 3rd!
The first two mechs are stock, except when I had to change from DHS to SHS or vice versa.
The first up to the plate is the AWS-9M, which is currently (I think) a trial mech and is infamous for being a heat monster with 3 ER PPCs.
It comes with the DHS. When I put SHS (not that you would actually downgrade it) it has the same number of them (8 outside, 2 slotted)
Next is the HBK-4P Swayback. This was my first love in this game. It comes with SHS and when I changed over to DHS is ran out of room and is 5 tons shy of full. But its the most DHS you can fit on it without removing the stock weapons.
Last was the Jenner JR7-F with 6 energy hardpoints. This one I did not keep stock since it had 5 JJs. It was tested with 1 SHS and 1 DHS. The stock engine, and 6 lasers with no JJs installed.

As you can see running the HBK-4P at 2.0 would make it a hell of a monster. Personally I think the 1.8 EHS&DHS option is the best. It decreases the jenners just a little bit (5 dmg over 15 seconds) while making the assault a little better than current.
But anyway, this isnt really my argument. I just thought a few examples would give everyone a good grasp on this whole issue. What do you think given these comparisons? And i encourage you to try out different mechs and how your personal variants would be effected.
Edited by TheMightyWashburn, 05 December 2012 - 01:13 PM.